Kulo can’t hear what Sakazuki said, and he doesn’t want to hear anything now.

Although he comforted Cass, he came back to his senses, but he still felt a bit wrong.

Take a step back and think more and more angry.

The more breath, the weaker.

“Is he!”

When he got on the boat, Kulo directly exploded.

This happened, he didn’t even have the mood to ask Hina for a black gun.

After boarding the ship, Kulo shut himself in his office.

“Don’t let anyone bother me, I need to be quiet!”

After saying this, he closed the door and left Kuro and Cass outside.

As for Leda, I just went in with Kulo just now.

“Kulo, I’m still angry.”

Leda entered Kulo’s office, found a sofa and sat down, untied her snack packet, and took out a Pack the potato chips, open the mouth and eat.

“What did you say.”

Kulo collapsed on the main seat and said weakly: “I’ve been promoted… Leda, this time It’s straight to the top. You said that I have obviously had that many games in the past two years. I have thought about all the tricks. Why can’t I avoid it.”

He fell into deep suspicion at this time.

I did that many, but the result was still like useless work. He knew that the World Government was pressing him, but he was still promoted.

And also got a big job!

You can’t be angry when you say it!

“It’s not what you said, the process of history.”

Leda heartless said: “Now history is in process.”

“You Give me a long snack!”

Kulo glared at her.


“No snacks!”

Kulo interrupted Lida in time, said ill-humoredly: “I I’ve got enough headaches, don’t bother me here!”

Leda shrugged, took a bite of potato chips, and said: “Then what are you going to do.”

“What should I do, I don’t know!”

Kulo lay even harder and sighed: “Don’t ask me such annoying questions, I’m not in a good mood right now, you’re fine, you go out for snacks Go.”


Leda stood up, “Then you lie down slowly.”

“Hey…Sure enough, No one cares about me at all.” Kulo sighed again.

Leda turned around, helplessly said: “Then you are talking about it.”

“What did I say? Didn’t I say that I was weak anymore? I asked you not to Bother me!” Kulo glared.


Leda turned and continued to go out, but soon heard Kulo’s sigh again.

“Let’s go, let’s go, let me take it here alone…”

Leda’s forehead exposed a bunch of veins, and turned her head and said angrily:” What are you going to do!”

“I’m fine, I just want to be alone.” Kulo indifferently said.


Leda rolled her eyes at him and opened the door and walked out.

Kulo twitched his lips, changed to a more comfortable position and lay down, and then…

His eyes were empty and his mouth relaxed, like a salted fish that had lost hope in life.

“Twenty-six years of life, like dreams and illusions, there are births and deaths, and promotion with regrets.”

In my mouth, there are still a few haikus, It’s like a repeater.

“In this big Battleship, face Vice Admiral with a smile, Pirate is stool.”


Battleship, returned to the shampoo.

At the same time, the name of Kulo has been concealed by the World Government. Instead, an existence code-named’Jinyao’ has gradually appeared on the stage.

After having a code name, Marine will play down the specific name of a person. Although this is not very useful for people who know Kulo, the world is so big, how many people can know him, even if there is Lederfield’s hype, but after so long, everything that should be forgotten has been forgotten.

Now that the World Government has begun to cover up, Kulo’s name has been watered down, and Jin Yi has replaced it.

From this point of view, it’s pretty good.

If he is not Vice Admiral…

Actually, it’s Vice Admiral or something, Kulo doesn’t matter. He doesn’t want to be promoted because he doesn’t want to deal with New World. After all, there is too much. Danger.

If he can continue to stay in Shampoo, or other places, he can accept it even in the first half.


This probability is too low!

Fortunately, if he is just Vice Admiral, at worst he begs Strawberry Old Brother. He can guard Marineford.

But this is Admiral alternate, basically impossible stationed in the first half, there are only two ways to go.

Either he goes to guard Mariejois.

Security is safe. It can even be said to be absolutely safe. Basically, there is no such thing as a surprise attack.

But he is disgusting.

The other way is to go to New World.

That kind of ghost place…

is full of ghost places that have won the first half of the Pirate battle and passed the end of the Chambord land.

Except for Yonko, there are too many dangers.

Kulo never wants to go to that kind of place.

Kulo has a big head when he thinks of New World.

People also started to get irritable gradually, and he simply shut himself in the office, not asking Pepsi, turning a deaf ear.

Whatever he does, he is not in the mood to do anything now.


Two months later.

The shampoo land, the sky is ten thousand li.


Rip up the bar.

In the bar, an old man sits on the platform with a newspaper in his hand and a glass of wine in front of him.

He flipped through the newspaper and sighed: “There is no business.”

“Sure, please be content.”

One of the people in the bar looks young. The woman wiped a glass and said: “Since the golden dog came, the shampoo site has long been worse than before. There are fewer and fewer Pirates that can come in. It is not bad that I can drive here, and the Pirates that come in are all There is a way to coat, you, the coater, will also be unemployed.”

“hahaha, that’s really helpless.”

The white haired old man laughed twice. I flipped through the newspaper and said, “However, it’s good for Pirate to come in. During this time, it seems that many Pirates have come in.”


Xia Qi nodded, moved towards the Marine station outside the window, took a look, and said: “That man doesn’t know what’s going on, he hasn’t appeared recently.”

“What is brewing?”

The old man turned his head, glanced in that direction, and said, “However, this is also an opportunity.”

“Don’t interfere.”

Qi said: “That man warned you.”

The old man laughed: “I’m just an old lei, a coater. What can I do? When I get old, I don’t even have to be nosy.”



He tone barely fell, and the door of the tavern was retreated, and a green-looking silhouette appeared at the door.

“Oh! You are the first one!”

The old man’s eyes widened and he smiled: “Is it finally here?”

green On his silhouette feet, there are a pair of leather boots with a bunch of feet. As he moves, the three drop-shaped golden earrings on his left ear clink.

He is wearing a green robe, which has a wide open front. There is nothing but a brighter green bellyband inside. He wears a wine red belt around his waist and hangs three on his waist. Knife.

Roronoa · Zoro.

Compared to two years ago, there is an extra scar on his left eye.

“Am I the first?”

Zoro glanced around and asked.

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