“Before? What do you mean?” Kuro asked in a daze.

Felt nodded, said: “I am a retrospector who has eaten the fruit of retrospect, and can retrospect time, so that people can go back to the past, but at what time is it? Hurry, I didn’t set a time for them.”



Have this kind of fruit?

Kuro’s eyes widened, “Is there still this kind of ability?!”

“Don’t underestimate the sea…”

The corner of Felt’s mouth A smile appeared: “In this world, even the ability to be unimaginable is available. But I can only go back to the past, not the future.”

“Then what do you want to do!” Kuro asked Tao.

Firth shrugged and said: “There will be a major earthquake in this archipelago in a few hours, which will completely destroy the archipelago. I am just saving people. After all, the residents here don’t know how to listen. Mine.”

“I’m old, why are you here? After the adventure was over, I used the ability to come back. I wanted to see the previous surging forward with great momentum, just look around. , After all, the world in the future…”

He scratched his head after thinking of something: “Forget it, it’s better not to say it. If you say it, your ability will also be invalid.”

“So, instead of dealing with me, a dying person, it’s better to gather the remaining residents and let them avoid this disaster, or if I have some ability, I will finish it… as long as you don’t stop it. In my case, I managed to make the people of a village disappear before, but because of your presence, I had to get closer to the time ahead. I didn’t get to the village on that timeline, so the villagers all appeared again.”

“When Lucifer ·Kulo-sama chased me before, I had to mention the time for ten minutes, and then stuck the time, only to reach his back, send him away, you chase him like this As for me, many things are too late.”

Firth said to them: “So, let me give you a hand. I just want to be a hero of interest and save people. If you do, count as a hero.”

“I don’t care!”

Leda yelled: “I want to see Kulo now!”

… …

At this moment, Kulo, who was pondering, suddenly looked in one direction.

“This breath…what’s going on? Rayleigh?”

Kulo frowned: “No, no, Rayleigh is not so strong, but the breath is Rayleigh again, what’s the situation? “

That old man, impossible, has such a strong aura. He has cut off both hands and feet by himself. Even if he recovers completely, his aura is not as good as before.

But now this breath is obviously stronger than the Rayleigh he knows!

Moreover, in addition to this breath, there are a few more worthy of attention.

They are all powerhouses that are not inferior to the Rayleigh breath that I feel now, and one of them is approaching!

“No way, is this old man here to take revenge?”

Kulo pondered: “Pirate King’s subordinates, I don’t know how many old ghosts I know, of which they must be There are some unfathomable mystery Ability Users, even if they don’t, they will definitely know them. Suppose he is cured by a certain Ability User, and suppose he recovers Peak, and then entangled people to come and take revenge, it is not impossible…”

Kulo has a big head when he thinks of this.

This is why he is unwilling to provoke these people from the old age.

One by one, those who die are all in trouble.

After all, who doesn’t know three or five friends yet.

Just like Kulo himself, he is deflated, and Marine is his backer, and he will definitely not let his opponents go.

And people like Rayleigh must know a lot of people.

Kulo spit out the smoke, “Why shake people? It’s a soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!”

During the perception, Rayleigh’s breath did not move, but it was that The breath gradually approached here, and quickly approached here.

These breaths are a bit too much, and they are very tricky to perceive, so…

Kulo was about to float up to avoid the sharp edge, suddenly, a voice rang beside him:

“Is it Marine?!”

Kulo was taken aback, looked aside, and saw a man wearing a red captain’s coat and a bushy mustache appearing here, up and down I looked at him, “Is still a young Marine little brother? Why, did you know that I will land here to catch me?”

This breath…he didn’t notice it!

On the contrary, the moving breath he perceives has not yet arrived.

What’s the matter?

A person who can hide his breath?

“The helper invited by the old man Rayleigh, and someone like you…”

Kulo right hand moved down, holding the handle of the knife, and staring at it. people.

“Rayleigh? Old man?”

The man was taken aback, said with a laugh: “Is Rayleigh an old man, hahaha, it’s interesting, but you do look very young.” , It’s still very strong.”

“Hey, Captain!”

At this moment, a man with a ponytail ran over not far away, “Your speed is too fast. Can’t you wait for me?”

Kulo squinted, the breath he perceives is that of this man.

No less than the breath of Rayleigh at this moment.

He glanced towards the beach, Rayleigh’s breath, and there are several powerful breaths, completely motionless at this moment.

There is no trace of leaning over.

Be timid?

No, no.

Are there any traps to deal with him?

This is possible!

“Pirate, you really are so shameless.”

Kulo coldly said: “So many people want to avenge me and set up traps? I’ll give you Broken!”

His figure suddenly faded away.

“Hey!” the man yelled.

Dang! !

The man with a ponytail quickly took out two axes from behind his waist, turned around and slashed, and a black blade was placed on the two axes.

“Ah! I know!” He grinned and said to Kulo: “Little brother, sneak attack is bad behavior.”

Kulo has already put limpid autumn Water pulled out, hearing this, and smacked his lips, his arms suddenly exerted force, shook the axe open, and forced the person in front of him to step back half a step.

This man is a bit dangerous. Since these people want to find traps to deal with him, they must first partially break them.

First break their plan, kill one or two and then talk about it!

Furthermore, even if he can’t beat him, he can still run!

But he couldn’t swallow this breath.

The things about Charlotte Linlin last time made him very angry, do it again, really he is muddled?

“The strength is so great…”

The man with the double axe laughed, and said to the other person: “Captain, this is not my robbing you, he is the first Do it to me.”

“That won’t work, Gaban, because I’m relatively boring, so let me go.” He said with a smile.

Kulo, who was about to attack, was taken aback when he heard this.

“Gaban?” He stared at the ponytail man, and mocked: “Good name, do you want to play role-playing?”

“This little brother…”


The man in the captain’s suit came over and said, “Although you are very strong, you still can’t catch me by yourself. If you want to catch me, let Garp and Sengoku come over!”


Kulo hearing this, like hearing a joke, leaned back, sneaked: “You are really exaggerated, let the two old men chase You? What big face do you have?! This person is still called Gaban, why, do you think you are Pirate King?”

“Pirate…the king?”

That person Hearing this, laughed: “That’s really an amazing name.”

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