Listening to what Kizaru said, Kulo was taken aback for a moment, “Vergo?”

Who is this person?

It seems to have mentioned it before, but it seems to have forgotten…

Kulo’s memory is not omnipotent. After all, after living here for so long, who specializes in reviewing the plot every day, There is no such condition.

Whoever stays in a strange place for more than 20 years will not remember some things.

Like a man in his twenties, he can never remember all his elementary school classmates.

Even after Kulo entered the headquarters, he would either be in contact with Admiral or Yonko, or various important people, some people really can’t remember.

“Codenamed’Ghost Bamboo’, Vice Admiral, Vice Admiral of the G-5 branch, is a very good Marine in Marine’s internal evaluation.”

Kizaru said:” However, I have found some things recently, which makes us a little bit suspicious. You have to check it out. Marine is temporarily unable to transfer people. It is not suitable for Mr. Garp and Mr. Sengoku to go there. After thinking about it, I have not yet taken office. You are the most suitable.”

“I know, then I’ll go there.”

Kulo bit his cigar and said, “I will investigate slowly. Old Master, you can’t push me, or you can’t infer the truth.”

“Well, that’s your business, Kulo, remember to tell the headquarters of the ship you want to customize, that’s it.” Kizaru laughed.

“All right, you can rest.”

Kulo picked up the teacup, drank the tea in one gulp, and sipped again: “I still don’t like tea.”

“Oh~When you get older, you will like it.”

“Then let me talk about it when I get older. Also, Old Master, where’s your cigar.”

“I have it ready for you. On the logistics side, you can get it yourself.”

“Okay, then I will go first.”

Kulo waved his hand, turned and walked out.

Although as an Admiral candidate, he can ask for special confession himself, but his share is one share, and the Old Master share is also one. Isn’t he good to have two copies?

Out of the office and out of the main base gate, only Lida was waiting for him.

“Where are the others?” Kulo swept around and asked.

“Still debriefing, now, Kulo, let’s go shopping.” Lida said.

“There is no time right now, you call Kuro and follow me to G-5. The others stay in the headquarters and stand by. Besides, tell Wilbur that I want to get a Vice Admiral. The seat ship…”

“The seat ship?”

Leda happily said: “Is it a freely customizable seat ship? Very good, I can choose the style I like Do you? I want a ship with ice cream with a permanent refill on the bow.”

“Then you first find a Devil Fruit Ability User who can make ice cream to be a Marine!”

Kulo gave Lida angrily, “In addition, that kind of ship is not needed. If you want your own ship to become Vice Admiral, let’s talk about it!”

Give ice cream…


Such a special style, you think I am not conspicuous enough!

“Um…” Leda collapsed her face.

“In short, you need an ordinary ship, not so eye-catching, just like an ordinary Battleship, just add a few more guns, if you want to bring it.” Kulo said.

“Then what are you doing?”

“I’ll go to the logistics warehouse and take some cigars and send some weapons to the treasure house.”

Kulo waved his hand Said: “Hurry up, I’ll be waiting for you at the port.”


Leda shrugged and turned to walk towards the debriefing office.

That place is not the same as Kulo’s logistics warehouse.

As she walked, she took out a packet of biscuits from her backpack and opened her mouth to eat.

“Hey, I heard that, we will open a very delicious snack shop later.”

“Ah! I know that one. I heard that it is a limited supply and baked on site.”

“Ah! , I only sell a little bit every day.”

“Let’s lie down later.”

“Yes, let’s try it.”

Lida My ears moved and looked towards the two talking and laughing female Marines passing by.

“Snack? Limited supply? Delicious?” Leda opened her eyes, saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth.

She poured the biscuit bag into her mouth, chewed a few bites and swallowed it, her eyes began to shine.

“I’m going to eat!”

Her steps must be moved towards the two female Marines.

But soon, she stopped, her face twisted up:

“But Kulo told me what happened. If you slow down, Kulo will wait there. But if I go late, will it be sold out…”


At this moment, a voice rang beside her.

Lida turned her eyes and her eyes lit up: “Elder sister of Campanulaceae!”

The people who came here are Campanulaceae and Sazier who came with her.

“What about me? How about me? Is there no my name?” Sazier asked from the side.

Leda completely ignored Sazier and said directly:

“Now, now, Kulo said to let you stay in the headquarters, and then we will do something and let me find Let’s talk about Wilbur, but I’m doing something right now, Elder sister, please help me find Wilbur. Kulo wants to customize a Vice Admiral carrier and let Wilbur watch. The specific criteria are…”


At this time, a group of trained Marines ran by and roared, almost overwhelming Lida’s voice.

“That’s it, I’ll go first.”

As soon as Lida waved her hand, she turned and chased the two female Marines who spoke first.

The bellflower was stunned for a moment and looked towards Sazier: “What did Lida say?”

The roar of Marine just now made the bellflower sway for a while, but I didn’t hear everything clearly.

She doesn’t have very good ears. Although she can hear the specific words of women, she needs to be clear.

Lida’s words, she listened to a general idea, but didn’t fully understand the specifics.

Fortunately, Sazier is beside him.

“Uh, Leda Young Lady said, let you go find Wilbur, Kulo Vice Admiral is a ship, the standard is ordinary, don’t attract attention, just like ordinary Battleship, add a few more guns “Sazl said.

The nodded platycodon, looking thoughtful, turned and walked in.

And Sazier also left the headquarters base as if he was hiding from the plague. He should go to the Marine temporary settlement building of this headquarters as soon as possible, so as not to be discovered by those’acquaintances’, and then pull to the’special training’.

At this time, Wilbur, who had just finished his work report and was about to leave, saw Kikyo walking towards him.


“Platoonflower Captain?”

Wilbur stopped and said, “What’s the matter?”


“Kulo Vice Admiral has something to do for you.”


Wilbur eyes shined and clenched his fist excitedly said: “Kulo Is there anything sir for me to do?! Please also say that I, Brownhard Wilbur, will definitely be able to do it!” What, but looking at his expression, he should be agreeable and delighted.

She nodded and said: “Kulo Vice Admiral lets you make a Vice Admiral seat ship. The standard is not ordinary, but it must be eye-catching. Don’t be the same as the ordinary Battleship, add more materials.”

“Understood?” She was afraid that she would not be able to repeat it, so she asked again.

“Is the Vice Admiral seat ship?! Mr. Kulo wants to order the Vice Admiral seat ship?! It is true, how can it be without a seat ship, that does not meet the identity of Mr. Kulo!”

Wilbur excitedly said: “Don’t worry, I will be able to do it well, and I will definitely add more materials, so that this ship will cause a focal point of ten thousands!”

Then, he ran out quickly.

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