Under this blade, Rayleigh took two steps back, clutching his chest on the verge of collapse.

Kulo eyes slightly narrowed, after a knife fell, the blade turned over, and when it was lifted up, it would continue to split.


The long knife held the limpid autumn water of Kulo, while Rayleigh held the knife in one hand, strenuously blocking the blow.


A foot came from Rayleigh’s side, kicked him in the waist, kicked him sideways, and rolled a few times on the ground.

Kulo didn’t close his feet, he just bent his knees and flicked his other leg upright, floating around his body, like a ghost, swiftly and elusively towards Rayleigh.

And Rayleigh, at this time, he just got up in embarrassment.

Battle strength this thing will gradually decrease with physical strength, injury, and age.

The knife Kulo slapped Rayleigh was not light.

Rayleigh’s fleshy body is very powerful, but after all, it’s not the rank of Kaido and Charlotte Linlin. He is strong in the sword technique. In terms of his body, it is almost the same rank as Kulo. .

Of course, the premise is not to open the Kulo of Black Tortoise Profound Truth.

This kind of flesh will suffer a knife from Kulo, and the battle strength will drop directly.

If it is a normal battle, Kulo wants to grind Rayleigh to this level. It is estimated that it will take half a day, and it will have to be an uninterrupted continuous battle.

But if you have concerns, you will be caught.

That ship, and the Straw Hat crew on board, is Rayleigh’s weakness.

If he doesn’t block, then that slash will directly split the ship, and even affect the Straw Hat group.

Once the ship is split, the Straw Hat group will fall into the water.

And among them, half of them are Ability Users.

Rayleigh will not let this happen.

But if he blocks, it will hit Kulo’s arms.

The gap is enough for Kulo to hit it.

That was a knife cut by a body that contained the highest level of Busoshoku and had no defense against Rayleigh.

After this blade, the gap between the up and down is obvious.

The battle strength was not as good as the current Kulo, and he was injured again…

Kulo slammed in front of Rayleigh, next to Rayleigh who had just gotten up, and slid over.

And at this time, Rayleigh reacted. He couldn’t hide. He could only cover Busoshoku all over his body at this moment.

Kulo’s body disappeared at this moment.

Immediately after he appeared behind Rayleigh, his feet fell on the ground, and the limpid autumn water spun around in his hand, aimed at the scabbard, and gradually fell in.


The blade, into the sheath.


The Marine cloak fluttered behind him, and Kulo spit out smoke to the side, indifferently said:

“One Thousand One Thousand Click, Profound Truth · Instant Hell Qinglong Slash!”

chi chi chi!! !

From Rayleigh’s whole body, a lot of bloodstains from the knife edge broke out, and the skin covered by Busoshoku was directly cut open. The whole person was like a fountain of blood, bleeding out. In an instant, the ground where Rayleigh was A pool of blood.

He opened his mouth and trembled all over, the covered Haki in this brief moment disappeared and fell into a pool of blood.


Kulo said in amazement: “I won Lao Tzu’s Profound Truth, but it didn’t become muddy, Busoshoku is well protected.”



He tone barely fell, Rayleigh suddenly violent, holding the knife in both hands, slashed Kulo straight, and slashed a slash with Haki.

Kulo frowned, about to get out of the way, suddenly, a shocking imposing manner enveloped him, making him stiff.


“damned old man!”

Kulo sighed, his whole body shook, and he took a step back. The limpid autumn water was pulled out in a flash. This time even the most advanced weapons were useless. It just hit the pitch-black Busoshoku and split the Haki with a single knife.

“Do you still have physical strength as an old man? Old monster is different, but what’s the matter…”

Kulo didn’t finish his words, he was just taken aback, because Rayleigh took advantage of Kulo’s being shaken by Haoshoku and splitting the gap of his slash, with another slash, and directly slashed towards the gate in front of the harbor.


With a stab, a hole was cut directly into the steel door.

“Go to sea!!!”

Rayleigh yelled at the ten thousand li Sunshine: “Run to New World, Luffy!!!”

“The wind is coming!!”

Following his words, Franky’s roar rang out from the ship, and I saw a group of air cannons gathered in the tail section of the ten thousand li Sunshine and sprayed them directly. He took the boat directly out of the hole and ran out of the sea.

