A large amount of vortex suddenly appeared on the sea surface, and the rotation strength on it seemed to swallow everything.

Just below the huge Golosiadi, similarly, vortex enough to swallow this big ship began to appear.


At the same time, the sea near the Guloseyadi blasted a huge wave from the front, back, left, and right, covering the big ship.

This is not intending to leave a little bit of affection.

“Is this the power of the Fluttering Fruit?”

Hawk Eyes muttered with surprise in his eyes.

Shiki’s prestige, he heard of it when he was young, but how it behaves in concrete terms can now be seen as one or two.

But…Does Shiki really have what Kulo does now?

And the sword technique.

Illusory Beast type sword technique, he also saw it for the first time.

It doesn’t look like the green algae head of my own, just a simple technique of calling the style name, but there is really some kind of power.

Sure enough, Lucifer · Kulo, very strong.

Seeing the vortex on the sea and the huge waves that envelop the ship, Wapol De squinted his eyes, “Ski’s power…”

“Captain, the ship is not Under control!”

“The vortex underneath is sucking the boat!”

“Captain, help!”

Pirate on the boat shouted.

“Don’t panic, just start the boat.”

Wapolde said, then he squatted down and pressed his hands on the deck.

“Wapol…” Bin Jack looked at him worriedly.

“Bin Jack, grasp it firmly.” Wapol said solemnly.

As the ship moved, Wapol’s palm pressed hard on the deck, shouted loudly: “Momo·Ten times!”

The already huge Golosiadi The number has expanded ten times in volume at this moment, becoming even bigger.

The volume became larger, and the suction power of the vortex underneath was reduced a lot. At this time, Wapol’s arm shook again, “Momo·100 times faster!”

Go forward a little bit The sliding ship in this brief moment burst like a cannonball fired by him, rushing directly through the vortex under the ship, and slammed into the tsunami ahead.


The thick wall of waves, hit by a huge volume of high-speed erupting ships, was directly washed away, broke through the waves, and moved towards the low-flying Kulo hitting it.

Kulo’s eyes widened, but didn’t expect this trick. Seeing that he could no longer avoid the high-speed ship, he had to pull out the limpid autumn water and slash forward.

Above the blade, the golden lightning glow rose homeopathically, mixed with pitch black, and became a huge Haki slash. The moved towards Goloseadi swooped over.

Wapol De jumped on the barrel, shook the wind of dark green with his fists, and smashed his fists against the huge slash.

bang! !

The fist exchanged with the slash, making the world dim at this moment, Wapol De’s body stepped back, and the Haki slash crashed under his fists, and in this power Below, the speed of the ship also stopped for a moment.

At this time, Kulo found the opportunity to fly up, avoiding the impact of the huge ship.

“little demon, good job!”

The ship stopped, Wapolde took a few breaths on the deck, shook the blood on the back of his hand, and faced the sky above. Kulo grinned grimly.

The enlargement and acceleration of the ship cost him a lot of physical strength, and he was indeed a little uncomfortable when he blocked Kulo’s knife.

But he is uncomfortable, and this little demon should be the same.

That many times with Haki’s slash, how much stamina can this little demon have?

“But you can’t stop me!”

Wapol believes: “When I kill you, I will destroy the shampoo first, and then Mariejois!”

“What are you talking about?”

Kulo put his palm up and said to Wapol De Leng: “You can go ashore and talk about it!”

The sky suddenly darkened.

“This is…”

Wapol De’s pupils contracted, subconsciously looking up into the sky.

A large number of weapons fell from the sky, mixed with some iron and steel rubbish and stone clods, and they attacked the Goloseadi together.

“I have said it, if it is just a boat, I have many ways to deal with you.”

Kulo smiled confidently, and shook his palm again, “Haijuandi Hide!”

Because he touched the sea just now, the sea near here is still within his control range for the time being.

The existence of the sea, even Kulo’s ability, cannot remain permanent. After he touches the sea, his control time is also limited, but for this battle, that time is definitely enough. .

Wapol Germany will not last long.

Mariejois has known this momentum a long time ago.

Not surprisingly, Old Master or Sakazuki are rushing here.

Even Kulo didn’t have to deal with him, as long as they were dragged over, Wapolde would definitely fail.

But first, destroy the ship for him.

The huge vortex appeared again around the ship.

The weapons of the sky also fell one after another at this time.

Wapol Tak was about to repeat the same tricks, but at this time Kulo went straight to him and slashed.


Wapol De blocked Kulo’s blade with one hand.

“Lao Tzu will give you a chance?”

Kulo slashed, took advantage of it, and moved towards Wapol from the other direction.


dang~ dang~ dang~ dang~!

Wapolde had to free his hands to resist Kulo’s slash.

“You guy!” He roared, fisted Kulo’s knife, and then struck him.

With a punch, he went straight through Kulo’s body, only to see his body faded like water waves.


Wapol’s eyes shrank, subconsciously opened his mouth: “A hundred times!”


A black glow aroused from behind him, but only one was cut. After the shadow, I saw a group of ink-black fists hit from the side.


Kulo moved the limbid autumn water to the side, the blade blocked Wapol De’s fist, and then both sides disappeared in place, only to see a ball of gold black and a ball of jet black surging on the deck, and from time to time they swayed together. Shock wave.

In terms of speed, with a hundred times blessing, Wapol De’s speed is a bit faster than Kulo.

But his Kenbunshoku is not as strong as Kulo, which was discovered by Kulo during the battle.

Unlike the Kenbunshoku and very fast guys like Lederfield, what you need to care about against Wapol is his ability.

On fighting alone, Kulo is worthy of him.

“little demon! Do you have to stop me!”

Seeing that the vortex on the sea is getting bigger and bigger, and the weapons on the sky are gradually falling, Wapol De is a little anxious .

This ship cannot be destroyed!

This is his weapon to avenge the world!

It must not be destroyed!

“What this said…”

Kulo blocked Wapol De’s fist with a knife, bullied him, pushed him, and moved towards his neck with a backhand.

Wapol De stepped back, avoided this blade, and rushed with his fist again.

“I stop you? You obediently and honestly don’t cause trouble for old-age care. If you come to me and cause me trouble, you have to say I stop you? What’s the matter, Senior is amazing!”

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