If you contact the mayor of Funny Town, then think of what Old K has done. This lion is obviously related to the sculpture man in the town, even very close.

A year ago, with the strength of this guy, it should be possible to quickly solve the old K.

Is it because of something that didn’t make a move at that time?

“By the way, what is that person’s name…”

Old Ktouched the chin, after thinking about it, shook his head and said: “Forget it, I can’t remember it, but The musical performances are pretty bad.”

“Goro, it’s not bad!”

Suddenly, the lion spoke.

The turbid eyes stared at Old K, and human words came out of his mouth, “He is the best Kabuki!”

“Say…Speak up! “!”

Old K was taken aback, and then became angry. He pulled away the guards and civilians, and shouted as he walked forward:

“What’s the most powerful , The most powerful is in my palace! Only the Kabuki that I recognize can be called the strongest. Your Goro must have failed my professional judging team, and the guy who was screened out by me, said what is the strongest! “


While the old K was marching, the lion suddenly violently rushed towards the old K.


Under the old Kturn pale with fright, he was knocked down by the lion, but at this moment, the guards reacted and faced the still huge body The golden lion pulled the trigger.

The bullet rained on the lion’s body, embossed with blood.

“No, don’t eat me, I haven’t ascended the throne yet!” Old K looked at the huge mouth that was getting closer and closer, crying in mourning.

The lion stared condescendingly at Old K, with disdain in his eyes. It slowly said: “What will not you, why can determine the life and death of the most powerful Kabuki?”

It let go and held K’s paw, turned around, and walked backwards staggeringly.

This time, Kulo did not stop.

In fact, Kulo could stop it when it knocked down Old K, but he was too lazy to do it.

If it’s this rotten item, he can pretend to be invisible, and the moment the lion fell, it seemed that there was no murderous aura.


I just said that if I hurt someone, I won’t be called Lucifer · Kulo?

Rotten goods are not considered human.

For the sake of a Kabuki actor, he also lied to others, in order to put him to death?

Kulo also doesn’t know if this is boring or bad.

In short, it’s right to be inappropriate.

The golden lion crossed Kulo and stepped forward step by step. Kulo moved and was sighed in the end, putting the limpid autumn water into the sheath, just watching it quietly.

The lion’s pace is very slow, every step it takes, the color of the hair loses a bit of color.

It walked to the place where the stone ball was broken before, and there was its long naginata.

It looked at the naginata, was silent for a while, and suddenly turned into the form of a lion ape.

The body seemed to be unable to withstand this huge size. After turning into a lion ape, it knelt down with force, as if withered, and its hair completely lost its color.


The lion ape roared, as if to boost his spirit, picked up the naginata, supported it with it, and let himself stand up slowly .

Then, it turned around a little bit and looked at the old K, who was lifted up, and said: “Is it military force? Or identity? Just because of this, you can watch it now. Here I am. I have military force and identity. Those wild beasts respect me as king…”

“But that kind of thing is not Kabuki.”

He lifted the Naginata, stretched out one hand to the front, bent one foot, and jumped with the other foot. The blood-stained beast’s face was like red makeup, with a funny expression.

Next, it danced strangely.

“Can…Noh play?”

Fanny on the city wall was taken aback when she saw the action of the lion ape, “Huh? Why do you perform this?”

As a native-born Fanny of Double Equestria, she knows the types of musicals and dances in her country.

This is Noh.

It’s just that she didn’t understand. She was fighting so fiercely just now. Faced with that Marine’s attack of the same level, she should die tomorrow morning. The result is only to perform a Noh drama?

In the end, what is it?

The performance of the lion ape is very clumsy, full of mighty body and blood-stained body, simply does not match this funny musical, but that hideous face, for a while, a weird funny expression, body from time to time When he did a clumsy but weird action, it was a little bit uncontrollable.


A man finally couldn’t help but laugh, he covered his mouth, and stopped himself from laughing.

“No, I can’t help it!”

“This guy… is so huge and scary, he can perform such a dance!”


As if lighting firecrackers, everyone watching couldn’t help laughing.

It’s not how funny the show is, but the monster is so terrifying just now, and the performance of Noh at this moment has a special sense of comicality.

All of a sudden, the terrifying atmosphere was diluted by the performance of the Leo and Ape.

“hahahaha! What are you doing, monster!”

Old K has just been relieved, watching the lion and ape dancing awkwardly, clutching his belly and mocking said with a smile: “You are not singing and dancing! Musical drama should be elegant, you funny clown!”

The lion ape ignored him, just jumped awkwardly, and continued to dance.

This look makes the laughter louder and louder.

“This monster is really…hahaha, it’s so funny. So far, is it just for dancing? The wild beast’s thinking is really…”

Sa Zier was also laughing. He didn’t finish his words, and suddenly felt cold all over, shivering.

Kulo is staring at him.

“Is it funny?” he asked blankly.

Sazl reacted subconsciously nodded, and suddenly shook his head, “Not good laughs.”

The anger in his eyes made him dare not make a mistake.

Kulo turned his head, looked towards the Leo Ape, and said: “Not good laugh, you also laugh to Lao Tzu, louder.”

Sazil pursed his mouth, he just You are smiling, so don’t stare at it…

“hahaha…” Sazier laughed like crying.

Kulo also smiled at this moment, looking at the lion ape.

The lion ape turns around and looks at the people who laugh because of its dance,

It looks at the people who laugh because of its dance, and screams as it dances. “Kabuki is something that makes people smile. No matter what kind of smile it is, there is no distinction between elegance and low speed!”

With these words, let those who gather in a pile of civilians and laugh The kabuki actors who are more happier than anyone else looked weird, they looked at each other and felt a little guilty.

With a click, the lion and ape’s feet are certain, as if the drums and chords are echoing. You can see that its five fingers slammed, its head turned around, a sudden pause, and its mouth opened shouted: “Huh ~Yo!”

Human Goro…

I make people laugh, then I can face you again, I can say proudly…


“Lion Goro, finished apprenticeship…”

It said softly with an insignificant voice, and then kept this shape and didn’t move.

Life Aura, disappeared.

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