“No, my proposal is not the lion ape. It doesn’t matter that kind of thing, I haven’t seen it.”

Old K interrupted at this time. Kuro and everyone’s thoughts, he looked towards Demoness and said: “This demon…sorry, what is your name, you can’t always call Demoness Demoness.”

“Me? My name is Fanny. .” Demoness obediently and honestly said.

“Then, Fanny Young Lady…”

Old K took a few steps forward, staring at her affectionately, and said: “You are willing to marry me and become this country Princess? Oh! I can’t wait, I want to personally put on the wedding gown I prepared for you.”


Fanny just thought He spoke, but there was a voice speaking earlier than him.

Donald stood up with a serious face, inserted between old K and Fanny, and said to old K seriously:

“You have a marriage contract with your fiancee, since You have been waiting for her for so long, so it’s okay to wait a little longer. As Marine, we will definitely save your real fiancee! Only by signing a marriage contract with your real fiancee will you fulfill your promise, and I believe you With your real wife, you can also give birth to a strong child!”

“That, no…that is the reason why my Royal Father holds my marriage contract, and although I am not married, I have a child Here, there are still a lot of illegal children.”

Old K waved his hand, “I said, I only need to marry Fanny Young Lady. Others, put aside, you have to ask Why, it’s not that you didn’t rescue them all at the time.”

“Yes, Donald, it didn’t take much effort to have one more person at the time.” This point was also puzzled by Sazier.

If it were him, he would definitely catch two people together, one is fiancee, and the other is the legendary Demoness. At that time, not only can he bring the fiancee of the king, but he can also use Demoness to do his best. , Even if Demoness doesn’t feel threatening, but at least it has done everything.

Of course, he was next to Donald at the time. Although he said that, he himself was stunned.

“No, it’s mainly the woman who looks too ugly. I thought it was Demoness, but she didn’t think about her.” Donald scratched his head and said honestly.

hearing this, the scene is rare and quiet.

Kulo: “…”

Leda: “…”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and pursed his lips, not knowing what to say for a while what.

He has always thought that Mr. Kulo’s men are pretty bad.

Lida is a money pit. Although it is better now, at first, Kulo is thinking about catching bounty because of a bite.

Cass is a pitfall, he even makes Mr. Kulo afraid, from time to time he will do things that make Mr. Kulo’s scalp numb.

The bellflower is ear pit, anyway, the speech is unintelligible.

Take this as an example, Kuro feels that Donald and Sazier also have unimaginable pitfalls.

I didn’t have a chance to find out before, but now Kuro has noticed a little. Donald this guy… seems a bit straightforward.

Can you say this directly?

Sure enough, only he, Kuro, is Mr. Kulo’s trusted man!

Look, as his direct subordinate, Sazl, isn’t it that under his own training, no helpless pits have erupted now?

This is the proof!

The direct subordinates are not pitted, Kuro, as the direct boss, will naturally not pit it!

“Hey, you are so rude, why do you want to comment on a person’s appearance! Catherine is very nice, gentle and kind, and knows how to consider others!”

Listening to Donald’s words, Fanny couldn’t help refuting.

Donald looked at him, turned his head and looked towards Fanny, said resolutely: “I, Donald, have always been the most polite person, how can I be rude! Master taught me before and let me make one Honest and polite person, I just speak my senses honestly according to my own starting point!”

“Don’t worry, old K!

Donald continues to treat old K Said: “Although I am a new Marine, I still have basic honors. I will definitely bring your fiancee back, let you hold a wedding, and then give birth to a child. “

“My name is Alexander Francis, what is old K.” “

Old K said blankly: “Also, I don’t want it. “

“This is not a question you want or not! “

Donald said solemnly: “Even if the woman is ugly, with small eyes, big nose, and a lot of bags, her mouth is also oversized, and she seems to be able to swallow you in one mouthful. Ugly, fat and short, with rough skin, but that’s your fiancee! A man must keep his promise, and the marriage he personally promised, even if she is a dinosaur, no, even if it is a Tyrannosaurus, you must fulfill the promise, this is a man! “


Perhaps the palace window was broken just now, and a gust of wind blew over, making the speechless people feel a little bit cold.

Old K chuckled at the corner of his mouth and looked towards Donald, “Then are you married to her? “

“No, I can’t. “Donald shook his head decisively.

“Is this person upright or sarcastic?” “

Leda stabbed Kulo and asked in a low voice.

“I don’t know. “

Kulo solemnly said: “Also, don’t stab me, it’s hard for me to bear a smile. “

You can’t laugh loudly in front of a future king. It’s really impolite. People invite him to dinner and then invite him to watch the dance. This face will be given.

“I will be the king soon, does the king know! “

Old K gritted his teeth and said angrily: “I waited for a long time, you know!” Finally, I became a king. I am so old and how many years can I live. I want to find a beautiful person to marry. Isn’t it okay? I watched the beautiful person for the rest of my life and died safely, and then passed the throne to the heir. A beautiful child with a beautiful wife gene, such a small wish, can’t I do it as a king! I don’t care, I’m going to marry Fanny Young Lady! “

“Um, sorry, you are too old, I can’t do it…” Fanny raised her hand and said weakly.

Old K:” ……”

“Then let that person be killed by Demoness, and I will find the next one by myself. If the country’s development is slow, then it will be slow. Everyone can bear it. “Old K said as if he had made some determination.

“I will bring people back! “

Donald repeated it again as if he hadn’t heard the words of old K. He clenched the ten-character gun and faced Kulo, “Kulo Captain, since it is Marine, you can’t forget Marine’s responsibilities!” “

“Don’t teach me a newcomer, I know how to do it. “

Kulo took out a cigar, lighted it, spit out the smoke, and said, “How to solve the marriage contract, old K, that is your business, but as a Marine, there are some things I can’t take care of. I haven’t seen that an innocent life is still worth saving. “

“My name is Alexander Francis…”

Old K said: “Do you really want to save it?” Can’t you just look at my face as if I didn’t see it? I will complain to you, Kulo Captain, I will really complain to you when I take the throne. I swear, it’s cruel. “

“Kuro, lead the way, I want to see what Kenbunshoku can’t perceive, what the hell is it. “Kulo said.

“Yes, I understand! “Kuro nodded.

Kenbunshoku couldn’t perceive it, but the lion ape was licked for blood by him. It can be tracked.

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