Kulo’s angry heart is gone after being harassed by Cass.

Becoming Vice Admiral is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.

It’s okay if he doesn’t go to the ghost place like New World. If he does, he has to make sufficient preparations and make himself absolutely safe!

For a long time, the sense of crisis in the first half and the whole world will be maximized in this brief moment.

However, if you don’t get angry, you don’t get angry. If you feel bad, you get a bad mood.

He didn’t say hello to Old Master, and didn’t want to participate in any fish pie meetings. After bringing people out of the office, he walked to the port.

On the square, Kulo bit his cigar and walked forward with a gloomy look, with his three subordinates behind him.

“Kulo Vice Admiral!”

Coby didn’t know where he came from, and said with excitement happily: “Congratulations on your promotion, it was so cool just now , You have so many resumes!”

Kulo’s bloodshot eyes glared at him, without speaking, he walked to the port.

“Huh?” Coby tilted his head, a little confused.

“He is in a bad mood.”

Kuro patted Coby’s shoulder, a relief, and then followed along.

“Are you in a bad mood?”

Coby looked at Kulo’s further and further back, and muttered: “Did you not be promoted to Admiral?”

With this question, Coby went to Garp.

At this time, Garp is still competing with Sengoku who eats more doughnuts.

Yes, his senbei has been eaten.

“Vice Admiral Garp, supervised by Sengoku.”

Coby and Helmeppo salute the two, and then Coby said: “I just met Kulo Vice Admiral, He seems to be a little unhappy.”

“I want to be called Jinyao.”

Sengoku corrected: “This code name will come down soon, and when you call Kulo in the future, try to use the code name as much as possible. Call it, this is the rule.”

“Yes, Sengoku inspector!” Coby responded.

“As for why you are not happy…”

Sengoku hehe smiled: “I guess it’s because I didn’t get to Admiral.”

“pu hahaha Kulo, that little demon, it’s too early to be Admiral, and Borsalino hasn’t retired yet.” Garp laughed and ate a donut.

“Hey, don’t eat the old man’s doughnuts, bastard!” Sengoku roared there.

“I have a question, why is the headquarter no longer promoted to an Admiral position so that Mr. Kulo will not be so unhappy.” Coby said.

“pu hahaha, impossible impossible.”

Garp waved his hand there: “It was impossible to do.”

“It is true.”

Sengoku nodded, “A long time ago, there were only two Admiral positions in the headquarters. Then, in response to the Great Age of Pirates, the World Government changed the number of Admiral positions to three, which is the Marine you are familiar with later. Three Admiral, but the three are already the limit. If you increase it, the trouble is not only the World Government.”

This thing, even if the World Government wants to increase, it is not something that can be done arbitrarily.

Too much involved.

Although on the surface they deal with Pirate consistently.

It is certain that there is nothing wrong in the general direction of’justice’.

But internally, we cannot talk about contradictions, but there are still many problems.

Ideologies, factions, territories, and all kinds of issues are all on Marine’s side.

Several decades later, the three Admiral basics and the old-school Marine faction have stabilized. Even if Sakazuki implemented the’world conscription’, the premise is that Kuzan left, lacking shortcomings.

Even so, the power of the new Admiral is too weak.

Add another Admiral?

If it was brought up by the veteran Marine, then this problem will become prominent. It is not a general trouble to re-divide factions and divide power.

And if you put another one like Fujitora Ryokugyu, it’s not as good as it is, and no one will agree.

Including Sengoku himself, will not agree.

“Kulo wants to be an Admiral, so he can only take Borsalino’s class. Don’t think about other things.”

Sengoku looked from this room towards the square outside the window, indifferently said: “youngster It’s a good thing to practice more. Admiral, who is in his twenties, is too young, and Borsalino probably won’t agree.”

The old monkey will definitely abdicate for Kulo, but now is not the time.

He is still in his prime, and he can guarantee and protect the little demon of Kulo for a while. Although his faction has firmly identified Kulo, Kulo has never been a Vice Admiral after all, and has not dealt with it. Some questions about New World, now is not the time.

If you don’t want to be a “thug”, it’s best to rise step by step.

“Pu hahaha, don’t think about that kind of thing, hey, Coby, Helmeppo, come and have donuts together?” Garp asked, holding up the donut.

“They said not to eat the old man’s doughnuts, you bastard!” Sengoku roared.

Meanwhile, on a platform higher in Fleet Admiral’s office, Sakazuki and Kizaru stood there, looking down together.

“Is Kulo getting angry?”

Sakazuki watched that little silhouette walk towards the port, and said, “Did you not become an Admiral?”

“Sa, who knows.” Kizaru smiled and said: “The old man doesn’t think it is like that, otherwise he can retire as soon as he wants to be. After all, it’s the youngster’s world now.”

“It’s not the time yet, Borsalino.”

Sakazuki clenched his fists and said: “This is not the time to explore the inside of Marine. Under the leadership of the old man, Marine is now stronger than ever. This At that time, I have to take the initiative!”

The results of a high-end battle strength are completely different.

Just like the idiot Kuzan helped Blackbeard in the [War of the End], and then Blackbeard had a great victory.

The existence of Kulo, besides giving Marine an extra high-end battle strength that determines the battle, he also has another characteristic.

This can be seen from his resume.

Why did Sakazuki announce Kulo’s record in public, because all the Great Pirates that Kulo killed were all from Impel Down.

The criminals on the 6th floor are not only those killed by Kulo, but those powerful people are now wandering in the sea.

“The old man is going to announce the matter of’Golden’ to the whole sea!” Sakazuki said.

In addition to announcing this in front of Marine, about Kulo, no, about the record of Vice Admiral, also let other people on the sea know.

Use this to warn those Old Guys who have escaped and are restless.

Tell them…

Wait there and wait for death, you old rotten old ghosts!

This is Kulo’s ability. Among all Marines, he is the only one who has the qualifications to deter 6th floor criminals!

“Kulo will be very hard if you do this.” Kizaru scratched his head.

“Marine, it doesn’t matter whether it is hard or not, it is all for justice!” Sakazuki said decisively.

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