When Gaban heard Kulo’s words, he smiled there: “hahaha, captain, you are disgusted.”

“hahaha, yeah…”

Roger scratched his head, some sorry said: “I’m Pirate, it’s normal to be disgusted.”

Kulo squinted his eyes. For Roger, his The senses are not good.

Anyway, he didn’t know the impact of everything the other party had done. He didn’t feel anything except Pirate.

Has the world changed for the better?

No, it got worse.

After a sentence when this man was executed, the world got worse anyway.

From ancient times to the present, 800 years ago, no, even earlier, Pirate has existed.

This is an ocean world, as long as there are people, Pirate will eventually exist.

It is deeply embedded in this world like cultural tradition and cannot be changed.

But it can be lowered.

What about World Government, Kulo doesn’t care about it, he has no impression of World Government.

Never mind Celestial Dragon, but Celestial Dragon comes with a slave, so it’s hard to say.

But there is one thing, order. The World Government has maintained order for eight hundred years.

Don’t talk to Lao Tzu about long live freedom, he Kulo never believes in that.

From the past life until now, I don’t believe that.


What is freedom?

Is it the kind of’freedom’ that’this person has nothing, but he is free’? !

Whatever you want is freedom?

The wild dogs on the roadside are freer than anyone else.

Compared to humans, these wild dogs should be synonymous with freedom.

He Kulo believes in’self-discipline’ more, but human beings are also wild beasts in nature. The premise of’self-discipline’ also requires order to be maintained.

World Government somehow restored the sea to its standard line of calm.

But what did this man do?

In one sentence, the sea plunged into the Great Age of Pirates that has not been seen in 800 years!

Forcing him to Kulo to live in East Blue safely, even if it is East Blue, Pirate incidents happen frequently. I don’t know how many people have been hurt.

This man does not have the main reason. Kulo knows this thing. He just finds a suitable excuse for his actions.

Those who harbor ambitions, those who are malicious, and want to burn, kill, and loot, just rely on this excuse to act.

But this man must be the fuse.

You said that if you overthrow the World Government or something, it’s okay, you can still accept it, right, but you have made Pirate all over the place with one word, making Marine utterly frantic about what to do.

You have the ability to go directly to the World Government.

Go with the Revolutionary Army!

And overthrowing the World Government has an effect.

This is not about fighting Great Demon King. After fighting Great Demon King world, peace will be restored.

For the rest of your life, you erased some so-called’world hegemony’ from the map, and the world is peaceful?


Furthermore, World Government does not rule the world. How powerful do you think they can be?

World Government is nothing more than a combination of participating countries. It is essentially an alliance composed of 20 kingdoms that has developed into an alliance of hundreds of countries today.

You can’t directly intervene in the affairs of the participating country, and you have to protect the security of the participating country, just like collecting protection fees.

And not only does it not interfere, but sometimes has to wipe the ass of the high-level members of the participating countries.

Just like the country of “Frevans”, you know that amber lead is harmful, and the high-level officials of the kingdom sell it right. You don’t take your own people seriously. You count on the world. Government takes your citizens seriously? It’s not bad if you don’t have a cup.

Of course, the reality is that World Government is still going to share the pie.

Rather than participating countries, World Government cannot control them and cannot control them.

The flooding of that many Pirates on the sea is the reason for the governance of the respective kingdoms, and the factor of this world’s’power to itself’.

World Government is really not the father of this world. When Kulo first put it on, he wondered for a long time.

After all, there was something to look for the concept of Government, and he got deep into his bones, and later he slowly changed it.

Why do you live in the countryside? Anyway, you can’t count on the World Government of this world.

Government and Government are still different and different.

The only thing World Government can manage is their own direct agency. To be precise, there is only Judicial Island they can manage.


Does Shichibukai manage the World Government?


Marine knows best what he does.

Which is not outward devotion but inner opposition.

It’s so hard to take care of your own housework, and they don’t have a face when you care about the franchise.

But World Government has nothing to do with this man, and this man… probably never thought about this thing about the situation in the world.

This kind of person has a pure adventurous spirit, as well as the evil spirit and Haki of’whatever it is after I die’.


If this is really the past, and he kills this’Pirate King’ here…

Is it There is no Great Age of Pirates anymore?

Can he take care of the elderly carefree?

“en? killing intent?”

Roger was still barking his teeth, and suddenly he was taken aback, and said to Kulo: “Little brother, do you want to kill me? Didn’t arrest me?”

“Marine kills Pirate, it seems that there is no law that cannot be impossible…”

Kulo put the limbid autumn water to his side, “Aren’t you bored and boring? Let me teach you a truth. It’s better not to be too idle. If you are idle, you will easily mess up. If you do too much, it will also be easy to roll over!”


His silhouette appeared directly beside Roger.

I saw the black blade returning the scabbard with the lightning glow, and then pulling it out at this moment, “Swallow back!!”

One-cut three knives, perfect blockade The gap that Roger can avoid, moved towards him and chopped it.

“Oh! This trick…”

Gaban’s eyes widened, “It’s very subtle! It’s amazing! Much better than Rayleigh’s sword technique!”

“Oh, this…”

Roger barked his teeth said with a smile: “It’s very strong, little brother! You are very strong! You have blocked my shelter, but there is a little , Swords and fists, you have to be close in order to fight. When you are close to me, I am also close to you. If you can’t avoid it, then go straight up!”

blade light attack At the moment he came, Roger moved towards Kulo and moved towards Kulo. He lifted his left hand and punched Kulo’s face with lightning speed.

Boom! !

When this fist was hit, the air exploded.

Kulo heart startled, the black blade that was swung out immediately turned around, and the blade was horizontally in front of him, blocking Roger’s this fist.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a huge force, his fist pressed against the black blade, pushing Kulo back a few steps.

Yan Fan was broken at this moment.

Furthermore, this guy’s physical skills…can’t be weak, even strong!

“Look at me.”

Roger swung his sword out at this time, and under the red thunder mixed with great power, he slashed directly in the past.

“God avoid!”

This coherent action is so smooth that Kulo can’t find the space for counterattack.

He stomped abruptly, and his body flew away from the ground.

And Roger seems to be as expected, the direction of the sword blade swings, directly turned upwards, the blade swings, there is no flying slash, but at this moment, Kulo is still aware of a wave A sense of crisis.

The level of Haki is dangerous!

Kulo’s two fingers quickly swiped on the black blade, “Profound Truth, One Qi Hunyuan·Black Tortoise Knife!”

bang! ! !

I saw the blade swung away and slashed across Kulo’s blade at a distance. Haki mingled on the blade sprayed out, hitting it directly out of the air, and knocking Kulo into the air. sky.


Roger slashed with a sword, and then extended his other hand, holding the sword in both hands, his legs and feet tense, ready to jump up and make up another one. Sword, but at this moment, he looked towards the sky and was suddenly stunned.

The Marine that supposedly should fall down is so still in the sky at this time, gloomy and uncertain looking down.

“Oh? This is…” Roger frowned: “Can you fly, that’s really troublesome.”

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