“This is…”

Roberts looked up at the sky, and the plain expression of’powerhouse’ had been maintained for the first time, disintegrating.

What is that!

Why did the sea fall from the sky!

White Sea?

But that is the water of the Blue Sea, not the cloud water of the White Sea!

hua la la!

Large raindrops fell. The raindrops seemed to be aimed at Roberts, but they landed within his range. With him maintaining the chaotic form, the rain entered his body. , Was’stored’ up.

bang!! !

The big rainwater formed a mass of water, which fell from the Sea Territory in the sky and enveloped Roberts.

The roof of the auction house was easily flushed out of a big hole, and the sea water fluttered from the water column, with strong water pressure, instantly crushing the auction house into ruins.

The figure in the middle, unable to move even a little bit under the pressure of sea water, can only store sea water by pure ability.

If you don’t save it, it will instantly lose its ability.

It’s just…

“As I said, the shampoo is not very big.”

Kulo presses his five fingers down, and the impact velocity of the water column is obvious. Increased, smashing the ground where Roberts was standing on a big hole.

Kulo knows that his water column is being absorbed, but the speed of absorption is not as fast as his falling speed. The most important thing is that this guy is too weak in physical skills, even if he wants to escape. , That speed is not comparable to the moving speed of the water column.

The water column is moving, which means Roberts is moving, but the moving speed…

Kulo takes a picture, the water column expands in a circle, and follows the center When Roberts moved and moved, he couldn’t escape the water column at all.

“No, it will be full, I will be full!”

The water column of water is being absorbed by him, but Roberts gradually feels that the storage area that he never worried about before , Finally there is a big problem.

He could feel that under the impact of this strong water column, it was almost full.

That is comparable to the area of ​​Sabaody Archipelago. In the past, unless you stumble and fall into the sea, you would be completely impossible, and you have never stumbled!

But now…what’s the difference between this and falling into the ocean.

“Lucifer · Kulo! Stop, stop! I’ll go to death!” he yelled.

It’s just that the sound is in the water. It’s so easy to make it through the water column.

Moreover, Kulo won’t listen.

“Have you heard, Lucifer ·Kulo! Quickly untie it!” His voice began to be full of panic.

“Lucifer ·Kulo!!!” Roberts’ eyes widened, his mouth was open, his voice was sharp, and his hands covered his cheeks. The whole person felt bad, like a famous painting of the world.

Suddenly a bubble of water was spit out from his mouth, and then, the surface of his body began to overflow with drops of water. The drops of water began to grow more and more, and eventually mixed with the drops of water that enveloped him, completely Roberts wrapped it up.


Kulo held his five fingers together, and the water column of the sky broke apart, forming a transparent water mass, which wrapped Roberts.

“Aiya, it seems that the storage is full, and you are an ordinary fleshy body.”

In the water mass, Roberts looks pale, struggling feebly in the water mass.

Ability User Some are not afraid of sea water.

At least he Kulo is not afraid, or that they are of this type, there is a way to avoid them.

But there are limits.

Kulo will fall into the sea because of lack of physical strength. This is his shortcoming, and this Roberts has too many shortcomings in his eyes.

Kairoseki has the simplest restriction.

Apart from this, Haki’s attack can also be used. Although he can absorb power, he cannot absorb the expression of human will. There may be no scars, but there is definitely pain.

Logia is perfect for this type.

Apart from this is the most primordial method of Kulo.

Although Haki is simpler, but…

“You give me that many weapons, and I give you some sea water for self-protection. , But… you don’t seem to be able to bear it.”

Kulo held the limpid autumn water, swiped it horizontally, and stirred up a violent wind in the water.

“The lion bites.”

chi chi chi!

The water mass that envelops Roberts is turned into a sharp knife, and it cuts continuously around him. The body burst out blood mist, the blood mist covered the water mass, and heard a’pop’, the water mass burst, Roberts completely disappeared, leaving only blood and water sprinkled on the ground.

hua la la.

It rained again in the sky, Kulo slowly put the knife into the sheath, and with the sound of’click’, the corpses that fell on the ground were cut open one after another under the rain. The raindrops were crushed and turned into blood water, flowing on the ground.

This bloody water once again faded under the torrential rain, and finally flowed into the sewer along with the torrential rain.

“It’s done.”

Kulo spit out smoke, scanned the clean ground, and reached out to collect the rain. The sea water that covered the world rose to the sky and gradually disappeared. A clear sky was returned.

“Look how clean the ground is, there is nothing.” Kulo said.

“Kulo Rear Admiral!”

As soon as the rain stopped, Wilbur brought people over. A group of Marines followed him, and Wilbur gasped. : “Kulo Rear Admiral, here comes the support!”

At the same time, a tall Marine stood up and saluted Kulo, said resolutely: “Hello Kulo Rear Admiral, I am temporarily in charge Marcy of Sabaody Archipelago, his position is Captain. I heard that you are here, I quickly led the team!”

Speaking, Marcy glanced around, hesitantly said: “Rear Admiral, it seems that I didn’t see it. To Pirate?”

“There was no such thing.”

Kulo denied it, “When I came, I didn’t see any Pirate. This is what it looks like.”


“But I heard the roar just now…and the pit on the ground?” Ma Xi was taken aback for a moment and said.

“Oh, maybe they retreated after the battle. I don’t know if you ask me. Anyway, I’m here.” Kulo said casually.

“Well, they are not…” Finney started to speak at this moment.

“Get your medicine!” Kulo glared at her immediately.

“Oh, terrifying, Kulo Rear Admiral…” Fanny shivered, holding head back a few steps.

“Kulo Rear Admiral, this auction site…”

At this time, Marcy Captain noticed the auction site that had been turned into ruins, and his pointing hand trembled. “This is… Celestial Dragon personally spoke to build it, it was ruined…”

“Huh? What Celestial Dragon personally spoke to build, I don’t know, and it’s not me. I did it.”

Kulo denied it, “Whoever I love to go to, go to those Pirates.”

“But, we are stationed in the local area, even this is not protected. Ok…”

Thinking of Celestial Dragon getting angry, Marcy only felt two tremors.

Kulo raised his eyebrows, “I understand why the shampoo is so bad in a year.”

He walked over, patted the shoulder of the tall Marine, and said:” Young man, don’t worry about doing things, those idiots won’t care about this, it’s okay.”

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