The wild killing intent completely pounced on Kulo.


He stomped heavily and made a hole in the deck, rushing towards Kulo like a meteor.

He doesn’t seem to care about the integrity of the ship.

Dang! ! !

The fist filled with ink-black cloud breath collided with Kulo’s limpid autumn water blade full of gold and electricity at this moment.

Crack it!

The deck on which the two stood suddenly flew away, bursting everywhere under the shock wave, revealing a big gap.

Kulo’s figure floated up with the shock wave, while Wapol De fell.

“Momo·Hundred Times Shotgun!”

The roar of Wapol De’s burst soon sounded in the hole, and a large amount of sawdust and stones were magnified a hundred times at this time. Mixed with Haki, he moved towards the top and shot away very quickly.

dang~ dang~ dang~ dang~!

Kulo holds a knife in one hand, swings out afterimages in front of him, and sparks his debut with the wood and stones shot.

“Lion’s bite!”

After blocking, Kulo swept away, twisting the air in the hole area and transforming it into a wind blade that can tear everything.

“Big Sword!”

A huge naginata was pushed out of the hole. Under a hundred times magnification, the blade was full of Haki, and Wapolde pushed it. The naginata popped out of the hole, and the wind blade fell one after another white mark on him. He cut the wooden handle of the naginata into pieces by the way, but the blade rushed towards Kulo quickly.

Kulo’s figure sideways, avoiding the direct shot of the blade, suddenly feeling general, and slashing towards the side.

Dang! !

Wapol De’s figure appeared to his side, and one hand directly held his blade. The most advanced Haki cut his palm open and shed blood.


Wapol De’s pupils almost shrunk, and he let out a sullen cry, and after holding the blade, he violently pulled in his direction, with another fist. He took up the ink-black arms that were entwined like a whirlwind, and punched Kulo in the face.

“Vermilion Bird!”

“Li! !!!”

Bird King screamed.

Kulo was surrounded by flames composed of slash, forming a huge Phoenix. Wapolde hit it with a high-speed punch and directly knocked Phoenix’s head apart.

Phoenix rolled over to Wapol De, limpid autumn water also broke off Wapol De’s tightly held hand at this brief moment, and threw back.


Wapol De’s feet swayed in the air, without turning around, moving towards Phoenix behind him and rushing towards him. At a hundred times the speed, his speed is almost It was teleported, and he didn’t turn around until he reached Phoenix. At this time, his fists had been raised, and they were all armed with the highest level.

“Momo·Hundred Strikes!!”

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~! ! !

His two fists were so fast as if they were punching with a hundred hands at the same time, smashing Phoenix, who had not had time to regain its shape. Under the intensive and high-speed blow, Phoenix’s figure was completely Unable to hold it, it collapsed directly, exposing the Kulo inside.

At this moment, Kulo directly bypassed Wapol De’s intensive punches, fell from the side like a drunk, and slashed the knife in his hand like a thunderbolt.

Wapol de eyes shrank, neither dodge nor evade, with a fist gathered, turned into an elbow, and suddenly moved towards Kulo and hit it.

“Drunk gourd!”


The knives intertwined with gold and electricity slashed away Wapol De’s waist and ribs.


At the same time, he was hit by the elbow in his shoulder, and he fell down, smashed the deck of the ship, and reached a wall full of spikes inside.


At this moment, Wapol’s figure also fell quickly, and he came directly to a wall, opened the switch, the walls rotated, and the spikes went straight to the surroundings. snapshot.


Wapol De’s hand pressed against the wall, shouted loudly: “Hundred times stabbing!”

Rotating the shooting tip The thorn in this brief moment speeds up wildly and shoots straight at the Kulo falling in the center.

“Black Tortoise!”

Kulo directly wiped away the blade and enveloped the Black Tortoise illusory shadow around the body. The tortoise shell blocked it, and the spikes hit it directly. The crisp sound of ding dong dong.

“little demon!!!”

Suddenly, Wapol Demon’s burst of shouting sounded from the side.

I saw him directly into the shooting range of the spikes. Haki hardened the spikes and allowed those spikes to shoot at the body. The high-speed spikes broke directly under the continuous attack. His Haki defended, and in a flash he tied his back into a hedgehog.

But even so, he raised his fist, gathered Haki on his fist, and stared at Kulo firmly.

“You are so crazy!” Kulo angrily said.

“I said I was going to kill you!!”

Wapol Dehu roared and slammed down the fist surrounding the senior Haki.

Crack it!

The tortoise shell shattered, and the powerful momentum made Kulo take a step back, but the snake pupil also made Wapol De stagnate for a moment.

“You old must be here!”

Kulo clenched the teeth fiercely, with one hand, the wind rolled away in this brief moment, and the spikes of high-speed shooting were swayed. Go, then, both of his hands hold the limbid autumn water and move towards the attacking Wapol De and slide over.


chi!! !

The blade flashed past Wapol De’s waist, and Kulo walked around behind him.

At the same time, Wapol De elbows Kulo’s back of the head, and his huge force makes his whole body fly forward, directly hitting the steel wall, and knocking out a human figure. come out.

Kulo turned to face Wapol De, the pain of the back of the head made him grin.

As for the person in front, a huge hole was opened in the waist and abdomen, and blood rushed out.

Apart from this, the waist and ribs that were cut before, the chest that was cut first, at this moment, because of the onset of the injury, blood was revealed, and the whole person was like a bloody man.

His body shook for a while, and stood still again, he clenched his fists, shook his head and said: “Sure enough, it’s still old…”

Kulo clenched tightly After reaching the limpid autumn water, he bared his teeth and said: “Do you think you will be in the same state as you were 30 years ago after being iced for 30 years? Do you think you are the old beauty?!”

” Say this kind of nonsense, little demon.”

Wapolde took a few steps forward, “You kill my big brother, then I will kill you!”

“Don’t speak big words!”

Kulo raised the limpid autumn water with a sullen expression, “Just because you always want to smash my face, you will die in Lao Tzu, I’m so good-tempered. People are irritating you, do you think you can live?”

He has a good temper?

If Kuro heard this, he would definitely deny it.

Mr. Kulo sometimes loses his temper even Lida, although that temper is not painful to Lida, but for Kuro, Mr. Kulo’s mood determines the level of his misery that day , By the way, it also determines the degree of Sazier’s injury.

Including Leda, their subordinates agreed that Kulo is a grotesque guy.

Not to mention that this guy is a little bit nasty from time to time. Even the best-tempered Fanny has the mentality of’Kulo Kulo for a long time’ towards Kulo.

Good-tempered things…

It has nothing to do with him.

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