Vortex grew stronger and stronger. During the time Kulo was dragging Wapold, Vortex completely absorbed the huge ship.

At the same time, the weapons in the sky suddenly landed at this time.

A large number of weapons landed at the huge cannon on the bow.

ding ding dong dong! !

The weapon fell on the cannon and made a crisp sound. The quality of the cannon was obviously much better than the average quality. The average weapon was smashed with nothing but a few more stamps.

“It’s useless!”

Wapolde laughed when he saw this scene: “Those weapons, there is no way to deal with the tools I prepare to retaliate against the world!”

Speaking, he hit with fists, forced Kulo away, and patted the deck with his palm.



The blade surrounded by gold and electricity flashed from behind him, smashing Wapol De’s Busoshoku Haki with a single knife Fang, leaving a wound behind him.

Wapol clenched the teeth, “Hundred times the speed!”

bang! !

The speed of the ship increased again, rushing away from the vortex, and getting closer to the shampoo ground.

As long as he reaches that distance, he doesn’t even need a boat, just hold that big cannon and bomb Mariejois!

This little demon can’t stop him!


Suddenly, Jack Bing exclaimed, “The cannon has turned into stone!”



Wapol De turned his eyes and saw a pink arrow fell on the cannon, and a small area of ​​the cannon was completely turned into stone.

As those weapons landed, there were some strange pink arrows. Those arrows landed on the cannon, turning the huge cannon into stone little by little.

“Who said I can’t do anything, I have a hundred ways!”

Kulo barked his teeth and smiled.

It just hurts a bit.

Finally, I smashed some wool, and finally the idiot of Hancock didn’t have the ability to dispel, so that he had stock to use. As a result, the stock hadn’t been kept for a long time, so it was used up.

That ability is the ability to turn everything into stone.

Wapolde was entangled by Kulo, but Kulo was also entangled by Wapolde.

He couldn’t cut the cannon directly. The consequence of a hard cannon was that Wapol De would definitely block it, and once moved towards the shampoo land was close, the consequences would be no fun.

Although he trusts Hawk Eyes quite a bit, Hawk Eyes cannot guarantee that the shampoo will be completely intact with this intense battle.

Even if he has let the residents take refuge, but what if.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If you can’t do it yourself, you can only borrow the convenience of ability.

Although he is reluctant to get the inventory from Hancock, there is no other way at this time.

“My…ambition!” Wapol De saw that the cannon was completely turned into stone, and roared, without dealing with Kulo, he moved towards the bow of the ship in a panic.


Kulo’s pupils flickered, two fingers wiped towards the blade, and the golden light flickered, Kulo held the handle with both hands, fiercely pointed at Wapol with a knife De leaped back.


You must be killed with a single knife!

“Wapol De!”

His speed of swinging the knife is of course not slow, but at this moment, a thin silhouette stopped in front of Kulo and jumped behind Wapol De. Back.

chi!! !

One knife, one cut.

Kulo opened his eyes wide and watched the blade slip from Jack’s thin body. A large amount of blood broke from the Old Guy’s shoulder to the waist, forming a huge opening.

“Bin Jack!!!”

Wapolde turned his head in disbelief and watched Bing Jack fall on the deck, stunned on the spot.

His first reaction was not anger, but confusion.


Why does this guy block my knife?

Didn’t he betray me long ago!

“Don’t worry about Wapol’s virtue, we will withdraw first and talk about it later!”

This sentence has haunted him for thirty years.

Unlike others, he did not live for thirty years, but was frozen for thirty years by accident.

In the past thirty years, his body has not changed much, his age has not changed much, and the very long memory and existence for others are no different from yesterday.

He was betrayed by his partner!

His trusted partner.

He used to be a family partner, and all betrayed him!

But why…

You still have to guard yourself!


Kulo missed a knife and swung away the limpid autumn water again, preparing to strike Wapol Germany again.

“fuck off!!!!”

Wapol De screamed at Kulo, ignoring Kulo’s knife, gathering the high-level Haki’s ink-black wind. Fist, punch towards Kulo’s face.

Kulo couldn’t do anything this time, he dodged his side, dodged Wapol De’s fist, and flashed to other directions on the deck.

No need, really.

Slap him again and I won’t be alive anymore.


With a punch to force Kulo back, Wapolde looked at the guest Jack, who was twitching on the ground, with a trembling voice, “Why do you want to save me? You are not helpless.” Shouldn’t you just let me be attacked by Marine and run away as you did thirty years ago! Isn’t that your style of doing things, Bing Jack! My stupid big brother!”

Bing Jack And Wapol De, although the body is completely different, but there is no doubt that they are biological brothers.

“Wapol Deah…”

Bin Jack’s trembling extend the hand, as if he wanted to touch Wapol De’s face, those eyes were already muddy, full of tears,” What happened thirty years ago, did you hurt you so much?”

Wapolde was silent for a while, and then slowly said: “Yes, I can never forgive that thing, never!”

He clenched his fist, he didn’t understand, and he was not reconciled!

If, 30 years ago, guest Jack would be like now, even if he died then, Wapolde would not regret it.

Because his partner did not abandon him.

That ideal…

The ideal of traveling the world with his big brother and partners, even if he fails to complete it, he will not regret it.

He fell on his way to chasing ideals.

Rather than the way he is now, no matter how he wants to forgive, the incident is always vivid, causing him to have nothing but distortion.

But why, why should I block the knife for myself.

“I’m sorry, Wapol…”

Bin Jack tremblingly said: “That incident was the big brother’s fault. The big brother was just a deputy captain at the time. The duty of a big brother is not fulfilled. Your strength…let me forget that you are my younger brother and my only younger brother. The younger brother…should be protected. “

“The big brother can’t do anything. From before, I have been protected by you. Even 30 years ago, the selfishness of the big brother was at work.”

“But At least, but at least now…”

Bin Jack spit out a mouthful of blood, trembling said with a smile: “Let me make up for the duty of being a big brother.”

“Our dream…”

His eyes are already extremely cloudy, looking at the blue sea, “Don’t give up on it…”


“This sea connects islands and countries that we have never seen before. Don’t you think it’s great?”

“At the end of the sea, must exceed Imaginary adventures are waiting for you.”

“Wapol, you must go to sea in the future.”


The picture when I was young, like a revolving lantern Bing Jack’s mind flashed.

His pupils froze, and his head lay there, motionless.

Wapolde stared at Bin Jack for a while, then suddenly closed his eyes.

“Stupid, I have said it, my purpose now is just for revenge! Even so, I will not forgive you.”

He opened his eyes, his pupils In the middle, it is already a red, as if the teeth are about to be crushed, and said to Kulo:

“I will kill you!!!”

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