“Kill my destroyer of this world?”

Wapolde was slightly low, and said to Kulo: “If you can do it, come on! Mo! Mo·Hundred times!”


Dang! !

Fight, continue.

The knives and fists intertwined with violent noises under this space.

Hundred times speed is not only moving speed, but Wapol De’s punching speed is naturally fast.

Although he is injured now, he is half a beat slower than before, but when he fights, he still has back and forth with Kulo.

The two of them hardly moved, just standing there, one fist turned into an afterimage, and the other blade turned into streamer, constantly colliding in the space.

On both sides, only ordinary Busoshoku is used.

After all, the superlative Haki that unifies the Haki stage into one is very physically demanding. Wapol De will only use it for a critical blow.

This is the case, and Wapol Germany is gradually unable to hold it.

Before the battle, he had used his’hundred times’ level of ability to fire artillery fire several times, plus injuries…


Boom! !

Wapol De had an extra wound on his shoulder. He stiffened Kulo with a knife, gritted his teeth and smashed it in the past, hammering Kulo’s chest, but apart from making him grin a bit, it seemed Nothing happens.

The rapid consumption of physical strength caused Wapol De to gradually become sober. Only then did he discover something abnormal.

From before, even though his attacks hit this Marine little demon, he didn’t seem to have any major injuries. No… to be precise, he didn’t even have a bruise!

Furthermore, my own movements have also started to slow down. No, it’s not that it slows down, but it’s a bit unsmooth. It feels like the turtle-like Illusory before the Marine little demon. The same feeling as the attack by Beast sword technique.

Dang! !

Wapol De’s fist attacked again, hitting Kulo’s blade, and a hole was opened in the back of the fist, bleeding blood.

He took two steps back, squinting at Kulo, “You little demon, why are you not injured?!”


Watching Wapol De’s Haki gradually disintegrating, Kulo smiled: “How could I get hurt and be beaten for so long, so I have to develop some other style!”

Said, He swung the limpid autumn water to his side and put his other hand on the hand holding the knife, forming a cross.

A Black Tortoise illusory shadow oscillated from his body to the surface, and then disappeared instantly.

He exhaled his breath, like an arrow, and sprayed it all at once to the ground, blowing away the dust on the ground.

“Profound Truth, one spirit Hunyuan·Body Black Tortoise Knife.”

Since a long time ago when he fought Kaido, he knew that his body has something to do with these monsters. The essential difference is that even if Haki exists, it cannot be compared with those monsters.

Especially after the last battle with Charlotte Linlin, he was even more painful, and vowed that if he encounters this situation in the future, he will at least not be beaten too badly.

Otherwise, even if he caused the injury, he would be nearly injured, too special.

After returning, he was thinking of a way to cultivation, and he finally developed a trick.

The’Black Tortoise’ in the ignorant divine wind stream Profound Truth was developed by him.

Black Tortoise is the only non-destructive style in Profound Truth, but it focuses on defense and paralyzing swordsmanship.

Kulo thoroughly integrated this trick into himself.

Black Tortoise’s defensive power is no longer the tortoise shell that can be broken by a powerful attack, but integrated into itself, blessing the body to hold the defensive power, although its defensive ability is not comparable ‘Black Tortoise”s one-time defense, but the victory is long-lasting, no matter how you fight, his defense will not be broken.

It is the same as strengthening the physical quality.

And when he is beaten, the opponent will also experience the same effect as the gaze of the snake pupil, and will gradually become paralyzed.

This is his confidence!

Of course it hurts Wapol to beat him!

But in the past, if he trades injuries for injuries like this, he is no worse than Wapol Germany now.

Although this old Bideng looks old, it still hurts Haki to hit people. It’s really the same as before. He is not so stupid and Wapol De’s lasting meet force with force.

Fighting with this guy for so long is the first time I have tried my new trick.

The effect is good.

Now he has the confidence to fight with people in the protracted battle of meet force with force!

But this move requires a breath change. He was beaten for so long. He hung himself with a single breath. When he was out of breath, he had to change. Take another breath and continue to maintain a man’s glory.

But as a great Profound Truth, this move is quite physically demanding.

