To tell the truth is not to destroy Mariejois, and it has little to do with Kulo.

If the group of idiots Celestial Dragon can be extinct collectively, Kulo will even open one eye.

It can be said that the only thing that deserves criticism in Marine is gone.

The point is, you can’t do that.

First of all, he is Marine who is stationed in Chambord. To put it more bluntly, he is the gatekeeper of Mariejois.

If Wapol De can really blow up Mariejois in one shot, if there is anything left, he must be the first one to come out and take care of it. If Mariejois is destroyed, Old Master Just pulling the entire Marine high-level guarantee, he estimated that he would also enter Impel Down.

The pot is too big.

Furthermore, he really doesn’t believe that Wapol’s virtue can kill all Celestial Dragons as soon as they are sent to their souls.

So this thing is impossible to let him play freely.

Not to mention that he is going to fry the shampoo now.

You said you have to aim at Mariejois first, he might not be able to find out so quickly.

Dang! !

Wapol De stepped in the air and turned into a burst of shadows. Kulo immediately raised his knife to resist, and the blade was caught by Wapol De’s fist filled with Haki, igniting a shock wave.

No, this old man can’t land in Shampoo.

It will ruin his residence.

“Lion bite!”

After resisting, Kulo’s arm violently violently, and he pushed Wapol De’s fist open, and swept him down.

The frantic distortion formed by the ability to stir the air filled Wapol De’s body, and his speed was not slow, so that Wapol De did not immediately dodge.

chi chi chi!

The wind blade tore the corners of Wapol De’s clothes quickly, and then there was a burst of noise on his skin, and I saw this old man, full body Turned into black green, the whole body was dyed with a layer of Haki.

“What the hell!”

Kulo cursed, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, stamping a mark on the ground with his feet, and stabs Wapol De’s chest with a sharp knife.

As soon as he was laying on the Busoshoku, the tip of the blade pushed him forward, leading him straight back, leaving the shore of Chambord, and rushing into the sea.

“You give Laozi Shen Hai!” Kulo said grimly.


Kulo pushed Wapol De and pushed him into the sea.

Once you sink the sea, no matter how strong the Ability User is, you have no fun.

“little demon, it hurts me so much for you.”

Wapol demon punches towards the blade, just listen to a crisp sound, Wapol demon will hit the limpid autumn on the chest The water was deflected, and the footsteps stomped in the air, and the body turned into an afterimage and jumped away, landing on the top.

this level, of course impossible is so simple.

Kulo glanced at Hawk Eyes, who was sitting in a small boat in front of the Wapold’s boat, rolled his eyes and yelled to the front: “Hey, Hawk Eyes! You hurry up and get him on the boat.” Cut it!”

As long as the cannon is there, it will always be a threat.

Hawk Eyes sitting on the boat with Erlang’s legs tilted, his hands on his knees, his head slightly lowered, I don’t know if I heard it.

However, Wapol De did not return directly to the Guloseyadi because of this sentence. He just glanced back and continued looking towards Kulo.

He didn’t choose to leave because of his words, leaving Kulo’s abacus empty.

Kulo doesn’t understand, so if a big Shichibukai is there, is it better for World Government to kill him than to kill himself?

Why do you have to stare at yourself.

Although I am a little handsome, this is not the reason why you beat me.


Wapol in the air took a breath, raised his chest tall and his mouth puffed up.

“Air bomb!”


A cannonball made of condensed air ejected from his mouth at the highest speed and went straight to Kulo.

Kulo pupil suddenly shrink, on the subconsciously side of his body, he saw a twisted air bomb grazed by his side, directly hitting the shampoo ground behind him, knocking out a deep ground The hole comes.

“Hey, isn’t it, it’s just air…”

Kulo looked at the hole and swallowed dryly.


Another cannonball came over. Hearing the sound, Kulo quickly turned his head, slashed it with a sharp knife, and split the air bomb into two.

The moment the blade touched the air, Kulo clearly felt a little vibration in his arm.

This thing, formidable power is not low.

This guy’s physical skills are incredible!

Exhale and kill!

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!

Wapol De’s mouth is like a machine gun, constantly exposing a large amount of air bombs. With the blessing of a hundred times the speed, this thing is much faster than ordinary bullets.

Moreover, formidable power is not comparable to firearms.

This thing, change someone else, and you won’t even be able to find the trace.


“Air, you are a little bit too close!”

The ability penetrates into the blade, Kulo clenches the limpid autumn water and moves forward vigorously With a wave, the air around Wapolde became distorted under the turmoil of his power. Under this distorted air, the air bomb he spit was completely deformed, unable to exert formidable power.

With a slash, Kulo backhanded the limpid autumn water into the knife, placed it in a perfect position, drew the knife and cut it instantly.

“Lion·Thousand Cut Valley!”

shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~!

A large number of black golden slash rushed at Wapol De in disorder under this blade, like the frantic mane of a lion, there are countless numerous, filling the entire space.

Hawk Eyes on the small boat not far away raised his eyes slightly when he saw this scene, nodded, and said, “Isn’t Shiki? Although I haven’t met him, I can see it from your shot.”

His eyes are full of fighting intent.

It’s a pity that this guy doesn’t want to compare with himself.

Although he wants to find a powerful swordsman to fight, if the swordsman does not have a fighting intent, the fight will not go smoothly.

Especially when the other party is still Marine.

The position of Shichibukai was originally designed to deal with Pirate who has a powerful sword technique, but didn’t expect. There are also several good swordsman in Marine.

Momousagi Gion, who is also a great swordsman in Marine.

There is also the current Kulo, which makes Mihawk’s heart surging.

The location of Shichibukai…a bit cumbersome.

Wapolde saw these messy and dense black golden slashes, he was taken aback for a moment, and he wondered: “Shiji?”

He is different from other Great Pirates, he is not there. I have been on the Rocks’ ship, but in terms of strength, he is also one of the top Great Pirates, and has some exchanges with those Great Pirates.

As the existence of the same generation, Wapolde certainly knows Shiji.

“Isn’t it just pure fluttering?”

Wapolde moved, first smashed the flying slash with a punch, then stepped on the air, and fists back. , Aim at Kulo and shoot straight over.

“Momo·Hundred Times Geppo!”


The body is like a rocket, crushing a lot of slash, and hitting Kulo with one punch.

Speed ​​is power.

With the blessing of a hundred times the speed, even a stone has huge formidable power.

Not to mention with Haki’s fist.

“This old Bideng is kind of abnormal!”

At the moment when Wapol’s footsteps started, Kulo saw the limpid autumn water swing open.

“Black Tortoise!”

bang! ! !

As soon as Black Tortoise’s defense was inflamed, Wapol De’s fist hit it, and the black Tortoise’s tortoise shell defense shattered like glass with one punch, and at this time, the upper part was coiled. Snake pupils stared at Wapol De.

“This is…”

Punched, Wapol De was about to continue his actions, and suddenly felt his body numb, and subconsciously looked towards the Orochi illusory shadow above Kulo.

A touch of golden light shines in his eyes.

“Ignorance divine wind flow killing sword…”

Kulo wipes the blade away, the golden light is all over the limpid autumn water blade, and the golden lightning glow runs straight beside the blade with a single knife. Vertical split towards Wapol de.

“Flood Dragon!”

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