“This is…”

Russell looks at the iron curtain hiding the sky and covering the earth on the other side, although wearing a helmet The expression is unclear, but I can still see it a little stunned.

That thing is indeed a bit too exaggerated.

No wonder the bounty gold is approaching 300 million.

“I heard that the’Golden Admiral’ has a treasure comparable to a country, so that’s how it is, the so-called treasure, this is it.” Russell said slightly.

“Master Knight, what should I do now?” A Knight approached and asked.

“Retreat, we are not the opponent of the glorious Marine. It’s a pity, I wanted to resolve the dispute…”

Russell waved his hand and suddenly looked towards Bellamy, who was lying there with his stomach ripped open, said, “The man is not dead yet, maybe there is a chance.”

“Hahaha, is it scared to move? Yes, this is The admiral’s ability, no matter how fast you are, you will never be able to dodge an attack in this range!”

Roberts was full of expressions.

“Well, I agree with you, it is true.”

Kulo nodded to him.

AOE micro-manipulation, the world is the most important thing.

“poisonous snake.”

Kulo moved his hand forward, and the ground formed by the roots turned out a wavy high wall in front of him, towards that hiding The sky and the iron curtain covering the earth swallowed the past.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~! !

The scattered weapons hit the high wall, and the hole was immediately punched out of the high wall, but before the weapon completely broke through, the hole was closed and the weapon was stuck.

“How long can you block the admiral?”

Roberts, who saw this scene, didn’t care at all. Instead, he increased his output. A large number of weapons burst from his body, shooting To that high wall.


From the hole in the high wall, Kulo saw Roberts shooting a weapon again, and immediately burst into flames: “You still have so many things.”

Although he has an island and often prostitutes Marine weapons for nothing, who would think that the inventory is too large.

He slightly slowed down the speed of the shrinking of the high wall, making those weapons strikes more shocking.

“I said you can’t stop it.”

Roberts showed his face: “This admiral has enough weapons to equip a country. Your thin wall, When can I resist it?”

As he said, he launched more vigorously.

A large number of weapons hit the high wall, making the wall thinner and thinner. Every minute of thinner Kulo’s face became thinner, he seemed to be panicking.

“It’s now!”

Russell saw the timing, and when he patted the donkey under his hips, he saw the donkey’ahhhhh’, and his body shot very quickly Go out and head straight to Kulo.

“en? Stop my money?”

Kulo subconsciously clenched the limpid autumn water, but soon he relaxed.

Because this Knight, wearing a worn-out armor, just got to his side, picked up Bellamy and ran away.

“Are you still angry? It’s amazing…”

Kulo glanced at Bellamy, who didn’t know his life or death, and felt a little bit, and found that there was indeed Angrily, not completely dead.

The strength of his knife is the same as that of other Supernovas, and he didn’t keep his hands.

Bellamy is still angry, probably not cutting his head. Secondly, his willpower seems not bad.

“Forget it, if you escape, let’s escape.”

This Bellamy, he is also the first time he has seen him. From a sensory point of view, compared to the original work in his memory. The image seems to be a lot of men.

As for the man with the worn-out armor, it is estimated that he is a “dreamist”. With this kind of existence, it doesn’t really matter whether Kulo kills or not, just don’t cause him trouble.

Especially now is an important moment. He killed someone with a knife in case of, wouldn’t it be exposed? The idiot on the roof would lose his inventory if he didn’t confide in him.

Listen to what he said, that is the inventory of a country!

A country!

Thinking of this, Kulo’s mastery is loosened again.

Those weapons struck over and penetrated the wall a little bit. It looked like the wall was gradually weakening and disintegrating.

Roberts smiled, “Let you see what the real power is like!”

The chaos in his body, the amount of weapons fired is larger, and the speed is obvious. Speeding up a lot, the iron curtain stretched from his body to the high wall, like a black line, constantly impacting.

“How can it be repaired, you guy!”

Kulo gritted his teeth and said, “Is it so terrifying!”

“Say, feel the despair!”

Roberts saw that the thickness of the high wall was constantly being thinned, and his hands opened wider, and the thick black lines broke off from his body, and all the weapons rushed towards the high wall. .

He didn’t notice that the range of the thinner and thinner high wall was getting bigger and bigger.

Otherwise, how can you put so many weapons.


With a series of hits, Roberts paused there with an open hand, staring blankly at the still unbroken high wall.

The wall is clearly tattered. If you just rush it, it should be broken.

Then that Lucifer · Kulo will be crushed to death by the iron curtain of hiding the sky and covering the earth, adding a luxurious touch to his record.

Speaking of which, he has never killed such a famous person.

Although he doesn’t like Lederfield, if there is such a Marine who kills that Pirate, his reputation will rise even further.

Before breaking into New World, the reputation is also good.

Pirate King, worthy of his’Golden Admiral’.

I think so.

But the reality is a bit skinny.

“Why didn’t it break.” Roberts’s face fell dark.

“This is it?”

Kulo poked his head from the edge of the wall, glanced at the pierced secret, slowly unable to see the weapon in the gap, and looked towards Roberts,” Work harder, my wall is about to break, and you can take out any other hands.”

“Are you kidding me?”

Roberts narrowed his eyes. After reacting, coldly said: “Marine, you are one step further on the road to death.”

“It looks like it’s gone…”

Kulo’s palm floats up , Gao Wall took the large number of weapons to the sky, and gradually disappeared under Roberts’s almost cannibalistic eyes.

“Forget it, the number is not small, thank you very much for your sponsorship.”


He tone barely fell, and his body disappeared. Black glow appeared in front of Roberts.

Kulo appeared in front of him in an instant, and slashed over, “I will try not to give you pain.”

The blade directly caught Roberts’s eyes. Stroked across his neck.

Yes, just swiped over.

The body was like an illusory shadow, and it was simply not hit.

A smile appeared at the corner of Roberts’s mouth and looked towards Kulo: “It’s stored.”


A black light shot from his body. Out, Kulo eyes shrank, the blade that had been drawn turned inward, and stood in front of him.


The black light and the black blade intertwined with a crisp sound. Kulo stepped back a few steps and flew high in the air. He looked at Roberts carefully and made a meaningful sound: “oh ?”

“No matter whether it is slash, objects or elements, there is nothing that this admiral cannot store.”

Roberts looked towards Kulo contemptuously and said:” Marine, you can’t defeat this admiral. All your attacks, this admiral can return.”

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