“Hey, are you kidding…”

The Kulo above was also a little shocked. After watching Cass’ rhetoric, the affected copy soldiers , Murmured: “The power of will has defeated technology? Idealism has defeated materialism?”

Isn’t this really fucking?

Good fellow, I’m a direct good fellow!

Is this world still psychic or what? !

“What are you kidding?”

The angry roar sounded from the crowd wrapped in copy soldiers.

Gaj’s soles of feet ejected, lance flashed a golden electromagnetic, and went straight to Cass, “My results are perfect! You, the clown who used crooked ways to destroy my results, will never allow you to live. In this world!”

Vinsmoke’s greatest reliance is technology, and at the same time, it relies on these replica soldiers that can be produced at will. They are the most trusted military force in Gachi.

But now, this military force foundation is at risk of being overturned!

The bearded Marine must not stay.

“Everyone together, kill this Marine!”

For this bearded man, his priority rank has surpassed everything!

Must kill him!

“Remember! Remember your emotions as human beings, learn to think independently, humans!”

Cass clenched his fists and faced the others who rushed over The replica soldier yelled.

The white breath gradually spread, like a contagion, word gets around, quickly spreading to the replica soldiers who rushed in, the strength of the will, so that the replica soldiers stopped in place one by one. Showing a dazed color.

Even Sazier who followed nearby shuddered. At this moment, he was thinking about his meaning as a human being.

After much deliberation, the scene is frozen in the scene where I was beaten by someone.

Could it be…was he born to be beaten?


Not so!

Tool people are never slaves!

I must turn over!

must become a Marine general!

“Humans! Keep thinking! Keep justice!” Cass roared there.


At this time, Kage and the others had already flown to Cass and attacked together.

“Nianli Knife·Lion Bite!”

At this moment, Kulo drew out the limpid autumn water and swung it fiercely.


A violent wind rolled up from the blade and quickly blasted towards Kagi and the others. The air around Kagi and them suddenly became violent. The violent wind blew from behind them and rolled up all five of them. , Blowing into the distance.

chi chi chi!

When being rolled up, Kage’s body seemed to be cut by a wind blade, constantly hitting the battle uniform, hitting the battle uniform Immediately, the battle uniform finally disintegrated in the wind blade cutting, and a densely packed hole appeared, cutting Kaji’s skin.

“Tsk, don’t forget me, I’m still waiting for your complaint.” Kulo held the limpid autumn water and said lightly.

This move is an upgraded version of’Lion Fighting’. Through the mastery of air, it can be swiped out to form a densely packed wind blade. It is no longer the same as before and can only blow away the human body to a limited extent. , But can be cut with an uninterrupted air blade.

Several people fell to the ground under the gust of wind.

“The battle uniform, the battle uniform is broken!”

Kaj touched his battle uniform with a panic expression on his face.


Lei Jiu straightened up, staring at the sky, and yelled.


Kulo appeared in front of them in an instant, and black blade pointed at Kagi, “Can you tell me now? Explain to me, even if you make it up. Okay.”

“Winch blow!”

Yongji jumped up with a carp and hit Kulo with a punch.


Kulo didn’t even look at it, the blade turned into a black glow, and he slashed it directly, and with a stroke on Yuji’s chest, the battle suit was completely torn apart, Yuji A huge gap was cut out of his chest, and he fell down with blood hurriedly.


When Lei Jiu saw this scene, she was anxious, with a cloud of pink venom in her palm, she jumped and patted Kulo.


One side of Kulo’s body, his palm was stained with Busoshoku. He grabbed Leijiu’s wrist and kicked her in the abdomen.


This foot made Lei Jiu retched, and his body flew straight back, sliding on the ground for several meters before stopping.

It’s very terrifying, but it’s not good if it is stained. “Kulo pouted, revealing a surprised look.

“Electric Light Fist! “

Nech’s fists gathered a lot of lightning, and the moment Kulo kicked Fei Leijiu, he attacked from the side.

Kulo didn’t even look at it, his body was only slightly. With a flash, the blade turned, and a black glow flashed on Nizhi’s shoulder.


The clothes on Nizhi’s shoulder were torn open, and a burst of blood burst out. Fall down.

“Spark·Double swing! “

Iji jumped out from behind Kulo, sparks gathered in his hands, yelled: “Perish together with me!” “

His hands are together.

bang! !!!

A ball of explosion exploded from his hands, and the raging flames He is the center and rushes nearby.

The formidable power of this move is not low. If you hit it head-on, you will suffer a lot of damage.

“Wind-bound bier. “

In this regard, Kulo didn’t turn his head back, and opened his mouth lightly.

The flame that exploded was distorted and cut at this moment, turning into bits and pieces of sparks. In this night sky, scattered around like fireworks.

“It looks good! pretty! “

Lida of Shion Platform clapped her hands and shouted, “Hey, redhead, let’s have another beautiful firework!” “


Kulo didn’t give him a chance, and with a wave of the blade backwards, he slashed Iji’s chest with a knife, causing him to fall to the ground.

“Can you tell me now? “

Kulo held the limpid autumn water, pointed directly at Kage’s face, and looked at him condescendingly.

The Vinsmok family, four people fell around Kulo, One by one, Kaji, whose heads were raised, bleeding, and pointed at by the sword, was even more frightened. On the side, the bruised Leijiu was holding her abdomen, half-kneeling in that complex expression.


Not far away, the lens in the camera was slowly twisting and took a picture.

The set time is up.

“Leidfield! “

As a still-feeling Gachi, under the threat of this blade, tearful yelled: “It’s Lederfield!” He entrusted us to do this, the purpose is to obtain the Treasure Map fragments shared by the four countries, and find a legendary treasure! “

“Who? “

Kulo was taken aback, blinked, “Leidfield? “

Jachi was nodded fiercely, and pleaded: “It’s none of our business, we are just hired. For those powerhouses, Vinsmok can’t resist!” I can’t die, I can’t die! My ambition is not complete yet, don’t kill me! “

Kulo thought for a while, I always feel that this name is a bit familiar, but it seems to remember does not raise.

Is there such a thing on the sea?

“Kuro? “

He subconsciously looked towards Kuro, but found that Kuro was cold and sweaty.

“Mr. Kulo, that is…the legendary Great Pirate! “

Kuro’s hands are shaking when he pushes his glasses. “In the legend, a person can compare the existence of Whitebeard and Roger, the lonely red, the Red Earl, and Lederfield. “

“Oh…It turned out to be him. “

Kulo nodded, put the limbid autumn water into the scabbard, turn around and leave.

“Hurry up! What are you doing! “

Kulo shouted at the people who were still in a daze.

Remember, there is such a big pervert.

He is sick, he will deal with it. So personal.

Such a troublesome character, let Marine Headquarters deal with it.

He came to North Blue for a trip, not against a character comparable to Yonko.

“Ah! ! ! “

At this moment, there was a series of screams from behind the huge mountain that Kulo had landed just now. I saw a group of Shikoku soldiers flying away, and among the crowd, a silhouette came slowly.

“Hey, Kulo, it looks like someone is coming. “

At this time, Lida of Shi on Platform pointed to that side with a cold sweat on her face, “Okay…really strong!” “

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