This matter was just prevaricated by Kuro. As for the newspaper he had obtained “hardly”, he crumpled it up and threw it into the trash.

In any case, Mr. Kulo cannot be known.

However, information has a speed of transmission, especially on prosperous islands such as Pegasus Island. The “Island of Songs, Dances and Hot Springs” can attract many people.

The news brought about by it, of course, spread to each other, including the newspaper that Kulo killed Lederfield.

“Don’t show off this kind of thing!”

In the port, Cass led the team to do the inspection. He snatched the newspaper, and then cautiously received it. In his arms, by saying to the businessman: “Mr. Kulo is never proud of such things. Using such things to please Mr. Kulo will only make him feel ashamed!”

“It’s just a It’s just Lederfield. Mr. Kulo is going to be the man of the Marine Headquarters, a trifling old-time remnant party, nothing to brag about. Mr. Kulo hates other people discussing these things, so on this island, discussions are not allowed. For Mr. Kulo Respect, just rest assured!”

Kas, who was fooled by Kuro, spontaneously checked the island.

But for others, this is not only not offensive, but also praised.

Playing such a big Great Pirate, and still so low-key, is really a good Marine!

With him on Pegasus Island, it is definitely the safest island in West Blue.

Businessmen and tourists are very satisfied, and some even consider to settle here.

As for local residents, they are even more satisfied.

Mr. Kulo doesn’t want people to know that it is a good thing. If there are too many people, what if Mr. Kulo is transferred away? Then no one will guard them?

As aborigines, they have experienced the pains of war and Pirate, knowing that peace is hard-won.

So this matter subsided on Pegasus Island, everyone knew it well, and thought Kulo knew it himself.


“Ah…Mr. Kulo, try the latest sweet potatoes!”

The shop Boss, which has been promoted to be a big sweet potato manufacturer, is passionate about Kulo said.

“Mr. Kulo, this is freshly brewed black tea, huh, would you like a cup?”

I don’t know where Beard Boss, who runs a ladyboy shop, warmly entertained him. He said his surname was Nohara.

“Mr. Kulo!”

“Mr. Kulo!!”

“Not quite right…”

Back In the office, Kulo took a few breaths and smacked his lips, a little overwhelming.

“How come these islanders have been more enthusiastic than before.”

“It’s not normal, Mr. Kulo, you are on this island after all. Guardian God, you should be respectful.”

Kuro secretly wiped the sweat from his head and said.


Kulo raised his eyebrows, took out a cigar and lighted it on, spitting out smoke.

“What’s wrong is not right. They used to be enthusiastic to me, but they are not as enthusiastic as they are now. They are too enthusiastic. I can’t stand it a bit. I feel like I can’t say it…”

“But I don’t know where it feels like, it seems right, and it doesn’t seem right.”

Kulo rubbed his eyebrows, watched Kuro sweat inexplicably there, and asked: “Are you nervous?”

“No, I’m not nervous.”

“Why are you sweating that much?”

“Ah…maybe too hot.”

“en? ”

Kulo eyes slightly narrowed, staring at Kuro for a long time, and suddenly he said something frightening, “I know!”

“You… what do you know?” Kuro took a step back in shock.

“you guy…you guys have to keep this kind of stuff from me, hey, I’m your boss!” Kulo spit out the smoke, the smoke filled his face, making Kuro unable to see clearly expression.

“Mr. Kulo, listen to my explanation. This incident was not deliberately concealed from you. It is because the news is too big and I dare not…”

“No Make a phone call privately and receive news? What does it matter? You don’t show it to me. Just remember. Don’t ask me everyone. If I’m busy, I’m not here. I’m going to take a shower if I have something to do.” p>

Kuro spoke directly before Kuro spoke.


Kuro blinked his eyes, “This…yes, I see, Mr. Kulo, I can’t hide it from you.”


“That is, my East Blue wit little Kulo was not called for nothing.” Kulo laughed complacently.

“After all, I am not a demon either. I can be capricious because I have someone to cover. You, as my Lieutenant Commander, of course have a lot of backing… No, do more with related matters, we can’t I’m out of touch with the headquarters, I understand.”

Kulo pressed his hand a few times to signal Kuro to calm down, “I tell you, do things, must keep calm, there is a sentence as the saying goes well If you have thunder in your chest and face like a calm lake, you can worship Admiral. You are also my think tank, so be a little indifferent.”

“By the way, what big news you just said, you dare not say anything ?” he asked.

