When Li reached the port, she had already taken Kuro on board.

Kuro has a few more paper bags in his hand, and Lida took a paper bag and took out bread from it to eat.

The bread looks very soft and smells faintly, like freshly baked.

“Hey, Lida, why did you go?”

Kulo waited at the port, watching Lida coming over, and couldn’t help asking.

“I went shopping, let me tell you, Kulo, this is delicious, do you want one?”

Leda said, holding a piece of bread.

“Buy things, is this done? How long is it, have you brought my words?” Kulo said in disbelief.

Leda subconsciously rolled her eyes to the side and said: “I have brought them, and they all passed.”


Kulo frowned and glanced at her, “Did you really bring it?”

“Really!” Leda yelled with a guilty conscience: “Will I lie to you, Kulo, You should be the most at ease when I do things.”

Kulo stared at her for a while, “Forget it, get on the boat, let’s go on vacation at G-5, no, go on the mission.”

Lida did not seem to have pitted him much. After all, he had been together for such a long time, and he was also his first subordinate, raised as a daughter.

I didn’t have anything to find her normally, but suddenly something happened, and she would definitely be able to do it well.

This is Kulo’s only backing player.

When the back is full of knives, carefully consider which one to use. The sharpest and least useable is Cass.

The effect is very good, but the probability of being inserted on his back is also very high. No, it can’t be called very high. Anyway, he has his scalp numb in Kulo, for fear of being inserted any day. Up.

Kuro is okay, but there is a high probability that it can be inserted.

For the rest, Kikyo is deaf, except for cooking Kulo, she usually doesn’t look for her. Anyway, she can’t hear her clearly.

Sazil…it’s useless.

Fanny is a confused master of side effects medicine, what can she expect from her, really Marine is going to finish.


What’s the use of that stubborn brain?

Currently, Wilbur is using the Shunxin. As long as the instructions are given, he will definitely be able to do it, and there will be no accidents.

Then it’s Lida. Although there are some small pits, it is harmless and no problem. As long as it is not used for a long time, there will be no inserting the knife. Kulo thinks it will not be a small matter like this.

Why don’t you just pass a word, what kind of crooked words can she say, even if it was passed to Kikyo, but Kikyo can hear it clearly, she can repeat it again, there is no problem.

The three people took the Battleship to the location of the G-5 branch.

The G-5 branch is also the branch in New World. It is tied with G-1 and G-3. Although it does not have the power of upgrading from G-1 to the headquarters, there is no G-3 Hero of the Marines. The name is blessed, but the notorious of G-5 is very famous.

To put it simply, the Marine inside is more like Pirate.

In addition to not doing illegal things, they have all other bad things.

Swindle is good at everything. Fighting is the norm. When you encounter Pirate, you will be like black.

But battle strength is beyond doubt.

After all, it was also at first stationed in the headquarters of New World. The Marines inside were too dirty, and those who survived to the present are all elites.

“Well, Kulo, why is it so hot all of a sudden.”

On the Sea Territory, Leda slammed her little tongue, fanned her hand, and complained.

“New World, the weather is changeable. It’s more intense than the first half. It’s normal.”

Kulo was lying on the deck chair on the deck, wearing a pair of sunglasses, showing Upper body, basking in the sun.

“It’s not, it’s the heat of unfathomable mystery, it’s too hot…”

Leda fanned her hands like a fan, looked left and right, her eyes widened. , Pointing to a direction next to him, “Ah! That’s that!”

Kulo turned around and saw an island divided by Ice and Fire in half in front of him, appearing in his field of vision.

That island, half of World of Ice and Snow, and half of hot lava, seem to have their own territories. They will not blend together, and they will be distinct.

“Oh…Punk Hazard, in other words, it’s almost G-5.” Kulo thought for a while and said.

Well, Punk Hazard, where Sakazuki and Kuzan duel, he also participated.

The location where they are now is just closer to the land of lava, no wonder Lida feels very hot.

“Turn around and stay away from Punk Hazard.” Kulo instructed Marine who was standing next to him.

“Yes! Vice Admiral!”

The Marine saluted and hurried over. Soon, the course of Battleship began to change, a little farther away from Punk Hazard.

The location of the G-5 branch is not far in front of Punk Hazard.

After all, World Government does not control many sites in New World. Naturally, there is not much depth, just that.

After sailing for about four days, the Battleship arrived at the G-5 branch from Punk Hazard.

“Mr. Kulo…”

Before the deck, Kuro looked at the heavily fortress that was approaching, and pushed down his glasses slightly.


Kulo has put on a golden formal suit at this time, cloak dancing with the sailing wind, he glanced forward, slightly frowned, “It seems that Smoker’s leadership is not enough.”

A group of people are already waiting at the port ahead.

Headed by Smoker and Tashigi.

They are also the only ones who wear relatively traditional clothes and Marine cloak.

Beside them, there was a group of people who looked fierce and wicked.

Clothing looks more like Pirate than Marine. Some people pull a cloak at will, with a ‘5’ sign hung on it, some people wear a hat, or Other things, simply tore off the Marine logo.

They looked at the ship and smiled uniformly. If Smoker was not here, or if it was G-5, if they met these people on the sea, Kulo would kill them all immediately.

Because they are more like Pirate who want to pretend to be Marine and plan to capture Battleship than Marine.

“Is this the G-5? It really is Dingding Daimyo.”

Kuro was surprised: “But there is no denying that they are really strong.”

With his Kenbunshoku, these Marines that can be sensed, each one is not weak.


Smoker bit his cigar and stared at the approaching Battleship, “Is the headquarter really here? Actually, I really sent out the bastard Kulo.”

“Hey! Smoker Vice Admiral, is that the world-famous Jinyao?! It doesn’t look different.”

“Hahaha, maybe you will pee your pants when you come down. Yeah!”

“G-5, but we have the final say, a foreign Marine, why come here to inspect us!”

G-5 Marine , One by one, the appearance of dissatisfaction.

The headquarter gave Kulo the name of coming here for supervision.

I didn’t say what to do.

But one supervisor can make all G-5Marine dissatisfied.

They are fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, and those who dare to fight with New World’s fierce Pirate, what kind of supervision do they need?

Which supervision is needed? !

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