“Isn’t it said that wild beasts are restless?”

Gunma Plain, when Kulo came, those wild beasts who were originally manic all obediently bowed their heads. Eating grass, he pointed to the scene where the wind blows the grass and sees the cows and sheep, and looked towards Fanny on the side.

In the end, Old K still couldn’t hold back Kulo, so he could only let them go griefly and rescue his fiancee.

Fanny also followed. She was going back to see her bottles and cans. The previous vibration had knocked over a lot of things.

Along the way, Leda asked Fanny clearly.

This woman is really not a “Demoness”. It’s just that the women who make Herb in the local area are regarded as “Demoness”. They are not allowed to treat diseases in China. It is the tradition of the Double Horse Kingdom.

But others are not so strict, because this is not a legal requirement, but a habit developed for a long time. If you really encounter the kind of desperate people, you can still be cured.

Apart from this, Fanny doesn’t have any other Demoness’s “traditional skills”. What a transformation, a curse, and no security.

Just a woman who can be a Herb.

“Huh? Why do you want to be a Demoness here? I don’t want to go out to see it? Um…how to say, I feel that I am not capable enough, even the people of my own country can’t accept myself. However, if I go outside, I will be very guilty if I put people to death, so let’s talk about it when my ability is higher.”

This is Fanny’s answer.

Also let everyone know that Demoness does not exist as expected.

For this, Kuro is still a little disappointed…

At this time, facing Kulo’s question, Fanny moved towards a bighorn sheep walked over, and the bighorn sheep saw people Without being panicked, he raised his head with a bleat, and continued to lower his head to eat the grass.

“so that’s how it is so that’s how it is, you don’t know.”

Fanny patted the bighorn sheep’s head, nodded and said: “Don’t worry, I It will heal you.”

“You can understand animals?” Kulo was curious.

“No, I don’t understand.”

Fanny shook her head: “But I have been here for a long time. These animals are familiar with me, and some animals will automatically run away if they are injured. Go there, over time, I probably understand what they mean.”

“These animals actually know that they are agitated sometimes, they are also very poor, but they can’t control themselves.”


“Is this…”

Kulo glanced at the animals, slightly nodded, “Then you go on.”

“Mr. Kulo, the lion ape Not here, if you are trailing, in that direction…”

Kuro pointed in a direction and said.

“Oh…Don’t worry, save people first.” Kulo nodded, said.

Several people went to the cave and soon came to the secret room in the tunnel.

In the secret room, at this time a black robe woman was sitting there alone, her face a little dazed.

“Catherine!” Fanny called.


The bewildered woman turned her head, saw Fanny, her expression was happy, she stood up, let people see her whole picture clearly.

It is true that Donald said that the posture…well, more plump.

The face is like a bun, the eyes are the folds on the bun, narrowed into a seam, the nose is like garlic, or the kind that hasn’t grown well, and the mouth is like a blood basin. If she thinks she wants to open her mouth, is it an illusion that Bilida can still eat.

The man ran, and as the flesh on his body rolled around, there was obviously a vibration in the secret room.

“Fanny, very good, you are okay!” Catherine grabbed Fanny’s shoulder and shook her for a while, “I’m so worried about me, I thought you were caught by thieves too!”

The word’also’ is used very cleverly, at least let Kulo determine one thing, that is, she has seen her maid caught by thieves, as to why she let her go…

Yeah, I understand.

“Don’t, don’t shake it, dizzy…”

Fanny was stunned by Catherine’s eyes, and quickly grabbed her hand and stopped her movement. Then he said: “I’m fine, they are not thieves, they are Marine. They are actually entrusted by the king to rescue you. They just caught the wrong person. They are all misunderstandings.”



Catherine hearing this looked over, and suddenly said: “It turned out to be Marine. I was too panic and didn’t see it clearly. So that’s how it is, the King Your Majesty asked you to come to rescue me? Then you guys. Have you seen the king too?”

She asked with expectation: “Is that king handsome? Is it very muscular and masculine?”

When struggling with this problem?

Don’t you worry about your own maid?

We are Marine, the righteous army.

Kulo slapped his lips, “What a family…”

“What do you mean?”

Catherine looked towards Kulo.

“No, it’s nothing, I just think you are a bit worthy.” Kulo lifted his head, not looking at the woman.

“Very manly!”

At this time, Donald stood up and said: “Very manly, don’t worry, Catherine Young Lady!”


The words made Lida turn her head and almost couldn’t help laughing.

Are you manly?

Women like this are generally very masculine if they don’t experience too many things together, but get married at the first meeting.

“What are you laughing at?” Catherine asked suspiciously.

“Huh? Me? I think of happy things.” Leda lifted her head and said perfunctorily.

“Oh? Are you happy to rescue me? Yes, I am the daughter of a big businessman, and she is so beautiful. The king asked you to save me. You have completed the task. It should be worth it Happy.” Catherine nodded, speaking in an unbelievable manner.

This woman…didn’t know her?

Lida pursed her mouth, and didn’t want to laugh anymore. She looked towards Fanny, and the meaning in her eyes seemed to say,’This is the kindness and kindness you said’?

“By the way, you haven’t answered my question yet. Although he has manhood, is he handsome? Does he have muscles?”

Catherine continued to ask.

This time, no one returned her.

“Fanny, you say.” Catherine asked Fanny.


Fanny was stunned, her expression strange: “It should be… very handsome.”

If she was young .

She added silently in her heart.

“What is supposed to be, Fanny, you are not good at aesthetics, although you don’t look as good as me, but the aesthetics must be mentioned. You are my friend of Master Catherine. But don’t worry, there is me. If you are here, you will definitely mention your aesthetics at the same level as mine.”

Catherine said: “At first, I said I want to marry the Royal Family. I am still a bit unhappy. The general Royal Family is not worthy of it. Fuck me, after all, I’m so good-looking. I used to have a lot of handsome guys chasing after me, but if the king is good, he can match me. But if the king is not good-looking, then he won’t be good enough for me.”

that many handsome guy chasing you really for your looks?

Is this person really uncountable?

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