
Three clouds of smoke enveloped the three.

The red-haired man walked out first, his whole body was covered by the red battle suit, the white cloak danced with the wind, the above-mentioned big ‘1’, his gloves, with the movement, rubbing There was a bunch of sparks.

Next is the blue-haired man, covered in blue combat uniforms. The black cloak has a ‘2’. He stands there, his hands and feet are surrounded by white currents.

The last Leijiu put on a pink revealing clothing, her chest was wide open, revealing fat-like skin, the thin clothing hung on the tower, and underneath was a miniskirt. Behind him is a purple cloak like butterfly wings, and on the tail vertebra, there is a big ‘0’ symbol.

“Very poisonous powder, spark red, Lightning Flash blue, yes, this is the evil Legion of’Germa 66′!” Kuro said as many as Jiazhen.

Kulo grinned for a while.

People are always changing more and more, this is better, the less they change.


Who doesn’t like Sailor Moon.

Kulo glanced at other places, then glanced at Lei Jiu’s place, then glanced at other places, and then glanced uncontrollably.

It seems that she sensed her gaze, Lei Jiu smiled slightly and blew a kiss to Kulo.


Leda screamed a little uncomfortably, subconsciously stiffening her body that is not at all inferior to others.

“That, it’s not…”

Kulo scratched his head and said: “After all, who doesn’t like Sailor Moon? Don’t look at me like this. I also liked beauty when I was a kid. As for the Maiden, I also have some experience in transforming something.”

“I’m already 23 this year, not a girl, but a big sister~” Lei Jiu laughed. With.

“I am twenty-five years old this year, so I can talk about something.” Kulo said resolutely.

After a year, he is also one year older.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kulo felt a bit thorny all over his body, and he saw Lida staring at him with a pair of eyes.


She was snorted, stepped on Geppo and flew to the previous stone on platform, sat down in a huff, picked up the backpack on the table, and ate Something.

“You fight yourself!”

As she said, she stared at Lei Jiu while eating.

A shameless woman!

Same as that Hancock!

“Ah, the little Marine elder sister is looking at me.”

Lei Jiu covered her mouth and laughed. After a while, she laughed and said to Ku: “A word of advice. , Let the girl run away, my brothers are very cruel to women.”

“Sister Leijiu, don’t say that many things.”

Blue Mao’s Nizhe exclaimed, “I like that woman too. Hey, Yuji, who will defeat her first, how about it?”

“Yes, Nizhi big brother , But I won’t lose!” Yuji raised his eyebrows, clenched his fists, and said ferociously.


Hearing this, Kulo put down the hand scratching his head, placed it on the handle of the knife, glanced at them, and said: “Laughter It’s exactly the same as a certain Pirate, but in terms of the way, there is too much difference. Are you really born to a mother?”

These words made Lei Jiu startled. What came to mind, stared wide -eyed.


At this time, Yuji punched out a beam of air and went straight to Kulo, “I don’t know who you are talking about, but you die here first! Winch jet!”

“Spark jet!”

Iji raised his fist and punched it out, bringing out a jet of flames.

“Lightning Flash jet!”

Nich sent out a group of lightning beams, attacking Kulo with the flame and wind pressure.

“Kill one first!” Niche smiled as he watched several attacks that were already close to Kulo.

Kaj’s proud lifting head, “No one will be the opponent of the Vinsmok family, even Yonko, Vinsmok will not be afraid!”

It is Lei Jiu. , Because just now I wasn’t paying attention to this one, but I could clearly see that the woman on the platform was already the transformed werewolf Marine, as if she didn’t care about it at all.

Is it too late to respond?

No, no.

These two people are not weak.

Then I have full confidence in Lucifer · Kulo.

Even if he performed well in the top war, Lei Jiu would not think that he alone would be the opponent of the Vinsmok family.

But why are they so peaceful?

“Hey, technology…”

Faced with the three attacks, Kulo smacked his lips, “Gray, pink, red, blue, green, really What a special five-color team, so terrifying.”


The flames, electric light, and wind pressure that have reached Kulo’s body, in this brief moment, they seemed to be distorted by something, and they turned around in place in front of him, mixing them together. Then, as if losing weight, they scattered in disorder, turning into a small spark current breeze.

“This is…” Lei Jiu eyes shrank.

Kuro landed on the ground at this time and transformed into a human form again. He pushed his glasses and looked at everyone in the Vinsmok family with a look of compassion, “Idiot, if you let me fight you, There can be back and forth, and I can also experience the feeling of a handful of Sola. Mr. Kulo’s words…you are not so good.”

Mr. Kulo’s ability, he is very clear, he When training with Mr. Kulo before, the “wolf rush cannon” that he completely transformed into and sent out, the same as now, was distorted and spread in front of him.

According to his words, it just controlled the surrounding air to form wind pressure and forcibly sway all attacks.

In terms of ability control, Mr. Kulo, has surpassed that Shiki.

“The formidable power is really strong.”

Kulo looked at the disappearing elements, sighed, the battle strength of these people is not low, the green hair can even punch Linlin’s son was hit hard.

“But because of this, I have to be serious. Otherwise, it is not a joke to be attacked by you.”

He extended the hand and squeezed it hard.

The moonlit sky dimmed again, and everyone subconsciously raised their heads and looked up, both Gachi and Leijiu’s eyes widened.

“This kind of power…” Lei Jiu murmured, cold sweat streaming down.

The air seemed to sink down, the sky became pitch black, and there was an object that was continuous and black enough to shrouding the sky and hiding the sun, constantly pressing down.

As they landed, Lei Jiu finally saw clearly that it was a huge object composed of rocks, weapons, and ships. Its density and breadth were enough to cover the entire Tomato Island!

“Kill you first!”

Yongzhi jets out air currents from the soles of his feet, quickly shoots at Kulo, pulls back with a punch, and is about to smash it over, “Winch blow!”


“The wind binds the heather.” Kulo said lightly.

Yuji’s body suddenly stagnated, and his attacking movements became stiff for a moment.


A long black gun landed from a high altitude, turned into a black streamer, and shot it directly at Yuji.

“How can it be repaired!”

Yuji shouted, and the soles of his feet sprayed away again, leaving Kulo far away.

Boom! ! !

The black gun almost passed by his body, hit the ground hard, and smashed a deep hole.

“Aiya, it’s a pity.”

Kulo shrugged, “You are really strong, and there is no way to restrain it with this level of control.”


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