
Kulo snort disdainfully, squeezed the limpid autumn water tightly, “Let’s install less, no one is more noble than anyone on the sea, just small If you look at people, you may suffer from it!”


Leidfield smiled: “I haven’t been to Underwater Prison, but so what? It’s all about some selfish people that’s all.”


His figure flashed, and he couldn’t catch it in the space at all. This time, Lederfield used After gaining his true speed, he soon appeared beside Kulo, and the Bat Umbrella took Haki to stab him.

“Vermilion Bird!”

With this sword, Kulo couldn’t react in time. He immediately screamed. When the bat umbrella stabbed, a ball of flame surrounded himself and turned into a head. The bird of flame spreads its wings.

“The flame formed by slash?”

This umbrella hole entered the body of the big bird. Lederfield was taken aback for a moment, retracted the bat umbrella, his body figured out, and the cloak spread out behind him. , Like a spiral spiraling around the Vermilion Bird, cutting the Vermilion Bird into a spiral.

But this is of no use to Vermilion Bird. The cut body was quickly filled with slash, he screamed, his wings fluttered, and he ran towards Lederfield.

To kill you!

“Oh? The style that can continue to recover, are you going to drain my energy?”

Leidfield clenched the bat umbrella, and said in disgust: “This body …Too old, otherwise I will try, who is really strong, but now, it needs a little skill.”

He flashed out again at high speed, this time he didn’t get entangled with Kulo. , But turned into a blood red star, forcing Leda and a group of Marines.

“Did you?”

Kulo immediately lifted the Vermilion Bird form, with two fingers and one blade, turning into a golden glow, “White Tiger!”

The white tiger illusory shadow flows from the blade, and the tiger claw entangles Lederfield’s figure.

It is a white tiger transformed into a dense slash. Its tiger claw can capture the enemy and pull it to the attack range to slash.

It is also a trick that is not easy to avoid.

“Is it another kind of Illusory Beast, but at this level…not enough to see!”

Leidfield, who was pulled into the range, suddenly accelerated and rushed. Opened the encirclement of the white tiger’s claws, and rushed towards Marine.

“Major Lida, Major Kuro, don’t worry, leave it to me to guard!”

At this moment, Cass suddenly yelled, “Let me wait to resist evil Shield!”

He slammed his chest abruptly, and the white aura surrounded all the replica soldiers in Tomato Island.


All the replica soldiers acted together to surround Lida and Kuro. The replica soldiers on Tomato Island, roughly calculated, are afraid that there are three thousand. People, now gathered together in a pose of a human wall, as the white breath swelled away, it became a huge white shield.


Leidfield hit the shield, and immediately, he didn’t break through the shield’s defense.

“The power of the will…”

There was a trace of complexity in his eyes, sighed: “A sincere man!”

He turned around and waved, Hearing the sound of’Dang’, Kulo rushed to him shortly thereafter and placed a knife on the bat umbrella.

“So, do you want to fight me?” Ledfield said with a smile.

“You old bastard, you are really naughty!” Kulo gritted his teeth.

There are subordinates, and his plan to consume only Lederfield has failed. This guy knows that he is old and cannot keep up with his physical strength, so he wants to do it quickly with him.

The shield of Cass is powerful, but for this kind of Rank, it is not unbreakable.

If he suffers by himself, he will definitely break this shield and force himself to fight against him by the safety of his subordinates.

“You are not as good as that old Shiki!”

Kulo slashed Lederfield’s bat umbrella and kicked him in the chest, while Lederfield was smiled. Slightly, his body receded straight, and flew back. It was not so much that he was kicked by Kulo, it was better to retreat by himself.

That kick, almost kicked it.

“Ski? I can’t compare to him?”

Leidfield stood on the ground and looked at Kulo lightly, “I will change your impression.”

Kulo missed a kick and stood on the ground, just in front of the giant shield. With a flip of the limpid autumn water, the lightning glow was entangled on the limpid autumn water.


He lifted up the limbid autumn water, pointed to the sky, and in the sky, a cloud of darkness descended again.

hua la la!

The big rain drops from the sky, and before the giant shield, the expansive battlefield falls freely.


Leidfield extends the hand, catching a few raindrops, and froze, “No… the smell of sea water, is it the sea? “

Kulo slowly took back the limpid autumn water and put it into the scabbard. With the last cut of the blade, he said indifferently: “Profound Truth, Nianli Knife·Qinglongyu!”


A drop of rain fell on Lederfield’s shoulder, and a burst of blood surged.

“This is…”

Leidfield eyes shrank, immediately waved the bat umbrella, and rolled up a circular slash from itself, blocking the rain.

It’s just not blocked for a while, the slash shield is constantly disappearing under the rain.

“My trick is not so easy to block.” Kulo said coldly.

You micro-manipulation, I let you micro-manipulation, isn’t it flashing fast, I make it rain all over the area, and see where you go.

“You little demon, there are still a lot of means…”

Leidfield glanced up at the falling rain, glanced at the one under the huge shield The night sky was clear, and the figure was about to move, and saw an afterimage quickly approaching, the limpid autumn water gleaming with golden lightning glow was cut with a single knife, and Lederfield’s slash shield was chopped.

bang! ! !

The limpid autumn water is handed over with the bat umbrella, and a shock wave is released.

The slash shield shattered under the impact and rain.

The rain hit Lederfield, causing him to inspire a layer of Busoshoku, spreading from his shoulders, covering the body, rain falling on it, making a’peng peng pop’ sound.

“How could it be easy for you to pass, aren’t you going to fight Laozi!”

Kulo held the knife and pressed down, and said to Lederfield. with a smile.

“little demon!”

Leidfield also smirked, swinging his arm forward, pushing Kulo’s knife away, body flashed, reaching Kulo’s side, and stabbing it.


Kulo cut it with a backhand, staggered with the bat umbrella, made a crisp sound in the rain, and shook a lot of raindrops.

dang dang dang!

During the rainy night, a smooth golden lightning glow intertwined with a sharp group of Purple Qi. Every time it hits, the air vibrates, and the two-person-centered ground cracks and tears apart. Countless big openings and their shocking imposing manner made all the four-nation soldier who was watching them retreat.

Stay, they can’t bear that kind of power.

At this time, the Vinsmok family is no longer in charge.

They were already badly injured by Kulo, and they were sucked in by Lida. They had no strength for a long time.

Kaj glanced at the white giant shield nearby, sighed, this time, but the loss was great…

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