
Leidfield erected the bat umbrella in front of him, and the blood-red cloak flew backwards behind him. With a leap, he stabbed upwards quickly .

The small person is as small as an ant in front of the huge lion head, but its power is not to be underestimated.

“This kind of power is not enough!”

The tip of the umbrella pierced the roaring face of the lion.


I just touched it a little, and the aggregated lion head split numerous cracks from the surface, and the cracks opened, turning the lion head into debris like rain. Scattered away.

“Made you to death!”

Kulo held his hand again, and the broken things showed signs of aggregation again.

Smash people, this kind of thing is effortless.

He can do it for a year.

What else can you do in this kind of powerhouse besides grinding?

“Oh? Are you bullying me when I am old?”

Leidfield was stabbed with a sword and fell on the ground. He saw a lion head showing signs of regrouping, smiling slightly,” You are very upset, you are obviously very strong. If you don’t want to fight with me, then I will clear the field first.”

Speaking, he looked towards other Marines, and his body moved, he was about to charge. In the past, suddenly, the upper Kulo flashed around and rushed to Lederfield.


The black blade handed over to the bat umbrella, igniting a wave of air.

After one slash, the Kulo silhouette disappeared and appeared behind Lederfield. The limpid autumn water floated and turned into a hundred swords, and slashed over.

“Hundred Shadows!”

“Good speed.”

Leidfield turned around when Kulo disappeared, with a bat umbrella in his hand It also turned into an afterimage, hitting the hundred slashes in an instant.

dang~ dang~ dang~ dang~ Dang!

A series of gas explosion impacts swayed in the center of the two, and the smoke and dust on the ground rolled over, enveloping them.

The two sides have no distractions, both staring at each other, one complexion is gloomy, and the other with a wicked smile, it seems that Old Guy is more at ease.

“This is an opportunity…”

Kage stood up swayingly and stared at Cass, “The guy with the greatest threat is not there, then kill this first. Marine, only if he disappears, Vinsmoke can be safe! All stand up!”

The three brothers stood up strongly, covering the cut just now and panting one by one.

“The Royal Father is right, that fellow, can’t stay!” Iji took a few breaths and looked towards Cass, who was surrounded by Marine and replica soldiers.

He is still yelling.

“Think about humans! Freedom, humans! We are all humans, and we have the power to choose our own lives!”

Cass roared to the remaining replica soldiers there: ” Come to think of it! Stand up! If you are confused, then let’s rely on my side and bear our common justice!”

His words are really not buying people’s hearts or coveting battle strength. This is what he came from the bottom of his heart. No matter who heard it, he felt that this bearded man was speaking in a particularly sincere manner. No matter how evil people are, they would think that this man, Doug Kass, is a sincere man with justice in his heart. .

Only sincere can move people’s hearts!

But the more you do this, Kage will feel terrifying.

This is a man who threatens the foundation of Vinsmok’s rule by his will alone, so must disappear!

“Lei Jiu, you are the least injured, why haven’t you stood up yet?!” Jiazhi looked towards Lei Jiu.

Lei Jiu pursed her mouth, glanced at the smoke that had been rolled into completely invisible warring parties, a bit of bitterness flashed in her eyes.

She doesn’t want to fight anymore.

Those copy soldiers were shocked, which made Lei Jiu feel very good.

That’s it. The evil Vinsmoke should have ended like this.

It’s just her genes that make her unable to defy orders.

Sighed insignificantly, Lei Jiu stood up and looked at Cass and whispered: “Sorry, Marine.”

“Mixed colors burst!”

The three brothers took the first shot and acted together. The red, blue and green colors were mixed together, and the soles of their feet were sprayed, and they moved towards Cass and sprayed past.

“Protect Major Cass!”

When a group of Marines saw this, they stood in front of Cass with weapons.

“Confused people! Please stand by my side!”

Cass raised his saber with enthusiasm and shouted: “Life or something, we will Decided!”


This sentence seems to have fixed something, the breath of white is linked to each copy soldier, and it is firmly embedded in it.

A group of replica soldiers picked up the weapon underneath, quickly blocked in front of Cass, and stood with the Marines.

These copy soldiers yelled together: “Human wall!”

The breath of white is even more energetic, emerging from these copy soldiers and mixed together.

“How can it be repaired! Are you going to disobey the order, rubbish!” Yuji’s forehead green veins were exposed and roared loudly.

Within the breath of white, a picture is played back like a live broadcast.

It was in a huge factory. They were shrunk in a jar, and time seemed to not circulate here, eternally silent.

Until someone pushed the door open and walked here, as if they were lighting some item, they took out some jars, opened them, and they walked out of the jars.

Next, after a short training, they learned how to kill, then took up their weapons and walked onto the battlefield.

Kill, kill, kill, or kill.

Every picture is intertwined with blood and fire.

The replica soldier died and was abandoned. There is no recycling, only the footsteps of its body.

All the pictures are in the process of killing and abandoning.

But in that picture, a voice rang.

“I don’t want to kill…”

“I don’t want to kill meaningless…”

“I don’t want to be abandoned…”

“I don’t want to stay in the jar forever…”

On the screen, under the whisper of this voice, it was obscured by the white breath.


A copy soldier looked towards the coming three brothers through the white breath, saying every word: “No, rubbish.”


All the replica soldiers spoke together, the loud voice seemed to vibrate the air.

Those hidden pictures are deeply embedded in the white breath.

“I will decide my life!!!”

bang!! !

The attack from the three brothers came and made a roar.

The breath of white, in this brief moment, formed a huge white shield!

The attack is blocked by this shield, so you can’t make any progress.

Cass shed tears, “I feel it, I feel it! You guys are interested! It’s great, this is really great!”

“It’s not a human wall, it It’s not a human wall! This is a shield of justice! A shield formed in the name of’Tough Justice’!” Kas Qingjin exclaimed and shouted: “Stand up, all People! As long as the justice in the heart exists, this shield will never disappear. We will hold this shield, for justice, for Kulo Commodore, forever standing in the front!”

“Justice is immortal , The shield is immortal!”

Kulo Commodore, have you seen it!

This is the strong shield under your righteous teaching!

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