Eight months later.

Pegasus Town.

A large number of merchant ships and tourist ships dock at the port, and the town is full of people and lively.

From time to time, you can see a number of Kabuki actors performing in a brightly decorated square somewhere, attracting a lot of tourists.

At this time, a Battleship docked in the port, and a group of Marines got off the battleship.

Marine is juxtaposed in groups, gradually walking towards the town in an orderly manner.

“Wow, is this Pegasus Town! That’s amazing!”

The one headed, wearing a standard Marine white blue jacket suit, tied with thick and long pink hair A brightly patterned handkerchief with a pair of glasses on it, and a scarf on his chest, he is wearing a Marine cloak.

He looked around, his eyes stopped for a while at the large number of heavy artillery in the coastal defense, and then placed on the bustling town in front of him.

“I heard that Pegasus Town was still occupied by Pirate last year. It has become so prosperous in such a short time. It is amazing and incredible!”


Fenmao Marine clenched his fists and looked at the bustling town excitedly.

“Che, what’s so great.”

Beside him, a blonde man disdainful curl one’s lip shouted at the pink-haired youth: “Hey, it’s not here now When you’re excited, go find the idiot Kulo first!”

This blond man wears a large trilby hat and a Marine coat similar to a windbreaker, with two pieces hanging on both sides of his waist. A huge profile knife.

“Understood, I just took a look.” Fenmao Marine scratched his head, and said sorry: “I heard that Pegasus Island is the’Island of Hot Springs and Songs and Dances’ at the headquarter. I always wanted to see it with my own eyes. I have to say that Kulo Captain is really amazing!”

“pu hahaha, let’s take a look if it’s amazing, what does it matter!”

Suddenly, it came from behind them A heroic laughter, hearing the sound, Coby and Helmeppo quickly turned around and looked over.

The man is very old, with short white hair, wearing a white suit and Marine cloak, walking like a gorilla, holding a senbei bag in his hand, and taking out one from time to time in the other hand. , Come gradually.

Old Marine took a bite of the senbei and laughed heartily: “It’s such a good island!”

“We are not here for shopping!” Blonde Marine anxiously said. .

“hahaha, youngster, don’t be so anxious about doing things.”

Old Marine patted the blonde Marine’s shoulder, making him grin, his shoulders numb.


After the shooting, Old Marine turned his head and looked towards the center of the bustling town, the Marine Fortress towering high above.

“pu hahaha, then go to Kulo first!”

The appearance of Marine did not surprise the people in the town, as if they were used to it.

This made the pink-haired Marine a little curious. When he was on mission before, every time he arrived on an island, the people were very enthusiastic, but also panic. After all, Marine’s presence meant that there might be Pirate. haunt.

He sailed all the way and met Pirate in other Sea Territory, but when he entered this Sea Territory, he never saw a Pirate Ship.

“Hey, uncle, let me ask you.”

He pulled a person holding an apple bag and said, “Is there no Pirate near here?”

“Huh? Pirate?”

Uncle was stunned, and immediately sneered, and looked up and down Marine, “Is it the Marine of newcomer?”

“Ah. .. Yes, come here to perform the task.” Fenmao Marine said.

“You must also watch the prosperous Pegasus Island, and think Pirate will be worried about it, so you want to come to the meritorious Marine. I tell you, there is no Pirate here.”

uncle one Standing tall, he proudly said: “The Pegasus Island where Kulo Captain is located, and Pirate is impossible around it. This is the most peaceful island in West Blue!”

“Yes, it is indeed the most peaceful.”


A businessman passing by interjected: “Master Marine, we all like to do business here, because it’s too safe, don’t worry about Pirate, there are no gangsters here, and no one collects protection fees. In this way, no one raises prices, and the goods here are also very cheap. Although it is said that it is close to Reverse Mountain, it is the only way for many people to go to the Grand Line, but there is really no Pirate who dares to approach.”

“Of course, this is all because of the existence of Kulo Captain and Major Cass. That is our protector. One is stationed on the island and the other is paid to Pirate. It is impossible that any Pirate will enter here. We normally You don’t need to bring weapons when you go fishing.”

Uncle proudly said: “Before, there was a man who lived to this island and floated to this island. We only knew his former Pirates, because he didn’t dare to fly close. Falkland Islands, did not make good supplies, so they failed to enter the Reverse Mountain, was crashed in the ocean current!”

“I also heard about it.”

The merchant echoed. : “Besides the famous name of’hot spring and song and dance island’, Pegasus Island has another name,’Pirate Burial Island’. No one Pirate dared to approach here.”

Good quality and low price, coupled with prosperity and safety, will certainly attract a large number of people.

No one will remember now. Just last year, it was still a mess, a chaotic gathering place.

“hahaha, good job, that little demon!”

Old Marine laughed heartily and walked forward.

“Thank you very much.”

Fenmao Marine thanked the duo, followed behind, and walked forward.

“That man…”

The businessman looked at the tall old man with some doubts, his eyes were a little puzzled, and he always felt that he was a little familiar…

The center of the town is an extremely wide Marine base, surrounded by tall walls. Except for the huge fortress in the center, there are also Marine buildings in other places.

The door was closed and no one was standing there. As Marine approached, the training sound could be faintly heard.

“I’ll knock on the door.”

Fenmao Marine was about to knock on the door, but when he saw that the old Marine was faster than him, he squeezed his fist and walked over.

“Don’t be so troublesome.”


With just one punch, the door was broken open, and the debris flew in and rolled up. Among the smoke and dust, smoke and dust, the old Marine walked out slowly, laughing heartily: “Kulo, where are you, the old man is here!”

The training sound stopped abruptly.

At this moment, a group of Marines were exercising with their bare arms and sweating profusely. On another open space, a robust man was holding a ten-character gun, piercing his horse, and poking forward one by one. , The ground was stepped out of a pothole by him, presumably it must have been training for a long time.

In a single-family building nearby, there is an unpleasant smell, like the smell of medicine.

On the other side of the open space, two people are practicing duel. A man in a black suit is pushing his glasses and stepping on Marine underneath, just about to say something.

All the pictures stayed still after the old Marine broke through the door.

Marine was stepped on by a man in a black suit. At this time, the bloody nose and swollen face looked up and saw the person coming, and was surprised, “Ka, Vice Admiral Garp?!”

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