Not only Lida and Kuro, but even the Marines he brought with them, there is no breath at all.

Go back?

Impossible, how can they have the guts to push themselves away.

Kulo opened Den Den Mushi and dialed Leda’s number.

Den Den Mushi did not ring, it was not connected, or it did not ring.

The failure of Den Den Mushi only means one thing, that is, this Den Den Mushi is either dead or non-existent.

But this makes no sense.

Did the old man kill them all?

Impossible, the strength of the old man can’t do this.

Moreover, Lida’s strength is also very strong. If he really wants to fight, he can find movement.

Kulo dialed a number again, and the call was connected with the sound of’Bo La La La’.


Den Den Mushi has become a wretched appearance.

“Old Master! Did they go back, Lida?” Kulo asked directly.

“en? Who are you?” Den Den Mushi asked.

“Stop making trouble with Old Master, I’m asking you something.”

“Oh~ it’s strange, how did you know this number, is it Marine? And , I’m not old anymore.”

Kulo: “???”

“Old Master, are you sure you are not making trouble with me?” He asked uncertainly.

“No, then who are you.”

That tone, as if you don’t really know Kulo.

“I’ll go back and talk to you later! Playing with me at this time?!”

Kulo hung up the phone all at once, biting his cigar, looking gloomy and uncertain.

What’s the matter with this old man, he has asked again, does he still have the mind to make jokes with him?

“Why is there no one in this broken place… even the breath of the residents of Kortiga is gone.”

He spit out the smoke, Kenbunshoku perceives it. Down, I didn’t sense the breath of a person, as if this place was a desert island.

What about people? Where did everything go?

What the hell did that named Felt do? !

While Kulo was pondering there, a shoal on the archipelago where it could be landed, a boat docked there.

“Hey, Captain, do you want to rest on this island? I prefer the island on the left.”

One wears glasses and has a saber blade hanging on his waist. Said the blonde man.

“I like the island on the right.”

A man with a ponytail and a man with a double axe behind his waist said from the side.

“Don’t make any noise.”

A somewhat rugged man got off the boat and looked at the island said with a smile: “I like this island. I am adventurous. Breath, I have a foreboding, there will be fun things.”

This man, wearing an open shirt, jewellery around his neck, a red captain’s jacket, and a bushy beard. , Is a grinning mouth, he moved towards a place with a smile: “Look, that breath is very strong.”

“What adventure, is your hand itchy, Roger.” The man with glasses shook his head: “Then I will guard the boat. That breath is just one, and you, Gaban.”

“I’ll take a look.”

The man named Gaban smiled: “Maybe Roger isn’t interested.”



Cortica Islands, an island.

The explosion sound rang in the air.

A white-haired girl jumped up and smashed a punch, smashing the ground into a deep hole.

“Where did you get Kulo, damned old man!!!”

Leda is now in the form of a girl, with Busoshoku with both hands, staring angrily at the front of Phil special.

Firth didn’t stand still, so he jumped up and saw a ray of magnificent light lit up behind him.

Kuro, who turned into a human-beast form, waved a paw in the air and looked up at Felt who was jumping in the air, his eyes a little dignified.

This man, let Mr. Kulo disappear…

When they discovered that the Kulo breath disappeared, things started to go wrong.

This man named Firth, they have all seen, look at Life Aura, impossible is Kulo’s opponent, but it is so strange that Kulo disappeared.

The call was not connected, and there were no traces of people. Just like the other residents on this island, they disappeared completely.

This made Lida not anxious, and even went straight into a violent rage.

“Give me back Kulo!!”

Leda put her hands together, her essence mixed with Haki to form a shock wave and was gathered together, and then she put her hands together , I saw a group of black light straight moved towards the sky blast! “

That speed is unusually fast.


Firth, who has just arrived in the sky, moved his feet and stepped on the air quickly. Move it away, and you can see that this black light shoots towards the sky almost against his body.

His forehead can’t help showing a cold sweat.

“Obviously at this age , Is it so powerful? Captain, captain…”

Fulter stared at the ground with scarlet eyes, full of violent meaning, said with a bitter smile: “You don’t mean your Mama is very gentle Is it? “


The sound of a strong wind came from behind.

Firth stirred Busoshoku on his fist and slapped it back.


A paw collided with his arm.

Kuro appeared behind him, his paw stretched out, and his eyes narrowed and said: “Pirate, Where did you get Mr. Kulo! “

Speaking, his other paw stretched out and moved towards Felt’s head fell.


Felter’s other One hand blocked Kuro’s claws, but the huge force belonging to Zoan was not something he could resist. Under the tremendous force, Firth fell down and squatted on the ground, arousing a mass of smoke and dust.

“Come back! ! “

Not long after he fell, Lida caught the opportunity and moved towards Firth with one hand.

Firth’s eyes shrank, an action that he wanted to resist When he retracted in, he turned on alert as if he had noticed a giant beast, swayed on the ground, and the squatting body rolled directly to the side, then the limbs bounced on the ground, bounced directly, jumped a few times on the ground, and fell. In the distance.

“It seems very dangerous…”

Firth smiled bitterly at Leda who struck Busoshoku’s palm again at this time. Old, I can’t deal with two people…”

Just now, she seemed to untie Haki and wanted to touch him directly.

Actually, if Haki attacks him. , Will not unlock Haki, it will lack formidable power.

Only one situation will unlock Haki when touching someone.

That is the same as him. , The ability needs to be touched to activate.

This is also an Ability User.

“No matter what your ability is, whether it’s an attack on me or something else, I can’t be It takes physical effort, at least not now. “Firth said: “Can’t you just be accommodating? The old man can guarantee that Master Lucifer · Kulo is not dead.” “

“Stop talking nonsense, are you worthy to kill Kulo?” ! “

Leda stepped forward, twisting her arm and said: “Kulo is invincible, but where did you take Kulo!” “

“Just send him to play before, don’t worry, soon, after all, I’m dying. “

Firth said: “When I die, my ability will be lifted, and Lord Lucifer · Kulo will return. “

These words left both people in a daze.

What do you mean?

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