Kulo was really surprised this time.

It doesn’t matter if you store objects, it can still be regarded as the fruit of space, but storing the slash he just looked at is a bit exaggerated.

The shot Roberts counterattacked, whether in terms of strength or speed, was exactly the same as the one cut by Kulo, without any attenuation.

It’s really completely stored.


At this time, Kulo reappeared behind him again. Instead of using a knife, he smashed it down with a fist. The fist pressed against Roberts’ back, and the force he issued was touching. At that moment, disappear without a trace.

“Give it back to you!” Roberts didn’t even look at it, and pushed out his back with a force.


Kulo drew away, returned to the sky again, staring at Roberts and smacked his lips and said: “That’s not bad, Absolute Defense in disguise?”

“I’ve said it, don’t look down on the admiral there!”

Roberts stretched out his hand and waved, a huge black slash rose from his hand and rushed to Kulo quickly.

“Hawk Eyes?!”

At this time, Lida, who had rushed to this side, saw the slash and called subconsciously.

The intensity and breath of this slash is no different from Hawk Eyes slash, especially Lida, who has fought against Hawk Eyes slash, is very clear.

Kulo is also stared wide-eyed now, his body dodges in the air, avoiding this soaring slash.

He stared blankly at the slash to the sky, turned his head and looked towards Roberts in surprise, “you guy, have you met Hawk Eyes?”

“That man, But I can’t help this admiral.” Roberts sneered.

The ability of Ability User is a miracle and absolute. Although some have weaknesses, they are more of a manifestation of BUG-rank.

I won’t talk about the real bugs. Like this kind of “super human body”, such as Buggy, he will not be afraid of adding Haki’s slash. As long as it is slash, he will not be afraid.

This is the same for Roberts. He said that he could not absorb living substances, so Kulo’s fist couldn’t get in, but just now the black blade slashed across his body, and the limbid autumn water has no life. You can enter, the fist is his fleshy body, so there is.

The fist can only touch the body, but the strength of this thing can’t talk about life, it is naturally’stored’ by him, and then released.

“It’s not Hawk Eyes…Hey, Kulo, who is this guy?”

Leda rushed to the battlefield at this time, glanced at Roberts on the roof, and looked at the sky above. Kulo Road.

“A Pirate.”

Kulo shrugged and asked: “Did you meet Pirate on the road?”

“No.” Lida shook Shaking his head: “There is no who along the way, we came directly.”


Kulo touched the chin, Kenbunshoku spread out, the worn-out Knight armor The breath is now farther and farther away, and it looks like it is about to go to the port where the ship is privately hidden.

It is really going to run.

“Just forget it if you haven’t encountered it.”

Kulo looked towards Roberts, “Then solve this stuff.”

Roberts complexion is gloomy came down, “fight with the admiral, there is still time to talk there, and now arrogantly want to solve the admiral, you really are crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

He extends the hand, arms opened again, “Do you know the man Hawk Eyes, then understand his slash!”

hu hu hu!

Sandao dark The green slash burst from his body and divided into three directions. Two vertical slashes attacked Kulo, and a horizontal slash swept towards Lida and the others.

Kulo’s eyes closed slightly, and his body flashed in the air, appearing at the other end.

“Essence impact!”

Leda gathered Busoshoku on her fist, punched towards the slash that flew over, fist and slash handed over, confronted for a while, she moved her fist towards Last mention, hit the slash to the sky.

“It’s different now from before, and I’m stronger too!” Leda shook her numb arm, revealing a beautiful white tooth.

A year ago, with all her strength, she almost couldn’t resist it.

Now, she can do it with one hand.


Roberts was coldly snorted, his eyes turned towards Leda, and four dark green slashes flew out of his eyes, both horizontally and vertically. To Leda.


Leda moved towards the top and cried out.


Four golden slashes descended from the sky and collided with the dark green slash, igniting one after another air wave, blowing the dust on the ground.

Kulo holding the limpid autumn water, slowly descending in front of Lida, smacked and said: “Mihawk that idiot, how long have you played with this person.”

This slash is endless Up.

“Kulo, go up and kill him, I don’t like this person.”

Lida watched Kulo standing there still and urged.

“I can’t cut him.”

Kulo rolled his eyes, “This thing is a BUG-rank, no matter what kind of attack, it will be stored by him, and then Release it, otherwise you don’t think he knows the style of Hawk Eyes. But…”

He glanced at Lida, and he had a certainty in his heart.

That Roberts is a standard Ability User, with a strong ability to develop, but other aspects are very general.

Compared with Bellamy and Anne he met, this man’s physical skills are similar to those of mental retardation.

If he could be touched, then he would be finished in front of Leda.

“But there is always a limit. How long can the boring Mihawk play with this kind of person? From slash, it’s not very strong anymore.” Kulo said.

“Do you underestimate this admiral?”

Roberts dismissed: “Shichibukai is nothing great, and Admiral and Yonko are nothing great. They are weak people who cannot be kings of the world that’s all. , The so-called Ledfield, is a figure eliminated by the times. Pirate King? Roger is not worthy, because he was caught by your Marine, and the loser is not qualified to be the king. Only me, only this admiral, is The king of the next generation.”

“It doesn’t matter how much the Hawk Eyes slash is, because no one can be my opponent. My storage capacity is within the scope of a country!”

Roberts embraced his arms, staring coldly at Kulo, “The kind of fluttering knife, ordinary fist, you can store as much as you want.”

“A country’s… Kulo froze for a moment. “What is the size of the country?”

“hmph, if you calculate it, it can be compared to the current Sabaody Archipelago.”

“If it exceeds this, The island is now.”

“This kind of thing is impossible.”

Roberts said with a smile: “What kind of attack can fill up my storage area, this world simply doesn’t, The so-called formidable power and power do not have any comparability. In this admiral, there is only the concept of area. Knowing such cruel facts, don’t you raise your hand and surrender? Marine, worship this admiral, and this admiral will give you a joy.”


Kulo spit out smoke, “That’s it…”

He extended the hand, in one move, “Originally I still want to use Lida to deal with your BUG-rank. Now it seems that there are other options.”

The sky suddenly darkened.

It is clear that the sky is clear, but the unfathomable mystery is darkened. At this time, everyone in the shampoo field looks up to the sky, one by one dumbstruck.


A civilian was trembling all over, pointing to the sky.

In the direction he was pointing, above the sky, like the sky, a piece of Sea Territory was slowly sinking.

The auction site.

Kulo raised his hands and said to Roberts lightly: “Is the shampoo lot big?”

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