“Huh? Kulo?”

The old Marine is Garp. At this time, he glanced at the bloody nose and swollen face of Sazier and laughed. I got up:

“hahaha, I haven’t seen you for a long time, you are being beaten again.”

Sazil pursed his mouth, and he held back the words he wanted to say hello. Blushing, with blue veins on his forehead blooming, he argued: “It’s not being beaten, how can Marine’s matter be called being beaten, I’m training…”

There are some difficult words one after another. What “training will become stronger”, what “this is basic training” and so on, caused Garp to laugh louder.

“Vice Admiral Garp, long time no see.”

Stepping on his Kuro, he retracted his foot, straightened his collar, walked over, and said in doubt: “Come to Kulo Sir? Do you carry out the task?”

“Hahaha, the old man has retired, but there is no task to perform. This time, it is purely for relaxation!”

Garp said with a smile: “It’s Coby who is going to perform the task. Hey, Coby, come here.”

Coby walked over and said politely to Coby: “Long time no see, Mr. Kuro!”


“Well, long time no see, you are now wearing cloak.” Kuro was a little surprised when he saw the cloak behind Coby.


Coby said with a smile: “I am already a major now!”


Kuro raised his eyebrows and re-examined Coby. Isn’t this equal to himself?

“And this Uncle, I am already a captain!” Helmeppo walked over and said.

“Major, yes, keep working hard.”

Kuro, who is also a major, patted Coby’s shoulder in a senior tone.

“Yes! I will continue to work hard!” Coby stood up straight and shouted.

“Hey, take care of me, take care of this Uncle!” Helmeppo yelled with exposed veins.

“Helmeppo, Coby, long time no see.”

Sazir with blood nose and swollen face stood up, patted the dust on his body, very said in a tranquil voice.

“Oh! Kulo, I saw Kuro beating you as soon as I came in, hahaha, what a bad luck!”

Helmeppo laughed mercilessly.

“Yes, Mr. Sazier did the same in the headquarter, he was often pulled for training.” Coby Shinobi said with a smile.

Sazir’s face collapsed immediately, fiercely said: “Are you going to practice against me, Helmeppo!”

Why did you look for him? Of course this is because he can only He can’t beat Coby!


“Che, I have no time to practice against you, but I am here to do business.” Helmeppo twitched his lips, said.

“By the way, we are here to find Mr. Kulo, is he there?” Coby thought, stopped retelling, and asked.

“Mr. Kulo?”

Of course, this is not talking about Sazier, he himself knows that he is not talking about himself, there is no sound, and it is Kuro who replied.

As soon as the name was mentioned, Kuro’s face turned dark, pointed to it, and said: “Mr. Kulo is in the office, wait, I’ll be with you.”

Then, he walked into the nearby building, but after a long time, he held a tray and walked out.

There are two drinks on it.

“What are you?” Coby was puzzled.

Kuro pursed his lips, “I’ll help Mr. Kulo get two drinks…Really, there are other Marines, why choose me!”

When I thought of this, He was a little angry.

Fortunately, I just hit’Kulo’ just now, and I was a little relieved.

Kuro took a few people into the fortress. The interior of Marine’s fortress also appeared splendorous and majestic, very spacious.

“Previously, this place was only used to renovate residential houses. Later, when it developed, Mr. Kulo rebuilt it a bit and became what it is now.”

Kuro walked while holding the tray. Talking.

Marine base-style buildings do not have a unified appearance. Some are as simple as Loguetown, and there are also magnificent like the 153 branch. After all, the prefix does not have a’G’.

On the top of the base, there is only one office. When Kuro first arrived, he heard a crisp sound from inside.

“Kulo, hurry up!”

“Don’t worry, slow down will have the effect.”

“But I can’t stand it, you Quickly pull it out!”

“I said don’t worry, I’m not pumping, you see, I pulled it out!”

Kuro pushed the door in, and happened to see Kulo. Sitting face to face with Lida, there were piles of old tall bricks on the table. Kulo was quickly pulling out a piece from the bottom. He smiled happily as he watched the bricks not fall.

“Okay! It’s time for you, Lida.”

“Hey, didn’t you fall? Look at me!”

Lida rolls up her sleeves , Was about to withdraw a piece, but as soon as she touched the building block, she saw the building block shake and collapse with a snap.

“hahaha, you lost!” Kulo pointed at her and smiled triumphantly.

“What’s so great, come again, I won’t lose this time!” Lida pursed her mouth and said uncomfortably.

Speaking, she saw Kuro entering the door, eyes shined, “Kuro, you are finally here, give me the drink, eh?”

“What’s wrong, Lida “

Kulo is now facing the door with his back, and is re-stacking the blocks. Seeing her stunned, he turns his head subconsciously.

“hahaha, Kulo, you little demon, long time no see!” Garp walked in first and said with a smile loudly.

“Ka, Garp?”

The blocks in Kulo’s hand fell subconsciously, he was taken aback for a moment and exclaimed, “What are you doing here?!”

“The old man is here to relax. Take out your senbei. The old man brought tea.”

Garp took out the tea pot from his arms.

Kulo rolled his eyes and said: “You think I am Sengoku here? I don’t like senbei, I don’t like that stuff.”

“It’s okay, the old man has.”

Garp took out the senbei bag and walked to another sofa to sit down.

Kulo: “…”

“Mr. Kulo, long time no see!”

Coby said excitedly: “I saw Pegasus Town, you It’s really amazing!”

“Ah…you two are stupid, no, you two are here too.”

Kulo only saw Coby and Helmeppo at this time, Standing up from the sofa, “Lida, don’t play anymore.”

Speaking, he walked to the desk and sat down, took out the cigar box from the drawer, moved towards Coby and Helmeppo and handed it over. Pass.

The two shook their heads, indicating that they did not smoke.

Kulo lit one by himself, laughed, “That is, it’s not bad, my town, I voted a lot here.”

On the opposite side of this desk , It happens to be a hollowed-out balcony, and it surrounds the office, through which you can see the whole picture of Pegasus Town.

“Compared with last year, the area of ​​Pegasus Town has tripled, and the expansion is my property.”

Kulo beckons with the hand, Kuro walked over , Put down a drink, then walked over and gave Leda a drink.

He spit out smoke, took a drink, and said: “If you come, as the host, I am impossible to entertain, just play, and not charge you. Kuro, take them down and let They have a lot of fun.”

“many thanks Mr. Kulo, but I have something to do this time…”

“Kuro, hurry up, take them down, don’t let My host has no face!” Kulo said hurriedly.

“Mr. Kulo…”

Coby didn’t give Kuro a chance, and said directly: “The headquarter can’t get through your phone. Let me come back and take you to report on your work. You haven’t had it for a long time. I went back.”

“Mosimosi, this is the Marine base on Pegasus Island. I’m the base manager Lucifer · Kulo. What do you say? Pirate is out?! Okay, wait for me, come right away !”

While he was speaking, Kulo quickly turned on Den Den Mushi on the table, took the microphone and said something, stood up and walked out.

He said resolutely with a look on his face: “What? Pirate has appeared in the vicinity. As a Marine stationed in the local area, I have the responsibility to destroy it young, and wait until I come back to talk about something.”

“Kulo little demon…”

At this time, while eating senbei leisurely, Garp, who made a pot of tea for himself, said: “Zephyr, something has happened.”

With this, Kulo stopped and stood still.

He sighed and appointed him back to his desk, “I said, I was stationed on Pegasus Island well, why do I have to come to me.”

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