Advanced Haki!

Kulo’s eyes condensed, and the speed of the knife increased without decreasing. At this moment, the Busoshoku Haki at the throat became more solid.

The blade slashed on Lederfield’s body.

And the Bat Umbrella also stabbed Kulo in the throat at this brief moment.

bang! ! !

The two separated again, Lederfield groaned, and this time retreated more than ten meters. The clothes on the shoulders, waist ribs, and chest were all scratched, even with the blessing of Busoshoku in those three directions. Still cut open.

At the same time, his clothes seemed to have been scratched by a thin blade, with countless more openings, splitting his body.

Only for a moment, the gentleman’s shape looks tattered.

And Kulo just leaned back, there was a trace of blood in his throat, he twisted his neck and his face was a bit heavy.

His strength was dissipated a lot by this blow.

This Old Guy deserves to be Old Guy, very experienced.

This is not comparable to Shiki’s insecure state. It took a fierce battle for so long before he could cut off one of his hands, but if he pulled out the rudder in the end, he was not an opponent at all.

However, now it is not comparable.

“The power of counter-shock?”

Leidfield looked towards the small wounds that appeared in the body, frowned: “Can Haki achieve such a strength?”

“Not good!” Kulo said with a smile.

His research on the “nail boxing technique” brought by Sazier is not white research. His Haki can now bring a little counter-shock force, through the form of external release, combined with the nail boxing method. The’proliferation’ nature of the coming, if others hit him, they will be shocked by its strength.

It’s the so-called outer ring scratch…No, anyway, hitting me is equal to hitting yourself.

“The lion is here!”

Kulo extend the hand, the debris that had been crushed by Lederfield regrouped and turned into a huge lion head, biting him from the air .

“All I said, this trick is useless, Skee didn’t dare to be careless to me back then.”

Leidfield was holding the bat umbrella and was about to defeat the lion again. Suddenly he paused on the head, and looked down, only to see that his ankles were bound by the spit out rock.

“Of course, the ability must be used in combination with itself!”

Kulo’s voice quickly came to Lederfield from far to near, and the limpid autumn water did not know when it was in the sheath. When he pulled it out again, it turned into a straight line of black glow and cut it over.

“Moon Oz!”

black blade, flashed.

“Is it right?”

With a move of Lederfield’s ankle, he broke the shackles of the rock, and his body turned into an afterimage and receded, avoiding this extremely fast cut. Knife cut.

“Tsk, poisonous snake.”

Kulo waved out with one hand, and a wave of rocks was ignited and rushed forward.


The stone wave was quickly broken open, and I saw that Lederfield was like a teleport, jumping back and forth in the space, and suddenly jumped to a high altitude, breaking with a sword. After opening the huge lion head, it teleported away again in the space to prevent Kulo from catching it.

Kulo’s eyes keep shifting, staring at the twinkling silhouette.

“Can I not catch it? This old stuff…”

Haki, sword technique… Maybe Busoshoku is not as overbearing as Kaido, but Kenbunshoku itself is strong A monstrous, in Kenbunshoku, Kulo is not his opponent. If he doesn’t calm down, it will be difficult to catch him.

The limpid autumn water held by Kulo’s hand turned horizontally, and the blade that was swung back turned into a blade forward. The fingers of his other hand moved slightly, and the air was broken. The heads of the lions fell one after another, forming a semicircular barrier in front.

“Nianli Knife·Lion Bite!”

The blade was swung out, and a gust of wind swept away into the barrier.

chi chi chi!

Slightly densely packed small cut marks appeared on the ground, and as the wind swept through, it kept advancing towards the flickering afterimage.

I see how you hide!

“This is really…”

Leidfield stopped flashing, the bat umbrella swept away the purple aura, a omni-directional slash that enveloped himself spread from himself , The slash interlaced with the strong wind, making a crisp sound of ding ding dong dong.

This guy is a little tricky.

“But only to this degree…”

The wind is still rolling, Lederfield extends the hand, and the bat umbrella stands in front of his face, posing a pair Knight holding a sword pose.

“Not enough to see, little demon!”

“Be careful!” Lida yelled subconsciously when he made this gesture.

Somehow, she felt that hair stands on end just looking at it.

It will die!



The silhouette with the cloak turned into a blood-red light, directly breaking through the wind and waves in the madness, He rushed to Kulo at a very fast speed. On the tip of the umbrella, Haki had already condensed a little, flashing purple light.

A little breaking the formation!

“Ignorance divine wind flow Profound Truth ·Black Tortoise!”

Kulo certainly did not dare to lift up, and immediately wiped two fingers on the limpid autumn water, with the golden glow on the blade A black Tortoise illusory shadow shrouded his body, the tortoise shell stood in front of him, and the serpentine illusory shadow coiled on it stared straight at the rushing blood red star.

“Oh? Illusory Beast, a magical sword technique.”

Leidfield’s body stagnated, but it only stayed for a moment, not affecting his speed at all, the tip of the umbrella Pierce the tortoise shell that protects Kulo in all directions.


The shell of the tortoise revealed a large number of cracks below that point, cracking like glass.

“Lion·Chikiri Valley!”

At this moment, Kulo waved his backhand, turning the afterimage of the knife, and cutting out hundreds of golden slash, howling wind and torrential rain. Blasted towards Lederfield in front of him.

“Oh…Ski’s style, it seems that he is not only dead as simple as that.”

Leidfield’s figure flashed straight, like walking in a leisurely garden. When the slash arrives, it turns into an afterimage, and flashes away, causing the slash to cut into the air. There are a hundred waves in a row, and there is no one in it.

Such a short distance…

The application of speed is not the same speed as Kulo at all. No, it is faster than him when dodge in a small area. .

This is more than just the strength of Kenbunshoku.

Based on this speed alone…

It’s no wonder that one person was comparable to Roger and Whitebeard back then.

“No wonder that one person could be comparable to Roger and Whitebeard back then?”

This short-lived loss made Lederfield read his thoughts, and his bat umbrella stabbed and pointed towards Kulo, held by him with a knife, clenched with five fingers in the other hand, protruding a large number of soil thorns decently from Lederfield.



I saw Lederfield’s body flashed, and quickly shattered the soil thorns, flashing to the rear, indifferently said: “I can’t compare to them, I never compare.”

“But you guys…”

Leidfield pointed at Kulo with a bat umbrella, and said in a vibrating voice: “It’s even more incomparable! Nowadays, the little demon are crazy, they don’t I know how heroic and powerful Roger and Whitebeard were back then. The kind of heart and power that can easily gain the trust of their peers and trust them without reservation is not something you little demon can experience!”

“Have you ever met Shiji, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do that “Chikiri Valley”. That idiot is just heroic to his own strength. It’s incomparable to Roger and Whitebeard, but if he’s like that, he’s on the ocean. There are already a few.”

“Ugly, too ugly!”

Leidfield complexion is gloomy Go down, “This world is so ugly, and the throne at the end of the sea does not have any People are eligible, but in this world, the throne is not allowed to be empty, so let me do it! I will replace Roger and Whitebeard and become the ultimate king!”

“Restore your youth and reign over the sea , Become the strongest in the world!”

“Only in this way, only in this way, you ugly guys can see the situation clearly, knowing that the sea is not a game that you despicable people can participate in casually!”

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