Looking at the ten thousand li Sunshine flying out, Rayleigh smiled on his blood-stained face, “Fulfill your own dream and find the truth about the world, Luffy!”

After doing all this, he turned around, held the knife in both hands, and took a few deep breaths. The windy Busoshoku wrapped around the knife and slashed straight at Kulo.

“Next, my old fogey will stop you for the last time!”

This man is an Ability User.

Even if the Ten Thousand Li Sunshine ran away now, but at this distance, this man can catch up, and he has to continue to block it.

Dang! !

The limpid autumn water pulls out instantly, entwining with the golden lightning glow, blocking Rayleigh’s hacking.

Kulo complexion is gloomy, “It seems that the injury to you is too small!”

He swayed forward, directly slamming Rayleigh’s sword, entwining the gold The lightning glow knife was inserted into the scabbard and pulled out again.

“Yue Hao!”

With just one knife, Rayleigh’s wrist shook. He almost didn’t block the blow, and his body shook for a while.

The injuries he has suffered are already severe enough.

Just this one shake, let Kulo take advantage of the victory and chase, the blade that was swung out suddenly turned around, like a thunder, a yellow dragon phantom was firmly on the blade, and it slammed into Rayleigh’s neck.


Rayleigh gritted his teeth, holding a knife in both hands to resist, and at the same time one side of his body wanted to dodge.

It’s just that there is still time.

Dang! !

The long knife was severed by the black light of a golden lightning glow, and a blade of the knife spun several times in the air, flew out, and landed on the ground.


Rayleigh’s right hand, also under this blade, was cut from the shoulder.

A neat right hand fell on the ground.

He groaned, let go of the long knife with his left hand, clutched his shoulder, and fell to his knees.

Kulo shook the limpid autumn water and shook the blood on the blade. The blade pointed directly at Rayleigh who was kneeling in front of him, said with a sneer: “You think they can run away like this? They can be buried in the sea without even flying!”

He stretched out a hand, spread his five fingers and pointed at the ten thousand li Sunshine that had rushed out of the hole and was exposed on the surface of the sea. A little outline.

“Old Guy, feel it, this long-lost despair!”

That hand, forcefully pushed down.

The sky above the sea, at this brief moment, was completely dark.

Whether it is the shampoo field or the people in the ruins at this time, they all raised their heads together and looked towards the top.

A huge shadow directly covers the ocean beyond the shampoo field.

Under the sky, the huge shadow gradually broke through the clouds, revealing the real body.

A giant hand that is made up of countless rocks and can’t see the edge of the sky, as Kulo’s palm presses down, it is falling straight down at a very fast speed.

“This kind of degree…”

Hancock stared at the giant hand pressing the sky blankly, and swallowed dryly, his pupils almost shrunk to sharp points.

Totally unstoppable!

Can humans really stop this kind of power? !

But, if you don’t block, then Luffy…

Hancock moved slightly.

However, at this moment, Rayleigh, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly got up and kicked Kulo on the cheek.

Kulo face turned cold, grabbing Rayleigh’s ankle directly, Haki inspired it from his hand, the Haki level of’internally broken’ directly shredded all the skeletons in Rayleigh’s left leg.

bang! !

Kulo, like a rag doll, slammed Rayleigh to the ground, shaking the ground into a humanoid impression.

Next, the blade light flashed and tore the leg directly away from the knee.


Kulo dropped the broken leg and continued to stretch his hand, violently pushing the lid down.

The giant hand covering the sky obviously accelerated a lot, almost reaching the top of the ten thousand li Sunshine.

Kulo stared fiercely at the outline of the ship on the sea, “Sink down for Laozi!”


At this time, one hand held Kulo’s wrist.

Leda, Kuro, Kikyo, and Fanny were all shocked, staring at the person holding Kulo’s wrist.

Kulo frowned at him, silent for a while, before saying: “Give me a reason.”

A cloak fluttered, covering Kulo’s vision, as the cloak fell, Kulo looked over, and the ship on the sea had disappeared from sight.

And the person holding Kulo’s hand is Garp.

At this time, with a solemn expression on his face, he held Kulo’s wrist and said, “That is the grandson of the old man, the last grandson.”

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