“Advanced armed forces?!”

Wapol was shocked, his body moved in this brief moment, and the numbness of the snake pupil was only maintained for a moment That’s it.

But at this moment, for people of their strength, there are many things they can do.

Can’t hide it!


A ruthless color appeared in Wapol De’s eyes, his fist was clenched, and a dark green breath wrapped around his fist.

The most advanced Haki, he will naturally too!

“Momo·Hundred Times Boxing!”

chi!! !

Boom! ! !

Golden light brushed on Wapol De’s body from top to bottom, and at the same time, Wapol De quickly punched it directly on Kulo’s face.

Although the distance is very short, under the blessing of a hundred times speed, such a short distance is not something ordinary people can bear.

With a punch, Kulo turned into an afterimage and hit the land of Chambord.


Leda called again.


Why do you want to say it again?

The formidable power of this blow was not small. The ground Kulo hit was a hole in the ground, which aroused a huge cloud of smoke and dust.

Kulo got up from the hole and grinned while clutching his nose.

It hurts!

It hurts so much!

The soreness and sharp pain in the nose from a punch made Kulo’s painful face bend.


Kulo spits out mouthful of blood, his eyes gradually reddened, fiercely staring at Wapol De in the sky.

Wapol De, who was bouncing in the air, shook his hand and looked towards the densely packed white prints on the palms like acupuncture, as well as some small wounds on the forearms, frowned: “Reverse shock?”


This fist hit it, and his hand was also bruised.

Because the fist has the highest level of Haki protection, there is no harm, but the counter shock is not only on the fist, but also on the forearm.

Haki on the forearm is not so strong, but there is a wound.


Wapolde touched his chest. He was hit by the knife just now, but why didn’t he have any injuries?

“Hey, little demon, were you bluffing just now?” Wapol de bounced in the air, looking towards Kulo.

Kulo just slowly put the limpid autumn water into the sheath, and the blade gradually slipped down along the sheath.

Next, he raised his head and said: “Can’t you hear?”

“?” Wapol de tilted his head.


Kulo holds the handle of the knife and closes the limpid autumn water.

“The light sound of divine wind.”

chi!! !

A ball of blood shot out from the center of Wapol De’s chest, turned into a rain of blood, and sprinkled a corner of the world.

He took out the hand touching his chest in a daze, with a blood stain on it.

From his chest, there was a huge opening, from the chest to the abdomen, blood was leaking out.

“You old must be here!”

Kulo roared with a grim look: “If you don’t kill you today, I won’t have the surname Lucifer!!”

Just hit him once.

This is the second time I slapped him in the face.

I still use the most advanced Haki!

Do you really think you have no temper!

The person who stiffened his face last time was called Kaido. Ask if the scar on his chest hurts!

As long as the defense is broken by oneself, the damage is not a little bit.

Wapol De is not the kind of pervert like Kaido and Big Mom, although the physical skills are strong, but if he breaks the defense, the damage caused can be far more violent than he punches himself.

After a stab wound, Wapol De’s body swayed in the air for a while, and fell suddenly.

He couldn’t fly, he was suddenly hurt, and Geppo couldn’t maintain it, and he was about to fall into the sea.

However, he just fell for a while, then bounced away, kicked forward, and the whole person suddenly shot backwards.

In that direction, Hawk Eyes is standing on the boat at this time, and has pulled out the big black blade.

“Momo·Hundred Times Boxing!”

Wapolde’s speed is very fast, almost instantaneously, he came directly to the top of Hawk Eyes’ head, and then swooped down. punched towards Hawk Eyes’ head.

“How could you destroy my ship!” Wapol De grimly said.

Hawk Eyes glanced at him, and the black blade moved up a block and exchanged his fist.

Boom! !

The shock wave dissipated at the fist and the blade. The huge impulse caused the boat under Hawk Eyes to split in an instant. Hawk Eyes moved his eyes, and his body moved back and opened the fist of Wapol De, and then Cut it with a knife.

A purple black slash was brushed out of the blade, and with this momentum, his body suddenly retreated, flying against the sea, and then his body jumped, rotated, and landed on the shampoo. On the coast of the land.

And the purple black slash has also reached the Golosiadi at this moment.

At this time, the thin old man climbed up to the bow of the ship, stared at the huge slash that got closer and closer, opened his hands, gritted his teeth and said: “This is our dream and will never let you Destroyed!”


Even if you change, I still have this dream!

Bin Jack closed his eyes.

Boom! !

At this moment, a huge muffled sound rang in his ears.

A wave of air blows up around Bin Jack, blowing him back and opening his eyes.

In front of him, Wapol De’s tall body crossed his hands in front of him, leaving Jack a sideways back.

Bin Jack looked at the blood falling down Wapol De’s chest, and trembled: “Wapol De, you…”

“Don’t get me wrong, Bin Jack.”

Wapol said without looking back: “This ship is my ambition. I will not allow him to damage it. As for you, if you are a waste, don’t mess with me, just look at it from a distance. Now, look at how I ruined Mariejois.”

“Have you blocked it?”

Kulo looked at this scene and sneered: “But you can still block us. It doesn’t work, Hawk Eyes, I’m on it.”

“I refuse.”

Hawk Eyes, who had already landed, took the black blade back and said, “As you can see, My ship is broken, I don’t like you to fly, so I’ll just stay here.”


Kulo froze for a moment and stared at him. : “As Shichibukai, it is your duty to destroy Wapolde!”

“Then prepare another ship for me, but…are you sure it’s time?”

Hawk Eyes laughed, pointing to the front and saying: “Here it comes.”


A shell that was the same as before exploded.

Kulo’s teeth slammed, and he flashed over, splitting the cannonball with a knife on the sea. Before it exploded, he flew towards the Golosiadi.

“Hawk Eyes, I’ll be with you after losing a hair from the shampoo!” Kulo left a sentence and flew straight over.

Kulo can’t help him if he doesn’t participate in the war.

But if he is in Chambord, it can also defend Wapolde’s other attack methods.

And he Kulo, just to count Wapol De’s slap in the face just now!

If you are not on land, but on the sea, I Ye Liangchen…No, I Kulo has a hundred ways to make people unable to live, but Wapolde is helpless.

His body lowered, his palm touched the sea, and he stared at the huge ship ahead.

“Go and bury you with the ship!”

The huge vortex began to emerge on the sea, the degree of distortion was enough to crush everything.

“Lion Wei·Haijuan Jizo!!”

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