The Vinsmoke family, the war family of North Blue cream of the crop, if they are weak, it is impossible.

The battle strength brought about by scientific and technological strength made Kage very confident. Using the technology brought by the bloodline factor, he transformed his child into a superhuman body with an indestructible outer skeleton, and then cooperated with it. The power of the transforming device, he and they are the power of the cream of the crop.

This Lucifer · Kulo is just performing on the top, not Admiral. He originally thought that this person is Kizaru’s subordinate and didn’t want to entangle too much, but he didn’t want to let him go. Just stay here.


The smoke envelops Kage’s body. When he appeared, he had cloaked a dark yellow cloak. The battle suit on his body was a black coat style. A lance appeared in his hand. As he danced the cloak, he raised lance and pointed it at Kulo. The golden electric current came out from the tip of the spear.

“Garuda! That is Garuda!”

When Kuro saw his transformation, he called out: “‘Delma 66’ evil Legion commander The battle suit can release the power of golden electromagnetic!”

So why is there such a comic!

Speak clearly about the ability of others.


At this moment, a blast of air flow burst out of Kage’s feet, leading his body to spray Kulo into the sky.

“Electromagnetic stab!”

The golden current at the tip of the spear became stronger, and a shot was aimed at Kulo and he pierced it.

However, at this moment, his stab action paused, and his body moved subconsciously in the air, lance blocking him.

“I want to sneak attack me, it’s a bit too close!”


I saw a young silhouette grow up quickly, and a punch blocked his lance. The huge force caused Garge to shock immediately, and his body went straight down like a cannonball, and was about to land. But suddenly stopped, suspended in midair.

“This force…”

Before he had time to be shocked, he saw the silhouette falling down extremely quickly and hit him with a fist.

zi zi!

Jaj squeezed lance tightly, and the golden electric current filled the whole lance, swiping it straight at the silhouette of the sudden drop.

However, when lance was about to hit the silhouette, the silhouette suddenly swept down, and the leg shot straight away like a long sword, and one kick hit Kage’s chest. Kage groaned, and his body went straight It flew backward and could not stop after retreating to more than ten meters.

He clutched his chest and looked at the complexion is gloomy, only to realize that it was a beautiful white-haired girl who had attacked him. At this time, he was bounced in the air with Geppo.

Leda raised her head and said to Kulo: “Eh? Can you stop in the air? It is really convenient, Kulo, you are not the only one who can fly.”

He said, “This woman…”

He is wearing a combat uniform, and as a result, he is not as powerful as a woman. Even if he does not possess the bloodline factor for deployment, the strength of the combat uniform is not Low, but there is no power to resist this woman!

“What a beautiful woman!”

On the ground, Yuji saw Lida’s eyes and formed love, and pointed to Lida and said, “Hey, you are so beautiful. Be mine. How about women!”

“Oh?” Leda was taken aback for a moment, looked over, and before she spoke, she listened to Kulo above and said coldly: “Kuro.”

” Yes!”

Kuro’s footsteps rubbed on the ground, and the whole person turned into an afterimage, and went straight to the opposite Yuji. The afterimage suddenly became larger on the way, and when it passed by Yuji, it aroused. The five paths are bright and brilliance.

“Quickly shave wolf claws!”

Kuro appeared next to Yuji. He had turned into a werewolf who was a half-human beast. His claws picked up cold glow and quickly grabbed it.


However, an arm blocked his paw.

Yuji lifting his hand, pressed Kuro’s arm firmly, and grinned at him: “Zoan?”

His other hand pulled back, forming a fist, a lot of The air pressure forms a jet of air ejected from the glove.

“That’s useless! The winch blows!”

The fist spurted out with a jet of air, and went straight to Kuro’s head.

Kuro quickly withdrew, stepping back, and turning around, he saw the fist almost leaping against his head, and the pressure of the wind caused him to open his eyes. .

“Winch and whip leg!”

If he missed a hit, Yuji kicked like a whip, and also brought up the airflow, and brushed him with one foot.


Kuro jumped into the air with a flick of both feet, avoiding the whip leg.


Just as soon as he reached the sky, Yuji ejected air from the soles of his feet, ran straight up, and rushed towards Kuro with a punch.

“Can you also fly?”

Kuro’s body tightened, his palms formed into fists, and he slammed into Yuji with the same punch.

“Tekkai Boxing Method·Wolf Meteorite!”

Boom! ! !

The jet fist strength strengthened by the air pressure collides with the powerful fist, and the fist collides with the fist, triggering a shock wave.

The two bodies that were up and down were separated, and one flew up for a certain distance, stopped abruptly in the air, and jumped up again. One fell down, landing heavily on the ground, rolling up a ball of smoke and dust, lifting his head, and grinning at Kuro.

“The strength of this guy…”

Kuro squeezed his numb arm, feeling a little frightened.

As Zoan, his strength is not weak, but facing this guy, his strength can be mentioned on equal terms with Lida, no, even bigger than her, and that defensive power …

It is the same as beating steel.

“hahaha, do you feel numb?”

Kaj saw Kuro shaking his hand slightly, proudly said with a smile: “My child, but when I got from the embryo It uses the technology of the’bloodline factor’, has an indestructible outer skeleton, and a skin that will shatter even a bullet hits it. No ordinary attack can help them!”

“I don’t have time to accompany you Playing here, today is my big day, see that is not there.”

Kaji Lance pointed to a camera not far away, and said: “I adjusted the automatic, it will be within that time Take a picture of me successively beheading the kings of the Four Kingdoms, and use this method to demonstrate my determination to re-come to North Blue! Tell those people that the king who belongs to North Blue has returned!”

When he was young, Kage ruled North Blue. After conquering North Blue with military force, he wanted to cross the Red Line continent and conquer East Blue on the other side. However, when he crossed the Red Line continent, The people of North Blue launched a rebellion, pulling up by the roots of his rule.

It has been for so many years. He has been able to conserve strength and store up energy until now, and is finally qualified to rule North Blue again.

This is a great opportunity, no matter what, he will not be delayed by a certain Marine.

The time stuck in the camera itself is a manifestation of his powerful military force, which can determine the power of life and death of others at will. If it is destroyed, it will be imperfect.

“Children, transform yourself, let this Marine see the power of Vinsmok!”

According to Kaji’s words, the Akagami man sitting on the chair He smiled disdainfully, “Really, Royal Father can’t solve a small Marine by himself, forget it, for the sake of not wasting time…”

He took out the same cylindrical jar .

The blue hair on the side showed a sneer, and also took out, “It’s okay to smash his face.”

Lei Jiu sighed and took out the cylindrical jar.” Unfortunately, you can’t escape, Marine.”

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