Among the crowd, the person walking slowly, dragged four people who were seriously injured with rolled eyes. All of them had crowns on their heads. They were the kings of the Four Kingdoms.

He is tall and thin, with white hair woven into two braids and hanging on his shoulders, eyebrows are crimson’s, a Gold Chain hanging from his mouth, and he is wearing a plum shirt and blood-red trousers, feet Wearing black leather shoes with gold rims, wearing a wide scarlet cloak, with a checkered pattern inside, a blue rose around his neck, and a slender bat-handled umbrella in his hand.

He put down the kings of the Four Kingdoms with an evil smile, body flashed, and in the next instant appeared the highest part of the mountain that divided the battlefield, looking down at Gachi, saying:

” It鈥檚 really…wasted so long and it鈥檚 not done yet. The time we agreed upon has already passed, Gaj.”

Gaj defended: “It鈥檚 just that this Marine is not easy to deal with. If it doesn鈥檛 He, we have done it a long time ago.”

“Failure is failure, just like Roger was captured and Newgate died in battle. If you fail, nothing can be undone.”


The person shook the head, “Since I did it myself, then the cooperation will be cancelled. I don’t need the deposit. You don’t have any other income.”

“How can this be done! “

Kagi yelled: “We have done a lot!”

“Do you work?”

The man glanced at Kagi and was silent for a while Nodded and said: “Oh, I thought so. I won the four countries to get the title, and I took advantage of my slack to win the treasure. If I can beat me, I can still win the title of defeating the’Lonely Red’. It’s really despicable. , So I hate to make alliances with people.”

“It’s him, the lonely red, the red earl, and Barloric Lederfield.” Kuro confirmed.

Hearing Kuro鈥檚 words, Lederfield looked over, “A Marine who wants to live a peaceful life? Interesting, why did he come here?”

He tone barely fell, Kuro didn鈥檛 respond, so he continued to be nodded: “Oh, the boss is here, so I have to come, right?”


Kuro opened his eyes wide. , This guy actually saw through his thoughts, he deserves to be…

“Why is it a legendary character?”

Leidfield said to Kuro: “The idea is wrong. Oh, in the so-called legend, it is possible to leave a name on the sea, and I am not qualified to leave a name on the sea, so I came here to look for the strongest opportunity.”

“This Kenbunshoku…”

Kulo saw this scene, staring at the old man standing on a high place, and sighed, “It’s a bit tough.”

“Lucifer 路Kulo “

Leidfield turned his eyes and said: “I know you, the famous Marine recently appeared, eh? You think being famous is a bad thing, but it is very interesting.”

Strong enough to read your own heart? !

Kulo’s eyebrows sank.

鈥淎ctually, I don鈥檛 want it either.鈥?/p>

Leidfield shook his head, 鈥淪ince I was a child, my Kenbunshoku has been very powerful and can easily see through people鈥檚 hearts. Now, it鈥檚 even more important. Stronger, but don鈥檛 worry, people like you can only read the superficial thoughts.”

“I heard that you are on the 6th floor. Did that bastard Teach also let you out? “Kulo squeezed the limpid autumn water tightly and faced Lederfield.

He consciously restrained his mind and prevented Lederfield from reading his thoughts before moving towards and looking over there.


Leidfield looked towards the sky, sighed in sorrow, “Let it out? No, I can’t say that, it’s just that I am willing to come out. Newgate Very dead… The Old Guys on the sea are after all the glory is not there. Aging is the biggest enemy. It is not defeated by the enemy, but only by the aging of oneself, so I came out.”

Extend the hand, explore the moon, “I will find it, restore the power of youth, and then after Roger and Newgate, become the strongest person in the sea, find the only treasure, and become the new generation of Pirate King.”

“You continue and leave.”

Kulo bowed his hands and was about to leave.

“That won’t work.”

Leidfield rushed at him Issho, “Before I get the power…”



As he finished speaking, his body flashed, and instantly he came to Lida who was on the platform, and the bat-shaped umbrella pierced through.

“I don’t want Marine to know the news of my reappearance!”

Lida couldn’t react to the fast speed, maintaining the shape of eating, frozen in there.

At that moment, the stone platform below her disintegrated, and when the bat umbrella was approaching, Lida fell down because of lack of support.

Lederfield smiled slightly, and the bat umbrella that he swung out suddenly moved down and slashed towards Leda.

Dang! ! !

A black blade, placed on top of the bat umbrella, immediately ignited a wave of air in the air, showing a circular swing.

Kulo appeared on the opposite side of Lederfield, complexion is gloomy, “Hey, Old Guy, what do you want to do!”

“Nice knife, is it yours? “

Lederfield’s umbrella is coated with Busoshoku, entangled with that black blade, and the two sides wrestle with each other, making the sound of’ka ka’.

At this moment, he suddenly moved his hand up, and the bat umbrella slid smoothly from the blade of the limpid autumn water. When his wrist turned over, the bat umbrella was rotated on the palm, straight Stabbed towards Kulo’s head.

“Afterimages cut!”

However, this sword only pierced one afterimage. Kulo’s body rippled like water waves, and a cold voice sounded from behind Lederfield. .

The limpid autumn water turned into a black glow, and cut it over.

Lederfield smiled slightly. At the moment when the limbid autumn water was cut, his whole body disappeared and appeared on the ground, applauding: “The speed is good, I can actually keep up with me.”

He can’t fly.

That many actions just now were all done while in the air, which shows how fast they are.

“It’s time for Old Guy to leave.”

Kulo missed a knife, reached out to the sky, gritted his teeth and said: “Forcibly come out to move, be careful of twisting your waist!”

The sky was dark, and a large number of weapons, rocks, and ships descended from the sky like meteors, aimed at Lederfield, and bombed the past.

“This ability…”

Leidfield looked up and said in memory, “I miss it very much, and he also…”

He squeezed the bat parachute and waved it upwards, and a semi-circular ripple slash radiated from the parachute, sweeping towards the objects that had fallen in the sky.

bang!! !

Under the slash, all those things were destroyed, the rocks shattered, the weapons were deformed into fragments, and the ships were penetrated by the slash, shattered into a ball, and splashed collectively under the shock wave of the slash open.

Several rudders that flew out, moved towards Kulo and hit the forehead.

Kulo opened his teeth and held his fingers heavily, “Lion Power路The Earth Roll!”

Those broken objects, including the rudder, reunited to form a An incomparable gigantic, a roaring lion head, bit towards Lederfield.

Even if it is broken into wreckage, it is still under his control!

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