Kulo’s murderous aura makes G-5Marine too dare to move.

Kulo glanced at them and said: “After I come out of the office, I want to see you all dressed up.”

G-5Marine, bow their heads one by one, not dare speech.

“Have you heard?” Kulo continued to ask, and murderous aura added another layer.

This made G-5Marine all shivered together and shouted: “Yes!”

This allowed Kulo nodded to move on.

“Hey, if you are like this, how will I command in the future.”

Smoker walked beside him, biting his cigar and asked a little dissatisfied.

Kulo said with a smile: “You don’t care about this. Besides, I am an inspector, and I must fulfill my duty of inspection.”

“Let’s do it with you… “

Smoker spit out smoke and took the entire group to his office.

As soon as he entered the office, Smoker motioned to Tashigi to close the door, and took out a stack of documents from his desk, handed them over, “Look at it.”

Kuro stepped forward and took the documents. I took it and swept it up.

Smoker said: “You know that there was a huge accident in the Sea Territory near G-5 recently?”

“You said it before.”

Kulo leaned on the sofa and said, “By the way, I praised your subordinates.”

“Yes, that shipwreck… was investigated by my gangsters.”


Smoker said solemnly: “It was not a shipwreck, it was a man-made accident, which caused the loss of a large number of children in the nearby Sea Territory, but before, one of my subordinates followed over here to perform tasks. He said it clearly. I arrived at the boat that kidnapped the children, but the answer from the report was a shipwreck, which made me feel wrong, G-5…what is hiding.”

“Overdue? Which one?” Kulo questioned.

“Commodore, is the subordinate of base chief Vergo.”

Smoker said: “Vergo is the only gentleman who is completely different from the style of G-5Marine. Respected by G-5Marine, he is also an old Marine. He has been in the army for 15 years and belongs to my “Senior Brother”. I originally respected him, but this time I read his report and it was all shipwrecked. , I don’t understand, so I followed this down to check…”

“There is a problem.”

Kuro followed Smoker’s words directly, and he pushed He took off his glasses and said: “Mr. Kulo, there is a problem with Virgo Vice Admiral. Judging from this document, this is not the first time a so-called shipwreck has been reported, especially after Smoker Vice Admiral came. The Marine distribution location described is obviously much larger. It seems to be deliberately concealing something and don’t want Smoker Vice Admiral to know.”

“In addition, the document also shows that Vice Admiral often takes advantage of it. The ship sailed with a large number of weapons, but when it came back, the weapons were gone. Anyway, he was worth checking.”

“Yes, my subordinates that I specially placed, he seems to have been to Dressrosa, Vergo and Is there any deal in Doflamingo that I don’t know?”

Smoker bit his cigar with an ugly face, “Marine and Pirate did a deal. It really is…”

Kuro said : “Mr. Kulo, I suggest to follow up in private. After all, it is a Vice Admiral. If you directly attack Marine itself…”

He didn’t finish his words, I saw Kulo wave his hand. Suddenly he said: “Oh! Dressrosa…”

I remembered, Vergo, Busoshoku Haki all over, he used to think this person was a troublesome type.

True identity, like a spy…

“Don’t be so troublesome.”

Kulo stood up, a red glow flashed in his eyes “Here…then go.”

“What are you going to do, Kulo, even if it’s you, don’t say there is no evidence, even if there is evidence, please report it to the headquarters, this After all, it’s Vice Admiral…” Smoker said in a daze.

“If you have any doubts, you should ask, don’t worry, Kulo is the best at persuading people with reason. He will definitely be impressed by me and tell the truth.”

Everyone said: “Don’t walk around here, I’ll buy some… No, I’ll ask the client and I’ll be back soon.”

Speaking, he went straight out of the office. Moving towards Kenbunshoku, the strongest breath of G-5 rushed.

Yes, Vergo, G-5 is the strongest.

Smoker is a bit worse than him.

If I remember correctly, this man had already mastered Busoshoku before joining Marine more than ten years ago.

The age of the two people seems to be the same. Sure enough, Smoker is awaiting retirement in East Blue.

Following the breath, Kulo went straight to the top of the fortress, where there was a separate office.

Kulo bit his cigar, went straight to the door of the office, stopped at the door for a while, tut, suddenly leg raised, kicking the door open.


Two doors were kicked and flew out by him. The huge force brought up the wooden door with an impulse, ploughed two marks on the ground, flew directly, and ran towards the up ahead desk. , And flew away from the desk at the back.


One hand is pressed on the table.

It was a reserved man with sunglasses, a white plaid coat, and a beef patty sticking to his face. His complexion was solemn and reserved.

“You are Vergo?”

Kulo swaggered in, spit out the smoke, and said: “You are arrested, obediently surrender, and then follow me back to headquarters.”

Vergo stared at him, indifferently said: “Lucifer · Kulo, no, Vice Admiral… broke in rudely, and then told me that the base chief said I was arrested. Is it too rude. Even if you have a great reputation, should you respect the senior?”


Kulo said with a smile:” I don’t have a senior, Pirate.”


He tone barely fell, and Vergo had a small pistol in his hand, and he shot it over.

Kulo didn’t even look at him, his side was slightly to his side, letting the bullet flash past and hit the door frame aside.

“The disgusting breath, is it a Kairoseki bullet?”

Kulo said: “You hit me with this stuff? Think of me as a newbie who is overly dependent on ability?”


Also in this brief moment, Vergo broke through the wall directly, escaped from the hole, stepped on Geppo and ran away.

“Lion bite!”

Kulo immediately drew his knife and swung it toward the front. At that moment, the area around Vergo was twisted, forming a large number of thin Little Feng blades for cutting. , Instantly cut Vergo’s clothes.

At this moment, Vergo took a dark color all over, and tore his jacket against the wind, trying to escape.

However, at this moment, a black glow appeared above him.

Vergo was taken aback, turned to face upwards, folded his hands, and pressed against the black glow. He only heard a bang, his body fell like a cannonball, and smashed out of the ground. Potholes aroused a mass of smoke and dust.

“Come on, let’s make sense.”

Kulo held the limpid autumn water, floated in the air, looked down, and said, “Tell me that you have spent so many years What did you do, Vergo.”

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