When Kulo was alone in the peace, several of his men, of course, had already received the news.

Kulo dare to pinch Den Den Mushi, but they dare not.

After all, it is Marine. They want intelligence and also need the movement sent by the headquarters, so Den Den Mushi will not pinch, and the news will not be interrupted.

But Kulo asked them not to do that, so what should I do.

As Kulo’s think tank, Kuro believes that Mr. Kulo does not want to know anyway, and according to the previous eight months, there is nothing to bother him.

Just hide it.

As a think tank and left and right hands, I have given full play to Lieutenant Commander’s accusations. He will answer the call, and he will take care of the news. It is enough to keep Mr. Kulo from knowing.

So he secretly lifted the pinch Den Den Mushi, and then he received a call from the headquarters.

Ask whether the Lederfield incident on Tomato Island in North Blue is real.

Kuro was taken aback when he heard this.

How did the headquarters know this?

The only thing that knows is the Marine on Pegasus Island. Needless to say, they will not say, Cass was also seen to death by Kulo and couldn’t find a chance.

As for the remaining Marine, in addition to the three thousand replica soldiers, the other Marines have been transferred back to the headquarters. These replica soldiers don’t speak much, impossible will spread the news.

It is impossible for the Vinsmok family to say such a shameful thing, and the kings of the four countries have also been threatened by Kulo to give the password.

In order to guard against the unexpected, he also went to sea to check it out, because two months have passed by this time, and there is no newspaper at that time on Pegasus Island. Now the news is published by Seagull. It’s just the most recent newspaper.

However, it is also easy to find.

Kuro went to nearby Benma Island and easily got a newspaper from any family.

The above is the photo of Kulo beheading Lederfield at that time, and there is a more high-resolution photo of the North Blue Winsmok beheading the four.

It’s over.

This was Kuro’s first reaction.

Mr. Kulo must not know this news.

Otherwise, he is the only one who is injured.

But paper can’t contain fire, he can’t keep the news hidden, in case Mr. Kulo knows it himself, it is him who is bad luck.

So he consulted with Lida, and Cass happened to hear him.

“What?! Kulo Commodore doesn’t know about this, how can this be, how can this be like this!”

Then, there was the scene just now downstairs.

Leda and Kuro looked at each other, nodded in unison.

In short, first stabilize this passionate beard, and then consider the long-term plan.

“Actually, it’s not that Mr. Kulo doesn’t know, he knows.”

Kuro thought for a while and said to Cass: “It’s just that what you know may not be so detailed, but He knew that he had killed Lederfield and was known.”

Well, there is nothing wrong with that. Indeed, when that many people were there, no one knew.

“We can publicize this kind of thing, but for Mr. Kulo, it is not worth mentioning.”

“In the first place on Tomato Island, you heard that Mr. Kulo was How can I put it, Lederfield is old, an old man, killing an old man, that’s not something worth showing off.”

Kuro said: “So Mr. Kulo knows about this. Yes, but if you go in with such a big fanfare, it will only make Mr. Kulo feel that you are too impetuous. Don’t you want to be Mr. Kulo’s shield, so be more stable.”

“Yes. .. That’s it!”

Cass suddenly felt Satori and thanked Kuro solemnly: “Thank you very much, Major Kuro. If it weren’t for you, I might have gone into a misunderstanding!”

“Yes, that’s it, you’d better go for training first, Mr. Kulo trusts you so much, you can’t live up to his expectations.” Kuro hurriedly nodded.

“Oh? Kulo Commodore…no, does Mr. Kulo trust me very much?!” Cass widened his eyes and asked in surprise.

“Of course, look at your three thousand doglegs… No, three thousand Greg family Marines. General branch bases don’t have such authority. Mr. Kulo is asking for these people. A lot of people.” Kuro opened his eyes and said nonsense.

In fact, it is not a nonsense. He was there at the time, and he remembered Kulo telling Admiral Kizaru this way.

“Hey, Old Master, I want these replica soldiers of the Vinsmok family, you can help me pass.”

“Oh~ okay, but you have three There are thousands of people, so other Marines won’t give it to you, so let’s call it back.”


“Is that so? Is that so!”

Kasden burst into tears at the time, he wiped a tear indiscriminately, and looked up towards the top, “I will definitely not live up to Mr. Kulo’s expectations!”

Speaking, he turned and left and went to To the outside training ground.

The current Marine base is divided into two large walls. The inner wall is the Marine fortress where Kulo is and the residences of their Marine generals. The outer walls are the residences of ordinary soldiers, canteens, and Dedicated training ground.


Cass stood on the platform on the training ground without tears, and shouted at the thousands of Marines who were training spontaneously: “Family !”

Marines stopped training, leaned their hands back, their feet diverged, standing stiffly one by one.

Looking at them, Cass began to say: “Today, I know Mr. Kulo’s true attitude towards me. I was recognized by Mr. Kulo!”

“I for a long Time’s long-cherished wish was finally fulfilled, and the rest is obvious. There is only one answer, that is, I am going to go further and offer loyalty to him!”

“A person’s power is limited, But the power of a group of people is not. Our most respected Mr. Kulo is one person, but if he has us, then he is more than one person!”

“My Cass is determined here, I will not only Become the shield of Mr. Kulo, the Doug family, and the shield of the Lucifer family in the future.”

“Since you bear my surname, then we are a family, all family members! Me! You must abide by the oath, passed on from father to son, passed on from ancestors to grandchildren, and from generation to generation!”

“Even if the sea rolls back, the sky is heavy, the world annihilation! The Doug family! , Has been and always will be the shield of the Lucifer family!!!”


Three thousand Marines roared together.

“I said…you do this, Kulo will skin you when I know about it in the future.”

Under the excitement of this group of sentiments, Lida gave a shivered. Looking at Kuro like a dead person, “This is an oath of allegiance. It is no longer a simple subordinate.”

“If I don’t get him away now, Mr. Kulo can strip me now. What’s the future?”

Kuro swallowed his saliva. How did he know that Cass had such a big reaction? Didn’t he just say that Kulo believed in him…


But…it’s not a bad thing.

Kuro pushed down the glasses and said: “At least after the birth of Mr. Kulo, there will be natural protection. There is nothing wrong with it.”

“That’s true.”


Lida raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and her unfathomable mystery became happy. “My child will have many partners in the future.”

Kuro tugged at the corners of his mouth.. .What are you doing here?


“What is the noise…”

Kulo has better sound insulation, and the training field is far away from him, but I didn’t listen. When it came to Cass, he heard the roar.

He bit his cigar and looked towards the other side helplessly from the window, “Are you getting hot again, Cass…”

Forget it, he is in a good mood, so let Cass can play by himself on this Pegasus Island without setback.

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