Fortunately, this old guy on the opposite side, even Haki can’t keep up.


Kulo shook the limpid autumn water, and the blade of gold and electricity appeared again.

“Old Bidden, you should be on the road!” Kulo grinned at him.

“You little demon!”

Wapol cannot be channeled: “How can we maintain so much Haki!”

Has the world changed?

No, there should be no. The world is still the same world. This has been verified since he escaped.

His amount of Haki is enough to handle everything.

But in front of this Marine little demon, he felt that the world had changed for the first time.

This kind of thing should be impossible!

But why does this Marine little demon still have so much physical strength!

Kulo raised the knife, and the golden glow covered the entire blade.

He is not so stupid to wait for Wapol De to regain his stamina. He finally loses his mind. He uses the high-level Busoshoku again and again to consume his stamina and then recovers. With his current mind, it is estimated that they have Gotta play.

It takes too long and it is prone to accidents.

“Profound Truth…”

Kulo confided in a soft voice, he bends his knee with one leg and stands upright with the other leg. The whole person floats past like a ghost, and limpid autumn water takes advantage of the situation. Slip on Wapol De.

In an instant, Wapolde seemed to be frozen, frozen there.

Kulo floated behind him, landed gently, and dropped the limpid autumn water into the scabbard.

Crack Lala…

The blade clashed against the scabbard and screamed.


Next, close it completely.

He took out a box of cigars from his arms, opened it, took out one in his mouth, lit it with a lighter, took a bite and exhaled smoke from his head.

The sound also uttered along with the smoke:

“A thousand blows in an instant, the instantaneous dragon slashed!”

“Feel it, from divine wind Whistle.”

chi chi chi!! !

Wapol’s body seemed to burst open. After Kulo’s words were over, large and small wounds appeared everywhere, as if he was chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades. A blood man.


Wapol De knelt on the ground, his head drooping, his eyes gradually cloudy and open.

“Heh, there is no fleshy meat… Sure enough, the powerhouse of the old age is different.” Kulo said in surprise.

The world destroyer is strong in ability. When Kulo and Wapolde fought, he found out, physical skills and so on. To be honest, his fist is not as good as Lederfield’s sword.

The sub-will of Wapol Germany has long been obliterated.


“You have to take my place and go to the distance to see this world, and then thrive.”

In my memory, the sick big brother is here Encourage him, portray him the appearance of the world.

“The big brother…I want to go with the big brother and travel the world together!”

When he was young, he was so determined.

When he grew up, he took his big brother, who had never grown up since he was a child, and went to sea with a small broken ship. No matter the storm or the waves, he could not stop him.

Failed to stop Wapol de Brother’s footsteps.

Later, I found like-minded partners who have the ideal of traveling the world together.

Even if the big brother is arrested, he steps forward without fear.

One corner of the big brother’s helmet was knocked off…It’s okay, I also broke a corner, so, Wapol de brother or Wapol de brother, two people, is the completed’Wapol de’ .

Thirty years ago, his dream was broken.

The partner betrayed him, and the big brother abandoned him.

He originally belonged to an Avenger. He was originally like this. Just shoot Mariejois, and his life will bloom at the moment of firing.

But that Marine’s knife, why did Jack block him, why did he say that…


“Before he died Do you want to remind me of this horrible scene?! Jack, big brother!” Wapol De, who fell on his knees, suddenly said.

The sound made Kulo, who was about to leave, turned his head instantly, his pupils were full of horror.

I saw him kneel and turn around like this, with a wave of Haki on his fist that shook the world, and suddenly hit Kulo with a punch.

I forgive you…

You betrayed me back then, but now you stopped me again. I forgive you.

Then, in that world, we will continue to fulfill our dreams together!


Wapol De opened his bloody eyes and roared: “I am Byrnndi Wapol De, a member of Wapol De brother, give me Remember it!!!”

The fist stopped a short distance from Kulo.

The man, maintaining the posture of waving his fists, with an indescribable smile, froze there, never moving.

Kulo looked at him for a while, shaking his head and smiling bitterly: “At the end of the end, did you actually Awakening? I can understand why that many people were afraid of you thirty years ago…”

“Human will…what a fucking thing.”

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