Historical truth or something, blank for a hundred years or something.

Kulo is not interested.

Do you know what use this thing can do?

Can you change the world if you know it?

Isn’t that nonsense?

But things don’t seem to be as bad as Kulo thinks.

World Government did not disclose, and Marine did not pursue it, and according to intelligence, Kuzan and Blackbeard are in a cooperative mode, that is, he doesn’t know what this product wants to do that’s all.

“Forget it, it has nothing to do with me. You are harassing you in New World, so please go to New World to harass. The farther away from me, the better.”

Kulo puts down the newspaper , Erlang tilted his legs, turned his head and looked at the colorful bubbles rising outside the window, and closed his eyes comfortably.

Although it is said that this ghost place is a lot more’lively’ than Qifei Madao, but how to say it can settle down, it is not bad.

People, be content.


New headquarter.

At this time, the construction of the new headquarters is almost done, and there are fewer and fewer fixing frames on the huge buildings, but recently, it has suddenly increased a bit.

Because the current Marine Fleet Admiral Sakazuki burned the office in a rage, and by the way, it spread to the surrounding area, causing a certain part of this huge building to be renovated.

“Kuzan that bastard!”

Sakazuki couldn’t get angry every time he saw the newspaper.

Even now, he feels angry.

He would actually cooperate with the Blackbeard Pirates team!

Regardless of the purpose, cooperation with Pirate or whatever, he cannot tolerate it.

“Oh~ good terrifying.”

On the other side, Kizaru, who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, slowly put the tea cup down and said: “Kuzan, let’s put it first. Just let it go. Wapol is dead. The report given by Kulo said it was made by Mihawk. We haven’t sent out this report yet. Do we want to change it?”


Sakazuki looked towards Kizaru and said: “Mihawk is Shichibukai. Although the World Government said that Shichibukai was recruited, Shichibukai alone did this. Naturally, it would not work. Kulo’s report only included Mihawk. What about him?”

“Not a word.”

Kizaru shook his head, pouting, “I don’t know if it is true or not, but the old man thinks , You can do it.”

“I understand what you mean.”

Sakazuki nodded: “It’s true. As the head of the shampoo, Kulo is the head of the shampoo. In the past, World The government doesn’t want to see Shichibukai’s expressive power, so change the report. Anyway, that brat has killed many older generations, and it’s okay to have one more.”

Some Kulo doesn’t admit it. Some Kulo admitted it, but anyway, he killed a lot of old men.

Shiki, Lederfield, the God of Insect Kingdom, Byrnndi · Wapol, these four Pirates, all exist in the sea in the old age.

Two of them are crew members of Rocks.

One more is not more, one less is a lot.

Sakazuki clenched his fist, and a touch of redness appeared on the fist.

“Kulo, that little demon, should have a’codename’ long ago!”

“Oh ~ alternate?”

Kizaru thought about it, nodded and said: “The old man agrees. Don’t worry about being crushed in the shampoo land or something, but with the’code name’, he has indeed reached this point.”

Marine should not only have’three Admiral’, there is’three Alternate’ is also possible.

Currently, there are only two candidates, one more, just to be able to connect to three Admiral.

“Then draw up the report…No, the old man will go to Mariejois personally to discuss with Gorosei.”

Speaking, Sakazuki stood up, with his temperament, said Just do it naturally, there is no waiting.

“The old man just think about the code name of Kulo, what is it called…Golden Lion?” Kizaru touched the chin, thinking there.

“It’s better to let the old man talk about it.”

Suddenly, a white head came over from the door.

That is Sengoku’s head.


Kizaru pouted, “Do you have any good suggestions.”

“hahaha, Borsalino, you are I’m not too impatient. It’s one thing whether the World Government will agree or not… Although the old man thinks they will agree.”

Sengoku showed a hearty smile, walked in, and said, “The color , Kim is no problem, but for the image of the code name, how about using’猊’?”


Kizaru tilted his head: “Oh… The image.”

“Yes, the head of a sheep, the body of a dragon, and a lion, a kind of Illusory Beast, fits that little demon quite well.” Sengoku said there.

Yi is a legendary Illusory Beast. It swallows clouds and smokes, likes to smoke, sits well, and generally does not move.

This creature is exactly the same as Kulo.

Moreover, the name of Marine of this generation is exquisite.

The original three Admiral, Akainu, Kizaru, and precognition are dogs, monkeys, and chickens.

Two Admiral alternates, Momousagi and Tokikake. It’s rabbits and pigs.

Two new Admirals, Fujitora and Ryokugyu. It’s a tiger and a cow.

Included in the ancient twelve earthly branches.

And the name of Kulo is also the’sheep’ in the twelve earthly branches.

This way of naming it means…

Kizaru was surprised: “Sengoku-san is so optimistic about Kulo? Think he will become Admiral?”

“hahahaha, don’t you know the best, Borsalino.”

Sengoku said with a big smile: “When you retire, you will choose him for your position.”

Kizaru laughed up and said to Sengoku’s indifferent expression, saying: “‘Golden’? It looks very good. I don’t know if Kulo likes it or not. He came to me last time for the code name of Lida The complaint is coming.”

“Oh? You said that’haodie’? That’s not how the sea shouts, more Pirate is still willing to call her’Beluga’.”

Sengoku self-belief: “Don’t worry, the old man’s name, he will definitely like it!”



Shampoo land.

Kulo unfathomable mystery sneezed.

He rubbed his nose and looked out the window, “Who is thinking of me? Is it a beauty?”

Kuro twitched at the corner of his mouth.

He doesn’t know the beauty, but there should be a lot of people thinking about you in the sea.

Well, that’s the kind of scolding you.

“Mr. Kulo, Sakazuki Fleet Admiral seems to have gone to Mariejois.” Kuro said.

“Huh? He went to Mariejois to do my ass. Isn’t it normal for him to go to Mariejois to choke with those five old men?”

Kulo draws out a cigar Putting it in perspective, he said: “Fleet Admiral and Admiral this thing, it’s not too uncomfortable. I’m responsible to Marine at the bottom and report to Mariejois at the top. The old man Garp has done very well. He hasn’t been promoted, so I don’t have that trouble. .”


He spit out smoke, and muttered: “The idiot Kuzan seems to have followed Garp before. No wonder he can cooperate with Pirate. of common origins, that is to say, he is optimistic that Teach that bastard can become Pirate King?”

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