Garp is on vacation here, Kulo has no choice but to follow Coby back.

In addition to the days when he was stationed on Pegasus Island, he had not returned to the headquarters for almost a year. Only when Major Kassheng went back, but it has been a while.

If you want to go back this time, the whole nest will be dispatched.

Leda, Kuro, Cass, the three majors are going back, and once they leave, their own direct reports will also move.

Leda’s direct subordinate is Bellflower, and Cass’ direct subordinate is Donald. Kulo assigned Donald to him in order to let Donald stare him. You see, this time is not very Peace, nothing happened.

Kuro’s direct subordinate is Sazier, the highest rank among the subordinates. Now he is a second lieutenant, but he has to go back.

Apart from this, there is a Fanny, she will also go back to the headquarters for training.

Two Battleships evacuated from Pegasus Island and headed for the Grand Line.

Cross the Calm Belt, enter the Red Line mainland, arrive from Mariejois and enter the first half of the Grand Line, and arrive at Marineford.


Getting off the boat, Kulo saw that it had been built and restored to the original building, “It’s been a long time since I came back.”

“Kuro, you go to report on your job. By the way, let new recruits fill out the headquarters training procedures. I’ll go to Sengoku.”

Speaking, he went straight to the office of Headquarter Fleet Admiral.

When he arrived at the office, he saw Sengoku on the desk holding the documents. It seemed that he had sensed the incoming person. Sengoku was lifting his head, and he saw Kulo at the door.

“Yo, Mr. Sengoku, long time no see.” Kulo raised his hand and said hello.

“Kulo ah…”

Sengoku put down the pen and glanced sideways at him, “I thought you died in West Blue.”

“hahaha, Mr. Sengoku laughed, I am a man who wants to live my life safely.”

Kulo walked over and sat opposite Sengoku, looking at the pale hair, his complexion a little eccentric.

This veteran is 78 years old this year. He had black hair last year, but he turned white this year, making Kulo wonder if he used to bake oil often.

“You still have the face to come back?!”

Sengoku glared at Kulo, “How many calls did I make to you, I didn’t answer if I had something to do, why, I don’t want to be a Marine anymore?! “

“Where else, I’m old Marine, Mr. Sengoku.” Kulo perfunctorily said: “I have joined Marine for eleven years, Marine is my home.”

“Old Marine?!” These words made Sengoku annoyed, he shouted at Kulo:

“You still have the face to say that you are the old Marine?! Look at you What it looks like now, Smoker is already Rear Admiral, you are Commodore now, and you are still holding your job report, what do you want to do!”

I don’t want to go to New World, I don’t even want to come to Grand Line , I just want to comfortably nest in my own base.

Kulo twitched his lips secretly, smiling perfunctorily: “I’m not working hard, but promotion depends on the progress of history. I can’t ask for it.”


“Stop kidding, you cunning little demon.”

Sengoku coldly snorted and said: “However, your business is no longer in the care of the old man. Whatever you want to do in the future, go Let the new Fleet Admiral worry.”

“Retired?” Kulo asked.


Sengoku laughed infrequently, “The old man has retired, but there are still some handovers. After a while, when the new Fleet Admiral takes office, the old man will I have completely retired. After so many years, it’s time to rest. Is that guy Garp taking a vacation on your island? After a while, the old man will also go to play.”

His face is a little relaxed at this moment. , But in Kulo’s view, this is obviously a manifestation of lack of energy.

“Okay, if you come back, go to report on your work, don’t bother me, I will deal with the files.” Sengoku waved his hand and sent Kulo away.

“Can I not get promoted?” Kulo asked tentatively.

“Go away!”


Kulo walked out obediently.

“Wait, Kulo.”


“Zephyr… if you encounter it, treat it as invisible.” Sengoku slowly Tao.

Kulo shrugged and went out.

I don’t need to say this. I really have to meet him. Of course he pretended not to see it.

The old fogey is so old and has asthma. How long can he live?

Finally, if you want to do something, let him do it.

Out of the office, he looked up at the sky, sighed.

This world, there are only a few points that affect people’s weakness.

Injury, will, and years.

When Garp came, he lost a lot of heart, and Sengoku is the same now, plus Zephyr, who already doesn’t trust Marine…

“Older generations, It has already exited all the way.”

Kulo murmured, turning his head and walking towards another building.

There, Kizaru’s office.

When Kulo arrived at Kizaru’s office, he was curling his legs and cutting his nails leisurely there.

“Oh~Kulo, you finally came back. I miss you a little bit.”

Seeing Kulo, Kizaru pouted, “Is it a bit taller?”

“Long time no see Old Master.”

Kulo pulled away the chair opposite Kizaru and said, “The stock of cigars you gave me is not enough. Give me more later. Click on my island.”

“Oh~that kind of thing is okay.” Kizaru put his nail clippers on the table and said.

He laughed and made a cup of tea for Kulo, and said: “You are here just right, I have something to ask you for help.”

Kulo was surprised by this. .

He stretched out his palm and said, “I’m here to report on my duties. I will come to see you by the way. Other things have nothing to do with me. Say goodbye.”

“No way, Kulo, except The old man can’t think of anyone other than you, Sentomaru went to perform the task, and now this situation…”

Kizaru pointed forward and said: “It’s more complicated.”

He The place pointed to is the largest building in the headquarters, which also represents the position of Fleet Admiral.

“Sakazuki is going to be Fleet Admiral, but Kuzan strongly opposes them. Now they have to fight to decide whether to win or lose. Now Marine is all out to ensure the safety of the duel. Sentomaru has gone out to perform tasks.”

“The old man has nothing to do. Just when you come back to report on your work, just run a trip, not in the Grand Line, but in North Blue. After the run, you will You can go back now,” Kizaru said.

“I know it’s nothing good to come back!”

Kulo foul-mouthed said.

Kizaru laughed: “If you don’t accept it, it won’t work. The old man is your superior. No matter what, you want to give the old man’s face. This is the old man’s request.”

“Well, what happened to North Blue.” Kulo raised his forehead with a headache.

“Have you heard of the Vinsmoke family?” Kizaru asked.

“Oh? You asked me to deal with the Vinsmok family? I remember that although their’Derma Kingdom’ has no territory, it is also a member of the World Government.” Kulo froze for a moment.

“That’s not the case.”

Kizaru took out the map, tapped his finger on a piece of land in North Blue, and said:

“The Kingdom of Djerma Recently we have been at war with four countries. Of course, this has nothing to do with us. It is just that our World Government intelligence personnel responsible for detecting intelligence disappeared here, and Marine also disappeared.”

” No matter how many people are sent, there is no news from here, and now Marine can’t get a hand, only you have time, then take a trip to see what happened, for you, it should be a very easy task. “

“Old Master, aren’t you also quite free?” Kulo asked: “You are so fast, it doesn’t take a lot of trouble to run.”

“The old man is going New World is staring. Recently, Blackbeard Teach and Marco have had a big battle. As a result of Marco’s retreat across the board, this has made some people uneasy. Or, do you accompany the old man to stare at some people?” Kizaru laughed.

“Farewell, I will go to North Blue.”

Kulo looked right, cupped the hands, and left without stopping.

Go to New World with him?

There are not so few people staring at it, Kaido or Big·Mom?

He doesn’t want to mix up any of them.

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