Leda’s battle strength relies on physical skills and abilities.

Like the Straw Hat brat fourth gear, her body may not be able to withstand the fourth gear attack, but in the same way, if the Straw Hat brat reveals a weak spot and is touched by her, the same will not work.

This level of fighting, never said that whoever is strong can win.

The use of abilities and the consideration of combat wisdom are very important.

If whoever is strong can definitely win, Crocodile will not lose.

But that is for Straw Hat brat, whose strength has kept up with the bounty.

However, for those who do not have Haki outside of the three main forces of Straw Hat, Lida is relatively easy to deal with them.

But it’s more relaxed, which doesn’t mean that Leda can ignore it.

She could see clearly. It was because of the guy named Usopp that Kulo was punched by Straw Hat brat.

This group of people is not lowly annoying.


After Leda repelled Chopper, she lifted her footsteps and said, “I won’t play with you anymore. You still lie here, waiting for Kulo. After the trial is over, the trial will be fine.”

“Hey, why do you think that Vice Admiral will win!” Usopp cried.


Leda snorted and said: “Of course, Kulo has never lost!”

Ten years in East Blue Of course, Kulo has never lost that kind of ghost place.

She has been with Kulo for two years and has not seen him lose.

No matter how fierce the battle is, Kulo has never lost.

You can not win, but you will never lose.

But the kind of Yonko is righteous, and Pirate, who is old and retired like Rayleigh, is still an old man…

How could he lose!

She stepped on her feet and swayed away, stimulating the afterimages of her debut.

“Black Rope Sky…”

At this moment, the afterimage of a pink rushed over.


It was a pink arrow, which fell directly in front of Lida’s feet, half submerged in the ground.

Lida stopped and looked towards a certain direction, her face darkened, “It’s you hateful woman, what do you want to do? Shichibukai don’t want to be anymore?!”

A tall woman strode from outside the ruins. She stared at Luffy who was lying behind Lida with white eyes and bleeding from her chest. She gritted her teeth and terrifying her face with anger.

Shichibukai, Pirate Empress, Boya Hancock.

“Shut up! Concubine is saving you!”

Hancock pointed to the pink arrow at Lida’s feet, “There are some seeds there.”

Lida looked down, and sure enough, under the pink arrow, there were some petrified seeds.

“This kind of thing has nothing to do with you, a woman? You actually help Marine, you woman is so kind?”

“As Shichibukai, of course I have the duty to chase Pirate. , Such a big movement, of course my concubine has to come and see.”

Hancock walked to the Straw Hat group, which made the rest of the people feel desperate.

Nami cried, “Marine Vice Admiral, and Shichibukai… why are they here!”

That Lucifer·Kulo is terrifying enough, although Rayleigh It’s blocked, but this one named Lida is also terrifying.

One more Shichibukai…

Can they really not set sail?

“Give your concubine, get away!”

Hancock kicked the crying Nami, kicked her fiercely, and flew directly into the distance.

“Nami! hateful!”

Usopp screamed, raised his slingshot to aim at Hancock, “Must kill Green Star…”

Boom !

I saw Hancock flash up to Usopp very quickly, swinging his long legs forward, kicking Usopp away.

Next, Chopper, Franky, and Brook were all kicked off by Hancock.


Robin gritted his teeth, crossed his hands, and pointed at Hancock, “Six flowers…”

Before finishing speaking, Hancock appeared next to her, swept across her leg, hit her abdomen, kicked her and flew away.

“en? Doesn’t it hurt?”

Robin originally thought that this foot would be heavy, but as her body flew away, he found that the weight of this foot was light. It’s terrifying, it’s just a simple use of strength to let people fly out.

She lowered her head and looked down, only to see that Hancock was moving towards her and blinking.

Following her gaze, Robin moved his gaze, just to see the three lying down in the trajectory of her flying out.

“Could it be…”

Robin reacted instantly, interlaced his hands, and activated his abilities.

On the ground, countless hands appeared around the three people, lifting them up and preparing to throw them.


Suddenly, Leda jumped and appeared beside Straw Hat brat, grabbing the hand that came up from the ground with one hand.

“Thinking beautifully, take away your energy!”

In an instant, Robin’s body slumped, and he threw forward like a ball of rags.

I don’t have much strength all over my body…

The hands that emerged around the three of them suddenly drooped down, turning into petals and dissipating.

At this moment, Hancock also moved to Luffy and the others at high speed, kicking them one by one and kicking them all.

“I still want to use abilities in front of my concubine, do you look down on my concubine!”

Hancock feigned angrily.

The Straw Hats were all kicked off by Hancock, and the trajectory they fell was exactly on the ship docked in the harbor.

With a few muffled noises, a group of people were all kicked into the boat.

“Hey, you woman!”

Leda glared at her, “What are you doing, didn’t you let them all go!”

“The concubine is just fulfilling the duties of the concubine, they are just good luck…”

Hancock glanced at Kulo who was still fighting Rayleigh, gritted his teeth, and then said: “The concubine will be responsible. When the time comes, the concubine will chase the Straw Hat group.”

Dang! !

In the air, Kulo and Rayleigh spelled it out again.

Kulo pressed down with the blade and slammed into Rayleigh, who was blocking his attack.


The rubble splashed and Rayleigh hit a big hole in the ground. He took a few breaths and his face was solemn.

Dang! !

Kulo took advantage of the momentum to chase, his body fell and slashed.

Rayleigh held the knife in both hands and lifted it up, and blocked another knife, but this one made his body sink a little more to the ground.

Haki, who was like a wind on the blade, began to weaken.

This is not an ordinary Haki. This is Haki’s fourth level of “internal destruction”, which combines the highest power of the other three levels.

Having been entwined with this most advanced Busoshoku, after so many spellings, even he feels a little weak.

Kulo grinned: “Is your Haki not enough, damned old man!”

“I’m still old but vigorous!”

Rayleigh frame Holding Kulo’s knife, he glanced at Hancock on the side, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, someone came to the rescue.

In this case, you can…


The sharp sound of the blade scratching the blade sounded, and the limpid autumn water was attached to Rayleigh’s The knife slashed across, and he took Haki’s slash straight to the ten thousand li Sunshine.


Rayleigh was startled, his feet violent from the ground, and rushed straight to the slash, with the blade on his chest, directly against the slash.

slash stood in a stalemate on Rayleigh’s blade for a moment, and Rayleigh’s arms were exposed, and he violently lifted the slash out.

However, at this time, Kulo’s body has already reached Rayleigh.

limpid autumn water, undercut.


A gap appeared in Rayleigh’s chest, Biao shot blood out and scattered.

Kulo bent his legs and feet, squatted to the ground, and the limpid autumn water cut smoothly from Rayleigh’s chest from top to bottom. He lifted his head and stared at Rayleigh Sen coldly said: “You have a weak spot! “

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