Mariejois, Pangu City, between power.

Five old men, from POSS at the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

“Sakazuki, about Lucifer ·Kulo’s promotion…”

At this time, five old men faced Sakazuki, and one of them with curly hair said: “We agreed. “

“It should be so.” Sakazuki bit his cigar, nodded and said: “You should have agreed long ago.”

“Don’t get me wrong.”

The old man with a map sign on his head said: “Byrnndi Wapol’s failure can only be done by Marine, Pirate can’t, not even Shichibukai. We have also seen the original report of Lucifer Kulo, and that report is also ours. If you can’t pass, you did a good job.”

“And some witnesses said that at that time Lucifer · Kulo faced Byrnndi · Wapol De, so it is not the credit of Mihawk alone, that little demon It’s just too honest, I don’t want to say this kind of thing.” The old man Changxu added.

“Well, his strength is enough, and his reputation within Marine is not low.”

The old man with a knife nodded and said: “Just do what you say, Sakazuki.”

“Then do it, this time you are justified.” Sakazuki smiled with satisfaction.

“Pay attention to your identity, Sakazuki, you have no right to responsibilities to us. Marine is just the surface of the World Government.” The curly-haired old man shouted.

“Whatever you say, I only want the purpose to be achieved.”

Sakazuki coldly snorted, turned around and walked out.

“Hateful Sakazuki, after becoming Fleet Admiral, his attitude towards us is obviously different.” The old man with a map on his head coldly said.

“He has that kind of character. We chose him as Fleet Admiral, isn’t it because of his character?” said the old man with long beard.

“Don’t mention Sakazuki, let’s talk about Lucifer·Kulo. Has this little demon found a chance?” said the old man holding a knife.

“It should be, the last time Lederfield, the little demon was already overwhelmed.”

The curly-haired old man said: “Byrnndi · Wapol this time, we There is no way to refuse. Hateful’s Sakazuki actually announced directly in the notice that Marine resolved it.”

Byrnndi Wapol directly put them on the stove in the newspaper. If you don’t give it Kulo was promoted, then he slapped himself in the face, denying that Marine did not defeat Wapol De, but was defeated by Mihawk.

Mihawk represents Shichibukai.

In the final analysis, it is also Pirate.

This credit can only be given to Lucifer · Kulo.

The little demon can no longer be suppressed.

“Forget it, he was originally the next Admiral appointed by the old monkey himself.”

The red-skinned old man crossed his hands and put his head on the back of his hand, saying: “Last time The Four Kingdoms incident has already made many Marines feel uncomfortable. We can’t repeat Zephyr’s affairs. And Lucifer Kulo is essentially loyal to us, as can be seen from his attitude towards Celestial Dragon.”

“That’s right.”

The curly-haired old man nodded and said: “Charl Rose praised him last time.”

“Let’s do it, agree to promote him to Vice Admiral also mentioned Admiral alternate, code name…”

“Golden 猊.”


“We common people, this is true today Happy.”

Kulo leaned on the chair, shaking his head with Erlang’s legs up there.

The whole person highlights a leisure.

After the Wapol German incident ended, the world situation returned to peace again.

At least it seems peaceful.

Everyone does their own thing, and as the first half of the Grand Line, there is basically nothing wrong now.

Pirate or something, Leda, Kuro, and Sentomaru will all go cruising, strangling the trouble directly out of the land, leaving Kulo with a leisurely life.

Sleep when you have nothing to do, travel, find a place to drink, don’t be too comfortable.

Except for the bad geographical location of the Chambord land, there is nothing to force.

But he also has a vacation, and he can go back to Pegasus Island if he has nothing to do, but he basically stayed in the shampoo, mainly because he was too lazy to move.

It is a good choice to sit quietly in this tall office, and then vomit the clouds.

This day, don’t be too comfortable.

“Kulo Rear Admiral!”

Outside the door, Wilbur walked in and moved towards Kulo and saluted.

“Oh… Wilbur.”

Kulo glanced at him, lazily said: “Is something wrong?”

“Yes, you Den Den Mushi here can’t get through. The headquarter called me. They told you to report to the headquarter.” Wilbur said.


Kulo froze for a moment and said: “Debriefing? Didn’t I just report to work last time? Just let Kuro do this kind of thing, Old Master. The side will sell my affection.”

Since he was stationed in the Chambord area, because of the grievances, he asked Kuro to replace him in the last report.

Anyway, those are his direct subordinates, and since the Old Master speaks to him well, it doesn’t matter at the headquarter.

It just so happened. He made up his mind to let Kuro go to report everything in the future.

Because I always feel that every time I go to report on my work, I don’t do anything good.

Hearing this, Wilbur hesitated for a while and said: “You must go there in the headquarter.”

“Fine, I heard it, that’s it? “Kulo waved his hand and said.

“Yes, it’s gone.”

Wilbur lowered his head and stopped talking, but his eyes were always on the shop window next to Kulo.

There, there is Devil Fruit.

Wilbur has always known this thing, but now it seems that there is an extra stock.


Kulo thought for a while and said: “You have been working hard during this period. If you are interested, just choose one. It’s mine. A heart.”

He is still very satisfied with Wilbur.

Normally do not bother him, he can do everything he can, even if he is not finished, he will come to admit his mistakes, he has a good attitude, and his ability to do things is OK. Although not very strong, the upper limit of the intensity is OK. Rely on fruits to improve.

“Ah… don’t eat that.”

Kulo pointed to a sea-blue color banana-shaped fruit and said: “This is a fish fruit, have you eaten it? For eggs, you can try anything else.”

After Wapol’s death, Lida didn’t burst his fruit in his bag, which made Kulo quite disappointed and very happy.

What is lost is that the fruit is quite strong, and anyone who eats it can be exchanged for a strong battle strength.

Fortunately, Lida’s bag is not that kind of strange treasure, and when there are a few more fruits, he will be frightened.

If this thing really has a 100% burst rate, if anyone knows it, it will have to suffer too much.

“Thank you Kulo Rear Admiral!”

Wilbur excitedly said: “I will not disappoint your expectations!”

Devil Fruit!

Kulo Rear Admiral gave him Devil Fruit!

This is the secret to making people strong!

In other words, Kulo Rear Admiral is beginning to admit him!

With excitement, he walked to the window and picked a Devil Fruit from it, then turned to Kulo and said, “Can I choose this one!”

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