The lion ape in this brief moment, once again transformed into the 15-meter-high giant beast shape, the blood-stained golden hair became extremely long, dancing with the wind, like a golden red flame .


It stepped on the ground with its feet and cracked the ground in a circle. At this time, it didn’t charge anymore, inhaled frantically, and exhaled fiercely.

The air beam formed by the’breath’ went straight to the civilians.

“Chop the waves.”

At this time, a golden slash was faster than the air beam, caught up with the air beam, and after breaking it up, went straight to the sky.


Behind the lion ape, a burst of blood burst out.

After Kulo hit with a knife, he floated up to it and threw out his cigar head, his eyes solemn.

He didn’t understand, he didn’t understand very much.

A lion ape, no matter whether it is revenge from a dead soul or not, this kind of willpower should not appear on it.


The mayor of Funny Town just said that this guy loves musicals and was executed by K. In this world, such hatred alone cannot produce a powerful willpower.

Today’s powerhouse in the world, there are many strong willpower, but if you want to divide the rank, hatred can only be regarded as medium.

What is really powerful is the will of dreams and ambition.

In Kulo’s eyes, this lion ape should have died a long time ago. Its Life Aura is weak to the point of burning candles in the wind, but willpower is supporting it to continue its actions.

The kind of willpower even shocked him.

The last thing that shocked him was Shiki who took off the rudder.

He didn’t think there was anything when Whitebeard died, because it was mortal and expected.

But now this lion ape has let Kulo realize the shock of facing Shiki again.


Kulo looked at this reluctant lion ape, sucking the air again, and the veins were exposed, “Why are you still standing!”


What responded to him was a huge claw, and the leo attacked Kulo.

“It’s endless.”

Kulo cursed, slashed out, slashed the arm of the lion ape, and burst out a cloud of blood mist, and at this time it He stretched out another paw and continued to wave it reluctantly.

Kulo was about to continue his slashing, when the lion ape opened his mouth and expelled a breath quickly, passed him and went straight to the back.

“you guy!”

His eyes shrank, subconsciously about to slash backward, was shocked by the willpower of this lion ape just now, which caused his mind to be a little erratic. Seized the opportunity.

But soon, he was stunned, because the blow did not face the civilians behind, but directly hit the end of the street, on the high palace city wall.

It’s not that I didn’t aim, this guy… seems to have changed his purpose.

bang!! !

The city wall collapsed under this blow, revealing a huge gap.

“Okay, good terrifying!”

Old K was sitting on the ground at this time, staring at the gap in front of him in a daze. The splashing gravel cut his cheek. The pain made him react, crawling back with his hands and feet together.

“Protect me, hurry up and protect me! I have not held the ceremony of becoming a king, so I don’t want to die!”

Old K cried out, and the guards also After reacting, he appeared in front of him with a shield, surrounded him, little by little moved back, retreated from the end of the city wall, and was soon taken out of the palace and fled to the street in a panic.

In addition to the king, those who ran out with him, there were also those musicals in multi-colored costumes, one by one scattered from the gate of the palace.

“Kas! Get them together!” Kulo exclaimed.

As for this leo’s unrelenting attitude, it really wants to be distracted. If it can’t be solved immediately, then there will definitely be casualties.

“I don’t care what your purpose is.”

Kulo gritted his teeth: “Now I am here, and you can hurt someone. I will not be called Lucifer in the future. ·Kulo!”

In addition to his philosophy of acting, he is also stubborn now. What’s the matter with strong will? There are many strong willed people. If just detour for this reason, then the world It’s messed up a long time ago.

“Protect the people!”

Cass quickly came to the Leo with Marine, showing a tendency of blocking, “Everyone is behind me, don’t run around!”

As if they had the backbone, those who came out of the palace all gathered behind the beginning and gathered with the people.

“Let me go to the bottom, I am the king!” Old K shouted there.

The people around let the old K reach the center, while the guards held up the shield and surrounded the old K. The outsiders were the civilians.

In this scene, Kulo is frowned, but before he can continue to speak, the leo attacked again.

“Forget it, solve you completely.”

Kulo held the limpid autumn water horizontally, wiped the blade with two fingers, a ball of golden glow covered the blade, he saw Regardless of the movement of the lion ape, he just cut forward, and the golden glow was like a moon, brushing the lion ape’s body.

This group of rays of light makes the lion ape close his eyes subconsciously.

It’s just that it didn’t feel the pain in the body, the rays of light, as if it were really rays of light, it didn’t hurt or itchy.

The lion ape opened his eyes and saw Kulo slam his knife, indifferently said: “It’s over.”

chi chi chi!

The lion and ape are all around Once stiff, the peng peng rattles like a popping bean, and naked eye can see that there are a lot of wounds on its body, blood seeps from the body, soaks in the hair, and completely dyes it blood.


This time, the lion ape never took it anymore. He fell head-on and hit the ground. The fifteen-meter giant first transformed into a ten-meter normal form, and finally began to shrink again, becoming one. A lion with only beautiful golden hair.

“It’s not a human…”

Kulo surprisedly said: “Animal?”


The lion was lying on the ground, exhaling a faint breath, but it was not dead yet, and the pupils of those eyes looked straight at those people, the scarlet pupils had faded and became muddy.

Kulo screamed, and his body slid down, preparing to kill this difficult lion with a stab.

“Huh? Are you not a lion?”

Suddenly, Old K pointed at it and shouted: “I remember you!”

These words, Let Kulo figure stopped and looked towards Old K, with doubts on his face.

“Ah…Kulo Captain, I know this lion.”

Old K said: “I met this lion a year ago. It blocked my On the way, I thought it had good hair, and I wanted to raise it, but it ran away. Can you kill it? I finally came across it. I want to catch it and keep it in my palace.”

“His Royal Highness, this lion can become a monster!” An official discouraged.

“Yes, it can become a monster…”

Old K thought for a while, and said: “Then kill it, peel it off, in the ceremony Before, sew a beautiful dress to add some brilliance to my enthroned ceremony!”

“Then you are really fate…”

Kulo asked “Why did you encounter it at the time?”

hearing this, old K showed a trace of complacency, “I executed a traitor who did not obey my orders a year ago. I said it, no Kabuki is allowed in the country. Those kabuki only need to perform for me in the palace. As a result, I heard that someone performed privately, but I couldn’t catch it. So I just asked someone from the town to invite him over, and then I was there. That town, executed him.”

Hearing this, Kulo was silent for a while, glanced at the motionless lion, and said to Old K: “Then you are really dead… .”

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