I can reach the point where I am now, no one is innocent in the sea, whether Marine or Pirate. ——Marine’s famous Vice Admiral, Admiral alternate, [Jin Lu] Lucifer · Kulo.

After learning that he was completely out of help, Kulo sat on that chair like a stone puppet. The other Marines thought Kulo was too happy and didn’t care too much, and left one by one.

An hour later, Lida who really didn’t wait for Kulo to bring Cass and Kuro to find him.

“Mr. Kulo!!!”

As soon as he arrived at the door, Cass made an excited voice, which made Kulo’s eyes as if he had been played with a wave of fluctuations.

“Kulo, what’s wrong with you?”

Looking at Kulo sitting there, Lida walked over to the carefree patted his shoulder, hehe said with a smile: “It’s okay, Don’t just get promoted, it’s not a big problem.”

Of course, she knows why Kulo became like this. This stranger who didn’t want to be promoted was finally taken aback at this moment.

“Mr. Kulo…”

Kuro also persuaded from the side: “We still have a remedy.”

“Kuro… “

Kuro tone barely fell, Kulo said, “Come here.”

These words made Kuro’s eyes twitch.

He seemed to see a big red “Danger” flashing on Kulo’s head.

But he couldn’t help but listen to the orders of his boss. He swallowed and took a step forward boldly.

Kuro swears, he really took a step.

I saw Kulo in front of him turned into a black figure and jumped up, came directly to him, pinched his neck with both hands, and shook violently.

“You tell me how to remedy it!!!”

Kulo roared grimly: “I really want to get a coffin ship!!!” “

“Ku, Mr. Kulo… can’t breathe.”

Kuro’s eyes turned white, and he patted Kulo’s hand in pain.


Kulo let go of Kuro, and the green veins on his forehead were exposed, “Do you know how much psychological damage I have suffered? You don’t know! You only know yourself! Vice Admiral! It’s still a special Admiral alternate, and a code name, there are all the code names!”

“Jin Ya, Jin Ya, you know what, it’s quite special What a good match for Lao Tzu!”

“Usually let you think of ideas for Lao Tzu. You are either fishing or greeting people. In a critical juncture, you have no use at all. Only when I met you It’s a special warrant officer, now I’m Vice Admiral! Vice Admiral!” Kulo roared there.

“You are furious about incompetence again, Kulo.” Lida said in disgust.

“Shut up, Leda! So are you! I met you earlier, and still a sergant! Now! Now!! Give me more attention!”

“Barbecue? Where is it?” Leda glanced around.

Kulo: “…”

Are you infected by Platycodon grandiflorum!

And only one Cass, who doesn’t understand Kulo’s true thoughts, just stared blankly there.

Why is Mr. Kulo so angry?

He became Vice Admiral, isn’t it worth the joy?

And why is it ironic…

I defeated Shiki, defeated Lederfield, defeated Byrnndi · Wapol, these name shakes the whole world Great Pirate All of them are Mr. Kulo’s resume. This should be the honor he deserves. Why is he so angry?


Cass looked at Kulo, his eyes started to wet inexplicably, he extended the hand and wiped his tears with his sleeve, “Yeah, yeah, I understand, Mr. Kulo, I fully understand you!”

Cass’ inexplicable cry made Kulo’s angry expression disappear, weird looking towards over there, “What do you know?”

“Mr. Kulo, this Vice Admiral, you shouldn’t be promoted.” Cass said excitedly there.

Kulo opened his eyes and looked at Cass in amazement.

“Do you really understand?” Kulo asked.


Cass violently nodded: “Mr. Kulo, you should not be promoted to Vice Admiral. In this case, not being promoted is the best.”

He actually understands? !

I really understand!

Cass’ words made Kulo tactically fall back, and even his anger was much less.

It’s rare!

After so long, this bearded man finally understands his thoughts!

“It’s okay if you understand!”

Kulo whispered: “I shouldn’t be promoted to this position, how will I see people in the future!”

“Wu wu wu, Mr. Kulo, I fully understand you!”

Cass can’t stop wiping tears on his sleeves now, so he just lifted his head and cried loudly: “This is too tragic. It’s so sad, I completely understand you, Mr. Kulo!!!”

“Stop, stop, don’t cry.”

Kulo said with a headache: “You Why are you crying?”

“You should not be promoted to Vice Admiral, you should not be promoted!”

Cass burst into tears: “In this case, Kulo Sir, your ambition can’t be reached!”


Do you still know Lao Tzu’s ambition? !

Kulo’s eyes widened, revealing an unbelievable look.

Not easy!

With such a headache, I finally understand his intentions.

I want to come too, after all, I have been with myself for so long. Although Cass is cheating on him from time to time, he might get the hang of it. Look at what he said, how much it fits his own mind. .

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Seeing Cass crying, Kulo himself didn’t think about being furious with his incompetence. In turn, he comforted him and said: “Why don’t you be promoted to Vice Admiral? , The problem is not big, as long as you understand me, we work together, sooner or later my ambition will be realized.”

“Look at it…”

He walked to the chair Then, with a handy pull, he removed a chair leg and broke it in front of Cass, “A piece of wood can be broken with no difficulty.”

Next, he cut it off again. The chair that lacked one leg was removed as a whole, and then another chair was removed, and several chair legs were put together, saying:

“A pile of wood is not so easy to break. Right, Lida.”

He handed her the leg of the chair, who took it, took a look, and broke his hands.


Leda held a group of broken chair legs, and said to Kulo dumbfounded:

“Huh? What did you say?”

Kulo:” ……”

I asked you to act for me!

How can you be honest with an old MMP.

Kulo glared at Lida, lightly coughed, and said to Cass:

“In short, as long as we are united, the following problems are not big and can be solved. Don’t you I’m crying, a big man, always crying and not embarrassing. I’ve never cried much when I grow up.”

Except for the death of his parents in this world, he shed tears, it’s true. I never cried.

Kass listened to Kulo’s words, held back his tears, his eyes flushed, and said, “I just hate myself for not being with Mr. Kulo, and not being able to share the pain for Mr. Kulo! No, I’m going to report to the headquarters !”

“Forget it, you said there is a problem, Old Master is hiding it from me, what use can you do, so be it, Vice Admiral is Vice Admiral.”


Kulo waved his hand helplessly, “You go back and prepare, maybe I will transfer you back.”

If you become Vice Admiral, there is a high probability that he will be transferred to New World. Go, then you have to consider safety at this time.

A little more people, a little more safety.

“Really?! I can be under Mr. Kulo?!”

Cass widened his eyes and filled his pupils with joy. He gave a subconsciously military salute and said : “Mr. Kulo, I will always wait for your order!”

Cass can say that, which means he should really understand.

His ambition of not wanting to be promoted and wants to be safe.

Then I really want to be transferred, there is no problem in transferring him.

Cass wiped his tears, his eyes were firm.

Those achievements are actually just Vice Admiral? !

Even if it is an Admiral candidate, it is not Admiral!

Why Mr. Kulo is so angry, it must be because he feels that he can be promoted directly to Admiral, but there is only one Vice Admiral position!

This is so sad!

Cass is sorrowful for Kulo, but also sorrowful for himself!

At such an important node, he can’t help at all!



“I will definitely realize your ambitions, Mr. Kulo!!!” Cass shouted loudly.

My Cass, I must desperately want Mr. Kulo to complete his ambition to become Admiral, and never let Mr. Kulo have such anger again!

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