“Kulo, Kulo!”

At this moment, when the door was pushed open with a slap, Lida suddenly rushed in and said excitedly: “I have risen, I have risen. !”

Kulo was taken aback by these words, and said: “What gave birth to men and women?”


Leda rolled her eyes and beckoned, and she saw a group of people walking in from behind.

Cass, Sazier, Donald, Kikyo, Fanny, all came in wearing Marine cloak.

“I mean we are promoted!” Leda said excitedly.


These words made Kulo almost jumped up from his chair and roared: “Watfaq?!”

“Huh? What do you mean? Aiya, in short, they come back. “

Leda pointed at Donald, Campanulaceae and Fanny, “I also brought back the promotion order of the headquarters.”

“Kulo Commodore, long time no see.”

Donald, who has already put on cloak, salutes Kulo, loudly said: “I have been trained from the headquarters, and after evaluation, I am already a lieutenant, and I can serve you better “

“Hehe, I am a second lieutenant.”

Fanny still wears the satin black robe that outlines the top grade figure, but she also wears cloak and shakes to Kulo Shaking his hand and smiling.

A group of people looked towards Kikyo, the deaf man was stunned, and suddenly reacted, without anyone telling her again.

“I am a second lieutenant,” she said.

Donald took a step forward, took out a stack of documents, and handed them to Kulo’s desk, saying: “This is because the headquarters considers the lack of officers on the Pegasus Island base and our excellent performance. It gave us a promotion. In addition, there are other people’s promotion orders.”

Kulo quickly picked it up and quickly glanced at it. The above means probably considering that Pegasus Island is currently only a third class. Soldiers, and then a few of them, so Donald and them were promoted.

Although the three thousand people entered Marine, they all started with the lowest third-class soldiers. After all, their minds are not yet fully mature, and there is no independent skill or performance, although they are not very good. Sir command is needed, but not needing and not being are two different things.

I can’t meet Pirate and leave Cass alone, or add a Sazier to command. Wouldn’t it be exhausting.

With this in mind, Donald and the others were promoted.

Kulo relaxed.

He didn’t see himself on the file.

At this moment, he sat down, his expression regained his indifferent expression, and said to the three who came back with praise: “That’s right, I’ve got cloak in the headquarter every time I go to the headquarter. And… .Kuro, you’re the Commander now, so are you, Leda, and Cass…”

He looked at him weirdly even if there was no expression in front of him, he looked at the very passionate beard,” You have also been promoted, also Commander.”

“Have I been promoted? Thank you Mr. Kulo for your cultivation!” Casli said loudly.

“Ah…no, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with me, it’s your own effort.” Kulo scratched his head, but he felt that maybe it was him who caused the beard.

Only upgrade to Level 1?

The three thousand replica soldiers are not fake. For such a great contribution, if only Level 1 is mentioned, then maybe Vinsmok played a trick in it.

Vinsmok exerted influence in it. After all, this is a soldier of others. If Cass turned over, the World Government should also pay attention to the influence. Level 1 is not bad.

He estimated that the headquarter endorsed the World Government, and then spread the credit equally to these subordinates, otherwise it may not necessarily be promoted.

But this is a good thing!

Because he does not have himself, this means that Vince Mok really does what he says, and complains if he complains.

Good people!

Go back to North Blue and give them a medal.

“Wait, Kulo Commodore…”

At this time, Sazier asked weakly: “Is there no promotion order for me?”

Kulo lowered his head and flipped through the documents, shook his head and said: “It doesn’t seem to be yours.”

Sazil pursed his lips, looked towards Donald, and asked: “I said, you three headquarters are trained What were the results when I was in,”

“First.” Donald said.

“Third.” Fanny laughed, and then pointed to Kikyo and said: “Platoon is second.”

Sazir: “…”


Why don’t you have the kind of command to get a middle grade that can’t be lowered!

Do you know how difficult it is for me to be a second lieutenant!

And everyone has been promoted, why not me!

He looked at Kuro bitterly. The latter thought he hadn’t seen it, and pushed his glasses, “Promotion is a good thing.”

“By the way, I haven’t congratulated Kulo Commodore yet. !”

Donald thought of something and said excitedly: “You are so amazing! I heard that in the headquarters, you killed Lederfield alone, you in that newspaper, but So handsome!”

“Ah?! What did you say?!”

Kulo stretched out his head, his expression was stunned, and the smile he had just made because he didn’t see him froze. On, it became unspeakable weird.

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