Battleship gradually entered the port and stopped. As the Battleship dropped anchor, a ladder fell from the vacancy on the side of the Battleship.

Step on…

Kulo stepped on the stairs, bit his cigar, and walked down slowly.

Leda and Kuro followed closely, with a ticket of Marine, coming down from above.

“Yo, Smoker, Tashigi, long time no see.”

Kulo said hello to the two and walked a cigar from the chest of his jacket.

“Ah, Kulo Vice Admiral, long time no see.” Tashigi said politely.

“Hey, bastard! When will you fix your problem!” Smoker glared at Kulo.

“Ah…sorry, it’s easy.”

Kulo put the cigar into his arms without any apology, “Then, headquarter let me find you , I have arrived, now you tell me what you found.”

The intelligence was sent by Smoker, and the suspect was discovered by Smoker. The order that requested the headquarters’ support was also secretly applied for by Smoker.

He doesn’t look for Smoker, who can he look for.

“This is not a place to talk, go to my office.” Smoker glanced at his subordinates and said.

“Okay, let’s go…”

Kulo nodded, ready to follow Smoker to his office.

“Hey, did you leave like this? Ignore us?”

Suddenly, a voice rang from the group of G-5Marine, and only a bold man appeared With a sneer, he said to Kulo: “Golden Vice Admiral.”

“Hey, you guys!”

Tashigi said in a huff: “Kulo Vice Admiral and Smoker Sir, you have something to talk about, don’t make trouble.”

This remark, let the group of fierce Marines instantly soften, stick out their tongues one by one, and turn their hearts into love, “Ah…today’s Tashigi Young Lady too So cute.”

“Tashigi Young Lady, I love you!”

“Tashigi Young Lady, marry me!”

“You. ..”

Tashigi pushed down his glasses and said, “Don’t mess around, and, after telling you how many times, call me Tashigi Captain!”

“Good Tashigi Young Lady.”

“Understood Tashigi Young Lady.”

G-5Marine said one after another, the bold man who was the first to speak took a step forward, blocking Kulo In front of him, he is about the same height as Kulo, but he is stronger than him. I don’t know how many levels of arms are bent, bulging their muscles, and looking at Kulo up and down:

“Just such a thin person, he is also worthy of supervision. Check us? Hey, tell you, don’t be nosy, we G-5Marine, we have always done things by ourselves!”

Kulo looked indifferent and looked towards the Smoker on the other side, “Smoker?”

“Hey, Darkin, go away, this is not something you can deter.” Smoker spit out the smoke and said seriously.

“But Smoker Vice Admiral, he wants to check us. We were originally garbage in Marine. What else is there to check? It is clear that the headquarters is going to be troublesome for us!”

The man named Dajin called Qu said: “We are the most heroic Marines. We don’t need to be praised for what we have done. Why should we be inspected! This is too unfair! I don’t care about the gold and silver mud, we are Nothing like this will happen! If you don’t get entangled by us, then let us be convinced!”

Kulo stared at him and said: “Smoker, your subordinate?”


Smoker sighed: “Smoker sighed, they…are good people.”

Kulo nodded: “Smoker sighed, but the heart is not bad. It’s not appropriate to do things…Kuro.”



With a scream, Kuro’s body disappeared and turned into a disability. Shadows flashed on these Marines, and only the sound of pi li pa la was heard. Kuro appeared behind G-5Marine, with one hand draped on the side, and the other hand pushed the glasses with the base of the palm, and the lens flickered. With rays of light, it seems to be scorning the strength of these Marines.

pu tong!

pu tong!

pu tong!

With a series of noises, Marines fell to the ground one after another, no Holding his stomach is just touching his chest, or pressing his legs, one by one looks painful.

“You guy!”

The guy named Darkin stood up, gritted his teeth and stared at Kuro, clenched his fist and rushed forward.


At this moment, his body trembled, his lips began to tremble uncontrollably, and cold sweat fell from his forehead like rain.

Not only him, those Marines who fell on the ground stopped the noisy and noisy one after another, bowed their heads there, and did not dare to move. Upon closer inspection, all the bodies were swaying.

murderous aura!

“I’m here to inspect, and I affirm the truth of the inspection.”

Kulo spit out smoke, indifferently said: “What have you done I am not interested, but there are a few points I want to say, as a Marine, it’s no good if you stand without standing or sitting or sitting. How? I was treated as a scum and sent here to have no desire to improve? What posture did you learn in Marine at the beginning? Did you forget everything?”

“Also, as Marine, what about your uniforms, those above lieutenant rank, what about your cloak, what are you wearing? I know here is Marine base G-5, I don’t know where the circus came from.”

Kulo is not a fake. He has been in Marine for so many years and he has never seen such a bad Marine posture.

I used to be in East Blue, and Cass was there. Ignore the strength of his men for the time being, the posture is good anyway.

After arriving at the headquarter, the Marine posture of the headquarter is not bad.

Later, Cass came again for a while, and then at the Shampoo, Marine, who was in charge of training by Wilbur, did not seem to have any worse posture than Cass trained, and I don’t know why.

His impression of Ricas’s training method is unique.

Perhaps it’s a coincidence…

In short, Kulo’s courtesy to Marine has long been adopted.

Even if Marine leads the school alone, he can ignore the leader and Lieutenant Commander, but if you stand together, you must have a posture, so that you can look at it comfortably and well.

And what is it under Smoker?

If Kenbunshoku hadn’t faintly sensed that they were not malicious, it would be more sullen, plus Marine’s identity here, and Smoker faction’s identity here, otherwise he would have acted long ago.

If you don’t start, you have to give Smoker some face.

After all, Smoker is his friend.

As for G-5, I asked Kuro to sort out the information before coming, and I probably understood a little bit.

Smoker came here with the money of Vice Admiral, definitely for follow-up control.

Under his management, G-5 Marine now partly belongs to his faction, but more of it is the local base leader Vergo faction.

And these factions belonging to Smoker also have a tendency toward Virgo.

After all, people are the head of the base, which is normal.

And the wayward Smoker wants to be transferred is called’picking things’ in their orthodox faction.

Even if Smoker’s purpose is not this.

It is strange that Vergo can tolerate him up to now.

Change to the general Vice Admiral, find an excuse to give him a gift, and then ask him to change his base to become his base manager.

However, Virgo belongs to the marginal faction, and usually doesn’t make a lot of noise, and now that the precognition faction still has power, no one cares about it.

But no matter which Smoker’s purpose is, he is a signal when he comes over. After such a long time, it is very strange that the people under his hands can defy his orders.

That’s why Kulo just said that Smoker’s leadership is not good.

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