North Blue, which is also one of the four seas, belongs to an area with a high degree of World Government strength control, but in fact, North Blue has the highest degree of danger among all Sea Territory.

Compared with West Blue, which is also close to New World, North Blue is more chaotic. After all, West Blue has a higher level of national military force and can effectively protect itself, while North Blue has a higher level of national military force. , Not as good as Pirate and gangsters in the Sea Territory.

At present, among the Marine executives, Akainu and Kizaru of the three Admiral are born in North Blue, and Mrs. Crane is also born in North Blue.

Ben Beckman of the Red Hair Pirates group is also from North Blue.

The flamingo also made his fortune there.

Battleship sails on the sea.

Kulo, who has changed from Captain to Commodore, is standing on the deck, biting his cigar, looking at the rough waves with impatience.

They have already set sail.

Donald, Bellflower, and Fanny stayed in the headquarters for training, and the rest got on board with Kulo.

“Shall we go to North Blue?”

Kuro asked beside him.

“en? You seem to be looking forward to it.” Kulo looked towards Kuro and found that he was looking forward to it.

“Of course, that’s Sola’s hometown!”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and said a little excitedly: “Mr. Kulo, don’t you know, Hero So Pull, you can walk on the sea on foot, and fight with the evil Legion’Derma 66′ with a huge robot!”

“If I remember correctly, is that a comic?”

“Yes, I am a fan of that manga!” Kuro heavily nodded, “I used to love it.”

Kulo: “…”

You were a Pirate before!

Do you see Sola, the hero of the sea?

The protagonist seems to be Marine…

Kulo glared at him, “The Kingdom of Djerma is real, and we are going to see what’s going on there now. Didn’t I ask you to find information before?!”

“Ah…I was surprised because of this. If Germa exists, then Sora also exists!”

Kuro excitedly said: “Maybe, I can see Sora!”

“Fart! Simply without Sora! You believe this, it is better to believe this world has light, Do you want to become a light Kuro? If you think, I will fulfill you now and send you as a star in space. If you don’t want to, you will immediately analyze the intelligence for me!” Kulo said fiercely.


Kulo, who was stared at by Kulo, immediately said, “The Kingdom of Djerma is a kind of hired kingdom, nicknamed the “War House” to undertake the war. As the main business, it is a bit like the Luo Family of West Blue, but unlike them, if Patriarch Luo fills battle strength, most of them are beheading tactics.”

“But the Kingdom of Djerma is directly They contracted the war. I heard that they have no territory. They are the only kingdom that can participate in Reverie without a territory. However, it seems that they ruled the entire North Blue with military force a long time ago.”

Kuro Said: “According to the intelligence, the Kingdom of Djerma should have undertaken the war between the two kingdoms and the other two kingdoms, but I don’t know why it turned into a war of the Kingdom of Djerma against the four countries. This is it.”

He took out a map and pointed to an island, “Tomato Island, now their war is on this island. It has been fighting for some time. Marine and Government intelligence personnel are missing here. “

“But the strange thing is that I heard that the Vinsmok family has a deep relationship with the World Government, because the who members will disappear here, and even order to Admiral Kizaru, this It’s a little weird. On Vinsmok’s side, did he refuse to answer?”


After listening to Kuro’s analysis, Kulo was stunned, “That’s it. ?”

“That’s it.” Kuro said.

“Do I ask you to analyze this kind of thing? I need you to say something that you can know by your knees?”

Like this kind of thing, Kulo, of course you know In his memory, it seemed that the Vinsmoke family had cooperated with Big Mom. It’s definitely impossible to say that there was no ambition. For this reason, the World Government is also normal.

Well, World Government, it only promises to join the country, and it strikes out Marine.

It’s a good way to hold yourself back.

What Vinsmok is doing now, Kulo remembers now, the Four Kingdoms War, isn’t that the famous incident that happened in North Blue, [North Blue Four Kingdoms].

“I’m asking you to analyze whether there is any existence that can threaten me on that side. I’m just going to inquire about a message. Don’t when the time comes. I’m planted there, North Blue. The most dangerous Sea Territory in the four seas, and they are in the war, swords don’t have eyes, you know, if you hurt me, I will feel bad.”

Listen to Kulo, Kuro Pushed the glasses and resisted vomiting.

Are you kidding me?

Is there anything else that can hurt you?

Kuro took a closer look at Kulo. At this time, he was a little taller. His tall figure perfectly set off the Marine uniform. With dashing eyebrows, his cheeks are as sharp as a knife. I have to admit that this is a Marine is very handsome, he can’t match it.

The most terrifying thing is Mr. Kulo’s current strength.

These eight months are not in vain. Apart from the development of the industry, this product has not forgotten to gather wool from the headquarters. The weapons are replaced at any time. Even if they are a little old, they must be reported. Change to a new batch, which is called “Guarantee Marine battle strength”.

After all, they are stationed near Reverse Mountain, where the portal is.

In addition to the relationship with Admiral Kizaru, it is not too easy to change equipment or something.

All these equipments were sent to the sky for him.

There is also the Battleship. If the old is broken, he will not repair it. He will directly report to the headquarters and ask for a new one, and then Battleship will also send him to the sky.

Including but not limited to materials left over from building construction, land left over from paving slabs, useless hilltop trees on Pegasus Island, and nearby sea water, as well as the Pirate on which the less-eyed Pirates ride Ship.

If the thing in the sky falls down, it is estimated that it will become a super continent. Who dares to provoke you?

But I can’t say anything, I will be beaten if I say it.

“Mr. Kulo, it’s just for inquiries. Maybe we can directly ask the person involved. After all, it is a franchise country and we have no conflict.” Kuro said.

“Well, it makes sense… Go straight to the place to find Jia and heal it.” Kulo touched the chin.

Patience to inquire about something. He is not the Smoker idiot. If you have any problems, you have to sneak into it.

Just ask me directly.

“Kage? Is that the Legion commander of Germa 66 that Sora has been fighting against? He must know where Sora is!” Kuro’s eyes moved.

“Everyone said there was no Sola, no Sola! You were infected by Leda, right?” Kulo’s green veins were exposed.


Lida, who was eating a small cookie, looked up and said blankly: “Sora? I’ve heard of this comic, but I don’t like it.”

“That’s enough.”

Kulo shook his head helplessly, said resolutely: “There is no Sora, but Ultraman definitely exists. He will come to pick me up one day. .”

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