
The other ladyboys screamed, and then rushed up one by one.

“Hateful, you dare to hurt Dibani!”

“Let you see the power of Okama!”

Faced with the charge of a ladyboy, Leda retracted her feet and quickly finished the snacks, then spread her hands around her waist and stepped her left foot in front of her right foot.

“Shura Dao…”


Her silhouette, like an incarnation, appears in front of every demon.

“The black rope flashes in the sky!”

The silhouette disappeared, all of them returned to one, and Lida’s figure returned to her original place again.

pu tong pu tong!

One by one, the ladyboys rolled their eyes and fell on the ground and twitched, looking as if they were exhausted.

This is the style of her big brother. Later, after being seen by Lida, she developed [Thousands of Strikes in a Moment]. The development version is both primordial and naturally nothing difficult.

“Grab it, and interrogate them carefully!”

Leda glanced at the shemale lying on the ground with disdain, and ordered Marine.

Lieutenant Marine stands at attention and salutes, “Yes! Leda Captain!”

“Hey, Kulo, shall we go back?”

Leda is now telling Kulo As he spoke, he found that he was looking up at the sky.

“It’s still lively, so messy, doesn’t it respect the fact that Lao Tzu is in the shampoo?”

Kenbunshoku felt that everything was messy.

“Leda, you go back first, I will come later.”

“What are you doing?”

“Maybe it’s Lao Tzu being too quiet After a long time, some people have forgotten the rules of shampoo.”

Kulo bit his cigar and moved towards one direction.


On the streets of Chambord Land, a huge carnivorous beetle is rampaging, forcing the nearby Marine to retreat steadily.

When the beetle ran, it directly collided with nearby trees and houses.

Although it didn’t hurt anyone, this huge size also blocked the way.

peng~ peng~!


Whether it is a firearm or a cannon, it has no effect on it.

The hardness of the carapace cannot be broken by ordinary weapons.


On the back of one of these buildings, a human figure dressed like a Horned Beetle leaned against it, looking up at the sky.

“Men’s farewell, no need to meet, let’s go sailing, Usopp! I will stop the rest!”



When he tone barely fell, he heard a roar.

Turning around, I saw that huge carnivorous beetle. The carapace was cut with a huge opening, green mucus was expelled, and the whole body was turned to the ground.

Before there, a man in a black coat was holding a black blade, biting his cigar, and his face was unhappy.

The nearby Marine saw someone coming and shouted: “Golden Yee Vice Admiral!”

“Vice Admiral, I’m sorry, but the beetle that didn’t know where it came from blocked our way. “A Marine officer saluted.

Kulo spit out the smoke and said: “Maintain order, evacuate the people, and see if there are any casualties nearby.”

“Yes!” Marine complied, and immediately began to greet Marine. Start checking.

“Vice Admiral?”

Behind the house, Koalas was taken aback and ran away, “Vice Admiral or something, let’s retreat for now.”

“Where are you going?”

As he stepped his leg, a voice rang from the side.

At some point, Kulo has already appeared next to him.

The black blade’s blade lay in front of him.

“It’s suspicious to wear such a concealed one without showing up.” Kulo squinted at him.

“That…Master Marine, I’m a good citizen.” Hae Koalas touched the mask, as if the face inside was sweating.

“If it’s a good citizen, just walk with me to find out.”


“Hey, come some people , Take him away.”


A Marine officer came over with Den Den Mushi in his hand and said: “What’s the matter, no I want you to come and support you quickly, why haven’t we arrived yet!”

“Hold, sorry, it rained suddenly here, and all the guns and cannons are useless because of the water entering.”

Den Den Mushi sounded panicked, accompanied by the sound of raindrops falling.

“It’s raining? How is it possible, there is no rain at all here, where does the rain come from you?” Marine questioned.

It’s raining?

Kulo looked in one direction and saw a black cloud hanging in the sky in the distance, and it was falling with rain.

The position of the rain cloud landed accurately in an area.

Kenbunshoku goes up…

Good guy.

Kulo sneered, holding the knife and swiping it horizontally in that direction.

“Without my permission, God can’t rain on me, you count as a chicken feather!”

A frantic air current was stimulated from his knife, Like a tornado, it rushed to the black cloud, and with a scream, the black cloud was dissipated, and the air current rose, and the island in the sky that Kenbunshoku sensed was blown to the side and to the other side. .

“Ah! The rain stopped!”

Den Den Mushi, there was a surprise sound from Marine.

“Find a way to fix the weapon, and then hurry up to support it. Vice Admiral is here.” Marine officer said to Den Den Mushi, and then hung up.

“Go to your business…” Kulo said.


Just when Kulo was about to leave, suddenly, a surprised voice rang next to him.

“Hey, why are you guy on this island!”

Kulo turned around and saw a floating umbrella girl, looking at herself in surprise.

“You are…”

Kulo squinted, “Ghost girl?”

That woman is Perona.

“Why haven’t you left yet!” Perona said in surprise.

“What you asked…”

Kulo bit his cigar and said: “I am stationed on this island, where do I go?”

“No, haven’t you been promoted to Vice Admiral? In theory, you should be in New World!”


Kulo looked at Perona badly,” Don’t tell Lao Tzu about this! Speaking of…what are you doing here, aren’t you following Hawk Eyes?”

“Off, none of your business.”

Perona fluttered back under this stare, hiding behind the parasol.

“It’s not about Laozi when you are on Laozi’s island. Don’t think you can do whatever you want with Hawk Eyes.”

Kulo sighed and said gloomily. “I’m telling you, I’m not in a good mood right now, you’d better not mess with me, otherwise Mihawk will not give you any face!”

“I, I’ll give it away…” Perona Weak way.

“Who is it for?”

“Just for a friend, hey, even Marine, I won’t ask everything.” Perona cried out.

Kulo stared at her for a while, beckoned, and two Marines came to him.

“Stare at her, and report any suspicious traces in time.”

Kulo fiercely said to Perona: “If you let me hear what you are doing on the island. Moth, just give me a walk to Impel Down!”

After that, he turned and walked towards the Marine station.


At the same time, 66GRMarine is located.

“Is that this, Marine base!”

The Straw Hat group has arrived. Luffy looked at the fortress in front, raised his fist and shouted: “Sony , We’re here to pick you up!”


Nami’s fist hit his forehead fiercely.

“Everyone said don’t make any noise! ​​What should I do if Marine pays attention!” she roared.

“Your voice is also loud, Nami.” Usopp waved his hand aside.

“Luffy is to blame!” Nami turned around and roared.

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