These words changed the faces of Lida and Kuro.

“I’m hungry, go eat!”

Leda is going to slip away with an excuse.


At this moment, the sliding door snapped and closed.

Kulo let go, the complexion is gloomy’s terrifying, “No one is allowed to go.”

He glanced at the crowd, and then said to Donald: “Tell me, you guys Why did you know, and why did you publish a newspaper.”


Donald was taken aback and said strangely: “Kulo Commodore, don’t you know?”

I know a der!

Kulo resisted the urge to complain and said, “What the hell is going on! Kuro!”

He stared at Kuro, his eyes seemed to be peeling him.

Kuro was stared and shivered, “That, no, I am going to say today, you didn’t give me a chance.”

Said, he took three steps. He took two steps and walked up, took out the newspaper in his arms, spread it on Kulo’s table, and then stepped back, sweating on his forehead and said: “Mr. Kulo, when we found this thing, It’s too late.”

Above, it happened to be the photo of him killing Lederfield and North Blue Winsmok.

Seeing Kulo tactically leaning back, his eyes seemed to be stabbed, and he couldn’t bear to look directly at him for a while.

Especially the title, which makes it impossible to read.

“Hero of the Marines killed the lonely red? Who is the hero, who is the hero!”

Kulo angrily lit the newspaper with his hand and hit it The peng peng sounded straight, as if even the table was going to be pierced!

Next, he leaned back in his chair, staring at the top like a salted fish that had lost his soul, then thought of something, and regrouped.

He took out the cigar box, took out a cigar, and tremblingly gestured with the cigar between his fingers, “It’s okay, the Kings of the Four Kingdoms promised me not to expose this matter, it must be What kind of undead war reporter secretly filmed, hateful, it was so clear!”

“Mr. Kulo…” Kuro hesitated.

“Kulo Commodore, this is the statement jointly issued by the four kings of North Blue!” Donald wondered: “Why do you say that the four kings will not be exposed? Such a good thing should be publicized. Ah.”

Kulo: “…”

His eyes looked towards the newspaper again, and he saw the words’Joint Statement of the Four Kings’ under the newspaper.

Kulo’s cigar was turning in his hand again, unwilling to give up: “No, as long as the Vinsmok family complains, everything will be fine.”

At this time, Lida Take a look at Kuro.

Kuro pursed his mouth, sweating profusely: “Mr. Kulo, Vinsmok and him…”

“Didn’t they have complained about Vinsmok? , I heard about it. Because of this, Akainu Fleet Admiral and Gorosei had a big quarrel on the phone, but they still didn’t agree, so Akainu Fleet Admiral went to Mariejois again.” Donald said.

As soon as this statement came out, the office was silent.

Kulo’s fingers stretched out slowly, trembling like epilepsy, and said slowly: “Leda and Kuro stay, everyone else, let me go out.”

A group of people received the order and walked out of the office.

With a bang and the door closed, Kulo immediately roared: “I clearly communicated! Obviously communicated! This week, this month, I thought nothing happened. I am obviously so happy, why, why do you want to let me know this news, ah!!!”

The loud voice can be heard outside the office.

“Mr. Crow…”

Cass shed tears, “Is it humiliated by this, yes, trifling Lederfield, how can we preach so much? It proves that Mr. Kulo’s mind is just an Old Guy!”

“I think so too!”

Donald is solemnly nodded, “Even though the lonely red is a powerful person, But there are not many people who have heard of it. I only heard his name occasionally when I traveled around the world as a knight-errant. He did not deserve to be included in legends such as Roger Whitebeard and Shiki. This kind of thing, Kulo Commodore early That’s right. I’m so angry. It must be because the newspaper promotes too much. Ah… That really is a humble and true man!”

Is that true?

Sazl was subconsciously nodded, but immediately shook his head.

He instinctively felt that something was wrong, but he didn’t know what was wrong.

“Everyone is lying to me, even the king who promised me, and you! Why didn’t you say it earlier!” Kulo yelled at them.

“Mr. Kulo, I have always wanted to say it earlier, but seeing that you are in such a good mood, you can’t bear to ruin your mood. In addition, you have also ordered that all calls and news do not need to be notified to you.” Kuro speaks extremely fast .

Kulo got out of the seat and snarled at Kuro: “Shit!!! The rice bucket!!! The scum!!!”

“Mr. Kulo, is this speech a bit… “Kuro pushed down his glasses, embarrassed.

“I’m so angry!!”

Kulo threw the cigar on the table, leaned against the wall and gasped for a few times, and continued: “Usually I ask you to give your ideas. No, it’s the first one, huh?! For such a big thing, I don’t think of a way. It’s not eating every day!”

He glared at Lida.

“Just go wandering around the town!”

He glared at Kuro again.

“The way! The solution! Do you know what Lederfield stands for?! The lonely red! Do you know what’s going on in the headquarter now!? New ones not yet ripe! What do I have? Maybe a direct promotion! I will go to New World!!!”

He beat his chest and said: “I’m in Hebei Province…No, I’m here in West Blue, it’s for mine Ambition, my long-cherished wish! It’s not to show the achievements to the headquarters here!”

He took a few more breaths and sat back on the chair tremblingly, “Turning him…the kings , Why are you so courageous and why you dare to ignore my threat!”

“Maybe…I misunderstood.” Kuro pursed his lips and said.

“I flew directly to North Blue and smashed the islands, believe it or not!” Kulo roared.


After saying this, Kulo took a few more breaths before he calmed down.

He tremblingly picked up the cigar, held it in his mouth, and lit it with a lighter several times.


He leaned on the chair, expelled a puff of smoke, and was silent for a while.

After a roar, he was a little bit down.

Of course it was impossible to smash it. It was just an angry talk just now. If he really went to smash Renjiadao for this, then he was really crazy.

However, things have to be resolved.

“Give a plan, Young Masters and Young Ladies.”

Kulo said to these two people: “I beg you, come to a plan, what should I do? Minimize the impact of this incident.”


“Shut up!”

Kulo interrupted Lida If you want to, stare at her and said: “Furthermore, your lunch today will be gone.”

“hmph, I can go out to eat.” Lida said without fear.

“When will I save some snacks?” Kulo said helplessly.

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