A wave of air floated under Rayleigh’s feet, bringing up rubble.

He moved his right foot back, holding the blade in one hand, his face sinking slightly.

The power of this blade is not small.


The blade that Rayleigh is holding is also wrapped up like a wind, and it mirrors the golden lightning glow on the blade of Kulo and is rolled together. .

This blade, if you don’t use the same Rank’s Haki, his blade will be broken just now.

This also means that the guy in front of you is serious.

Kulo was blocked with a knife and pressed down with one hand, while leg raised and kicked Rayleigh’s abdomen straight.

Rayleigh also bends his leg at this time, taking Haki up, his calf resisting Kulo’s kick.


With the momentum of this kick, Kulo moved up and turned directly to the opposite side of Rayleigh. The black blade of limpid autumn water rubbed a spark on the blade of Rayleigh and pulled directly to the back. , Rowed towards his back of the head.

And Rayleigh lowered his head and turned his body backwards, grabbing Kulo’s wrist and throwing him away.

Kulo missed a knife, and when his body was threw away, he touched Rayleigh’s face with a foot.


Rayleigh took a few steps back, covering his face where Haki had faded, said with a bitter smile: “It’s so old…”

Kulo was in the air. Rotate, land on the ground, take it back, and flick the blade, coldly said: “The hatred you slashed at me two years ago is just to be counted by you.”

“Hey, you are a big Vice Admiral. , Is it okay to have such a small mind?” Rayleigh said.

“I’m small-minded?!”

Kulo pointed around and said: “Look at this place! Is this something that people can do? I don’t think about the chaos in the shampoo. I mention it, that kind of thing is a little troublesome at best, but you are almost dismantling Lao Tzu’s residence. If you spare you so lightly, where can I put my face?!”

“I can’t give it to you. Is my old fogey shameless?” Rayleigh asked.

“Huh? How big is your face, worthy of me, Lucifer · Kulo, Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral, Admiral alternate, Jin Yi put such a big face?!”

Kulo took advantage of the situation She was sheathed, staring at Rayleigh, “Want to save face? All right!”


Limpid autumn water is pulled out in a flash, a chaotic belt Haki’s slash rushed out.

“Come and get it yourself!”

A strong slash filled the entire space, Rayleigh stepped back, Haki on the blade became more solid, holding the handle with both hands , Slashed directly at the leading slash.


With a single knife, the slash collapsed, swaying a circle of shock waves.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!

Rayleigh’s blade slashed in a series, one blade after another, and the slash shot over would either fly or split.

The opened slash ran to other directions of the fortress, and directly tore a few large openings. A slash directly cut off a load-bearing wall not far away, so that the nearby wall was still slightly intact. Collapse, take the building above, and collapse together.

The rubble splashed, the ground vibrated, and the scope of the ruins was significantly larger.

Rayleigh split the last slash away, and saw a black glow flashing by with gold electricity around him, and he hurriedly mounted it.

bang! !

The limpid autumn water struck, and at the same time an afterimage attacked from below, Rayleigh could not dodge, was kicked in the abdomen, and was directly kicked flying.

“Nianli Knife·Lion Bite!”

Kulo swung a knife, the ability to sway from the blade, stir the air in the direction of Rayleigh’s flight, and directly twist and cut.

Rayleigh snorted, and Busoshoku Haki was aroused all over his body, and a lot of sparks came out of him, scraping his upper body clothes to pieces.

He forced himself to fall on the ground, stepped a little on the ground, and rushed out of the cutting range of the lion’s bite.

“Hey, the area destroyed like this is bigger.” Rayleigh said.

“It’s not the reason you blocked it!” Kulo roared gloomily.

“You are a bit unreasonable, right? If I don’t stop, I will hack you to death?”

“Isn’t that better?!”

Kulo bit the cigar and spit out smoke, his body shot straight over, bringing up a black glow.

Rayleigh adjusted his figure, exhaled, and struck again.

Dang! !

Two people, in the other people’s field of vision, are two afterimages, colliding with shock waves from time to time, and the shaking base is constantly shaking.

Kuro glanced upwards, watching that only half of the intact station kept dropping rubble under the collision, and pushed down the glasses with the base of his palm.

“This time, half of it may not be able to be kept.”

Even Kuro himself can easily destroy the base in battle in such a place.

Not to mention the battle of Mr. Kulo, the man of the Rank.

Their battle has always been destroying heaven and extinguishing earth.

And it’s not over so fast.

Kulo is very annoying, very annoying.

He actually didn’t want to meet this old man.

As a group of people on the front line of the sea, one by one is more difficult than the other.

There are many difficult places, those with superior ability, those with physical tyranny, and those with sword technique.

To reach their realm, with the same existence as the Haki Rank, and when the sword technique is not much worse, if you want to take advantage, it is not something that can be done in a short while.

Rayleigh is not weak, this guy is old and old, even if the battle strength drops again, it will be Peak’s batch.

Especially, Kulo is now fighting at home.

Chambord land, but his garrison place.

If the fight is too intense, it is not the problem of the base, but the whole island will be affected.

But the fight is not fierce…

How can it be not fierce!

Kulo made a stab and was flashed by Rayleigh. He took the limpid autumn water into the scabbard and threw himself up, flashing a black light like a moon.


Dang! !

Rayleigh held the knife with both hands to resist, and the tyrannical force made his knife tremble, and the rest of the wave swayed back, directly cutting off the wall of the base in front of Kulo. The entire base was under the aftermath of this blade. , More than half of it collapsed completely, leaving only a small building standing there stubbornly.

After Rayleigh blocked this blade, he slashed on the spot and slashed over.

Kulo eyes shrank, his footsteps hit the ground and his body turned into a short-distance flash of afterimages.

The slash that was slashed out smashed the last remaining buildings that stood upright.

The entire Marine residence was completely in ruins.

“This is really…”

At this time, Kikyo and Fanny have already arrived.

But it doesn’t work. They sensed the murderous aura when Kulo exuded, and the place vibrated so badly. If it didn’t come, it would be crushed by the ruins.

“The laboratory is gone…”

Fanny was crying without tears, “I just wanted to develop a new formula, but it was gone.”

Kikyo glanced at Kulo and Rayleigh who were fighting, and was stunned, “Is that the Dark King? so that’s how it is, no wonder Kulo Vice Admiral has such a murderous aura. Did Lida also participate in the battle?”

Kulo and Rayleigh are fighting fiercely, and Lida on the other side is much more relaxed.

She knocked the rushing Chopper away with a punch, shook her hand, and stood in front of the three main forces lying on the ground, like a moat, said with a smile: “I can’t make it. Yes, civet cat.”

“I am a reindeer!”

Chopper roared.

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