Pirate King.

Just the real Pirate King.

Kulo knows.

At first, there were many capable people under his hand.

Rayleigh Gaban Buretto are all first-class experts. The once powerhouse Kozuki Oden from the country of Wano has also stayed on this ship.

Dare to call the person by this name, Kulo believes that this person is designated as iron cerebral palsy.

Pirate King?

What’s so good about that kind of thing, and it doesn’t live long.

The damned old man invited by Rayleigh is quite interesting. The COSPirate King is all COS enslaved.

The man named Gaban stepped back after the bushy moustache spoke, not fighting with Kulo, and Kulo moved towards him and looked over.

Only then did he realize that this beard looked like Pirate King.

This man with a vague breath took a step forward.

Kulo swears, it’s really just one step.

This step stepped out and let Kulo back down subconsciously, sweating on his forehead.

The powerful aura like a beast made Kulo’s pupils tremble with horror.


Very strong!

I didn’t see anyone before. Kulo couldn’t feel his breath. Later, he saw people. But his Kenbunshoku only perceives that the vitality is vague and can’t tell the difference between the strong and the weak, but that The vague breath was not as powerful as the ponytail before.

So he will solve the ponytail first.

But after this step, what Kulo has felt is like the revival of Ancient Ominous Beast, Life Aura, as powerful as the sea, moved towards Kulo like a wave.

The man drew the blade from his waist, Busoshoku swept over it, and the red thunderbolt spread out on the blade. As he stepped out, the whole person ran away and slammed it down.

“God avoid!”

The speed of the knife swung out is not very fast, but the power contained in it makes people feel shocked!

Can’t hide!

The power is too strong!

And, too close!

this blade …

Kulo’s pupils trembled, his hands clenched the limpid autumn water, the golden light of electricity appeared on the black blade, and a yellow dragon phantom appeared in the blade. He slashed at the slashing blade.


bang!! !

In the clearing, a huge wave of air was plainly triggered, and its powerful impact caused the island to shake violently.

At this moment, the sky darkened, and another bright light split from the center, as if to sink in.

“Hey, this power…”

Gaban glanced towards the sky, then looked at the two figures under the shock wave, and narrowed his eyes, “This little brother, better than I want to be stronger.”

bang! !

Kulo’s body suddenly flew upside down, and his feet were embedded in the ground and slid back several tens of meters before stopping.

The sky is clearing in this brief moment, and the island is not shaking.

Kulo tugged at the corner of his mouth and looked at the man who was standing in the deep depression and grinning, his eyes were full of disbelief.

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

This intensity…

It’s totally abnormal!

It’s totally unreasonable!

This world, there simply does not exist such a strong person!

Kaido! Linlin! Akagami! Blackbeard! Sakazuki! Old Master! Kuzan! Issho! Garp! Sengoku!

The highest ceiling powerhouse in the row that he has seen on the sea, and its Life Aura, are not as strong as this one!

There may be factors that some people are getting old, but they are still the ceiling, but this person… seems to be the ceiling of the breakthrough!

But this is impossible!

Such a strong person should have been famous long ago, especially since he is a Pirate!

Kulo has never seen this man’s bounty order…

“Marine little brother, what is impossible?”

The man was right from the previous one. I walked out of the huge depression formed after the fight, said with a smile: “The senses are very keen, but little brother, you don’t have to praise me like that. Maybe you will be able to be like me in more than ten years. “

“Who the hell are you!” Kulo shouted.


The man pointed to himself, a little confused, “Did you not come here to catch me? Don’t know who I am?”

“What am I doing to catch you when I have nothing to do?! Didn’t you come here to avenge Rayleigh!” Kulo roared!

“Oh? Rayleigh? Does he have hatred with you?”

The man thought for a while, nodded and said: “That can’t let you go, Rayleigh is my partner As for me, my name is Roger, and Gol D. Roger.”

Kulo’s eyes widened, and the cigar in his mouth could not help falling down. He opened his mouth slightly and looked at this bushy beard. , Gradually overlapped with a certain newspaper twenty years ago.

“You said, who are you?!” He trembled.

“Gol D·Roger, little brother, it seems you still know me.” Roger said with a big smile.


This person, the person in this world, no one does not know!



Kulo gritted his teeth, “What are you kidding! You…wait!”

He seems to have noticed something, moved towards looking around, frowning Turning on, murmured: “No way…”

After being touched by that Felt, he couldn’t find anyone’s breath, and he didn’t see any villages when he was high in the sky before. It’s like a desert island.

No matter how strong that Felt is, it is impossible to do such a thing.

But what if the ability allows you to reach a place like a different space.

It’s not a military force, it’s ability. If you move to a place, he will naturally not find the breath of a familiar person.

For example, now…

“Gol D·Roger?”

Kulo stared at the man and asked, “Pirate King?”

“hahaha, that title is really unfathomable mystery, will Pirate also have a king?”

Roger said with a big smile: “little brother, what is Pirate King?”

“Navigate the world around and find the existence of the final point of the Grand Line.” Kulo said.

“That…is the king?”

Roger looking thoughtful, and then said with a smile: “Although I don’t think I’m a king, I do have It’s interesting to find the final idea, little brother, do you want to come together?”

Speaking, he extended the hand to Kulo extend the hand.

Kulo took a cigar out of his arms, took a sip after lighting it, and his face became calmer.

From the center of the eyebrows, a purple cross mark emerged, and it continued to spread around the body, like armor, with Busoshoku attached to the body.

“I’m Marine, I’m not with Pirate, even if it’s you, no, it’s better to say that…”

Kulo clenched the limpid autumn water and raised his head and bared his teeth. , “I don’t have a good impression of you!”

I want to come, the world he is in, logically speaking, there is no person with a stronger ceiling than those, but if it is before, there are.

Garp when he was young, Sengoku when he was young, and…Pirate King, Gore D·Roger who has not died yet.

He is back to the past!

Back to this era when Pirate King was still alive.

Moreover, the other party hasn’t reached the ghost place of Raftel yet.

I haven’t been called the “Pirate King” yet!

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