After a while.

“Then, as planned, sneak in.”

Nami clapped his fists and said confidently.

Behind them, Luffy and Usopp have one person and one bag on their heads, and they respond: “Yes…”

“Rayleigh said that the ship is here, and the specific location is… “

Nami thought for a while, and said: “After entering the door, turn left, then right, then right, then left, then left, then go straight, then go straight to a three-way road, turn right, then go straight and turn left , We are at the place where the ship was put away. Taking advantage of the fact that there are not many people now, let’s sneak in secretly, get the ship and leave, do you understand it!”

She turned her head and asked.

As a result, many people look like dementia.

Only Robin was nodded there and said: “It is indeed this route.”

“Where can I remember so much!” Usopp yelled.

“yosh! Okay, let’s go!”

Luffy rolled up his sleeves, loudly said.

“Did you remember, Luffy?” Zoro asked in surprise.

“What?” Luffy tilted his head.

“The way!”

“Don’t worry about that kind of thing, just go as you feel, Sonny, here we are!”

Luffy laughed a few times, and then rushed forward.

“I knew…”

Nami helplessly lifted his forehead, watching Luffy quickly run to the open door, and shouted: “Hey, Luffy , Wait for us!”

A group of people are about to run into the station.

“Straw Hat brat!!!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

Several people turned their heads and saw a resolute-faced Marine rushing over with a group of people.

“Did you dare to come to the Marine station, do you want to provoke Marine!”

The Marine headed by, holding a rocket launcher that can be triggered The gun was aimed at them.

“[Big Gun] Wilbur!” Robin exclaimed: “Be careful, this guy…”

“Don’t worry, Robin Young Lady, let me come!”

Sanji is confident in Issho, bends his feet and jumps directly.


A cannonball was shot out of the cannon barrel. When Sanji was about to kick the cannonball away, he listened to the man holding the cannon barrel. shouting loudly.

“Double times! Ten times!”

The shell suddenly became a little bigger than Sanji himself, and quickly hit Come here and get kicked by Sanji.

bang!! !

Under the impact, the shells released a ball of brilliance.

The shock caused by the violent explosion made the Straw Hat and the crew fly away, and also aroused a mass of smoke and dust.

The smoke and dust are gone. When Wilbur and the others arrived, there were still people there.

“How can it be repaired!” Wilbur exclaimed angrily.

“Captain, what should I do?”

A Marine asked.

At this moment, a silhouette suddenly struck from the rear.


I saw Kuro in the form of a human and animal appear next to him, squatting halfway there, trembling between his nose, unable to talk: “Pirate unexpectedly Go in?!”

“Kuro Captain…Yes, I am faceless facing Mr. Kulo.”

Wilbur gritted his teeth: “Shame! Let Pirate in. Marine station, I really failed Mr. Kulo’s trust in me!”

“But Pirate wants to catch it. After I get Pirate, I will apologize to Mr. Kulo! Now, ring the alarm bell and inform all Island Marine, Straw Hat’s team has entered Marine’s resident!”


Ring bells—

There was a loud voice in the resident.

Hearing this sound, the remaining Marine and nearby Marines all moved.

Den Den Mushi is constantly ringing.

“Marine resident was invaded by Straw Hat’s gang, return to defense as soon as possible!”

“Marine resident was invaded by Straw Hat Pirates, please support!”

“Notify Marineford, let them send a Battleship, be sure to block all outlets to the sea!”

Under the yelling and harsh alarm bells of the Marines, Kuro licked his lips, “Don’t worry , I can’t run away. It’s not that easy to get into this station. I want to get out. Straw Hat brat, leave it to me, you go and catch others!”

Speaking, he quickly rushed into the gate Inside, looking for the smell of blood, he ran straight in one direction.

Inside the resident.

“Where is this, hey, Nami Young Lady! Robin Young Lady! Luffy!”

Sanji wandered alone in the deep corridor.

The previous cannonball blew them all in by coincidence, but they all dispersed.

At least Sanji didn’t find anyone.

“Ah…really, it’s all gone.”

Sanji lit a cigarette, and a blue vein burst out of his forehead, “That guy, can a cannonball become bigger? The power of this island is much stronger than before.”

Sentomaru, Kuro, Wilbur.

I have already encountered three.

In addition, Leda, who Rayleigh said is stronger than these people, and the Marine Vice Admiral who rules the island.

“It’s really troublesome.”

Sanji shook his head, “Anyway, look for the surrounding breath…huh?”

He The nose moved, moved towards one direction.

“Good smell…”

He moved towards that place and stopped at a gate.

“It’s the smell coming from here.”

Sanji pushed open the door and saw that it was a big kitchen. There was no one in the kitchen, but his ears could hear Some’zi zi’ sounds.

Sanji turned around and saw a figure wearing a Marine cloak, with a soft long hair behind his head, busy on the kitchen platform.


Sanji’s body is on guard.

It seems that there is a feeling, then Marine turned his head and moved towards the door with a look, frowning slightly.

“Look carefully, this is not a beautiful little elder sister~”

Sanji’s eyes immediately turned into a heart shape, and his body swam over like noodles while rubbing his hands, and then all over his body One spin, half kneeling on the ground, one-handed moved towards that Marine raised.

“Ah~ this is the destiny of God, why there is such a beautiful Young Lady, but unfortunately, there is an incomparable gigantic identity between us, like a river separating us, but For you, I am willing to jump into the river~”

The Marine in front of me has a pair of soft, watery, jet-black eyes, and his long, supple hair is tied into a Ji hair style, tied with a white hair band. Look When she rises, she is a gentle and beautiful beauty.


asked Kikyo.

“That’s right, you are Marine, I’m Pirate, we are the two of us…”

Sanji nodded, continue to talk, but find the beauty in front of me Marine suddenly stretched out his hand and put it on Sanji’s shoulder.



Sanji only felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole person flew out and hit the wall of the kitchen door accurately.

Kiji retracted his hand, looked at Sanji coldly, and said, “How did Pirate enter the station, it’s really strange.”

“It hurts…”

Sanji slipped off the wall, groaned, stood up and gritted his teeth and said: “Hateful, but I’m still a lady, I’m a gentleman, I never attack a woman!”

“Huh? You said you Is it a pervert? Like to shoot at women?”

Kanji looked back at the steak that was still cooking, stretched out his bare hand, bent three fingers, “3 minutes, solve you.”


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