“What, if only Pirate is allowed to fly, Marine can’t fly, right?”

Kulo looked down at them, coldly said.

“hahaha, I didn’t say that, but it’s really convenient to fly or something…”

Roger laughed heartily.

“I can not only fly…”

Kulo slowly stretched out his hand, bit his cigar, and said: “I can give you a little surprise!”


He can’t beat this man…

I really can’t beat him.

Roger at this time does not seem to have finished sailing yet.

After all, after completing the voyage, he surrendered. Pirates disbanded at that time. If they are here now, it means that these people have not yet arrived at Raftel and have not finished being called’Pirate’. King’s feat.

But at that time, Roger was dead soon, but in the current timeline, Kulo doesn’t know if he is sick or not.

But this product is as strong as MMP, and Kulo can feel it.

He is still a little bit behind the ceiling, not to mention this kind of person who has surpassed the ceiling.

Besides, Roger is not the only one on the other side. If there is a group attack, he will really explain here.

Especially at this time, no one in Marine knows him, can he expect others to come to rescue?

But Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, but the expert of playing Lai.

I can’t beat you, and you can’t touch me either!

Kulo stretched out his hand to the sky, exerted a force, his gaze was ferocious, “It’s just that you will solve all of you!”

This archipelago does not have anyone at present, so I can perceive it. Except for these people, they are gone, and the size of this land…impossible is bigger than his treasure house of heaven!

The wind began to strike violently.

The surrounding air gradually became heavier.

Roger clenched the blade tightly and said with excitement: “Oh! Something is coming! It’s really exciting!”

“Expect? I will give you Shen Hai! “

Kulo twisted: “Go into the sea and look forward to it!”

As he said, he was about to hold his five fingers.

Just halfway through his grip, he suddenly stunned, subconsciously raised his head and looked towards the cloudless sky, and fell silent.

The atmosphere, suddenly, a little bit…


After a long while, Gaban on the side said: “Hey, Marine little brother, you are moving, are you not ready yet?”

Kulo twitched his lips, limpid The autumn water cuts out directly, sending out two slashes, “Shut up!”

Gaban has one eye pupil, and the double axe swept Haki, and slashed forward, breaking the flying slash.

“en? This attack method is a bit familiar…” Gaban pondered the slash just now, and slapped his lips.

Roger laughed, looked towards Kulo, “little brother, are you not ready?”

Kulo chuckled at the corner of his mouth, he wanted to prepare, the key is…

His [Treasure House of Heaven] is not on this timeline!

That Felt teleported him, but the product of his ability is so special in the sky of the original timeline!

One of his biggest back players, now, is gone.

I’m gone! !


In the sky, Felt slid forward on Geppo at extreme speed, he turned his head and looked towards the back, said with a bitter smile:

“I said, must you chase me so dead?”

In the air in the rear, Leda and Kuro stepped on Geppo from left to right, slamming behind him.

“Wolf Run!”

Kuro now transformed into an orc form more than five meters tall, with a mouth, chest and abdomen bulging, and a shock wave erupted.

Firth stomped in the air and jumped to the side. The whole body was not completely stabilized yet, and he stepped on one foot again, moving a little distance up in the air.

Because a black light shot out from the position just now.

Leda put her hands together, and said angrily: “Give me Kulo back!”

“All said, this lord, there is nothing you can do now, except for me Death, ability cannot be lifted, I don’t have the ability to let people return to the present. After all, for the people of the past, returning to the present is equivalent to crossed over the future.”

Phil Specially said: “I can’t wait, I won’t live long. Before that, let me feel the captain’s ‘interested’ that’s not good. After all, I used to watch him do it, but I’m actually quite pretty. I want to experience it.”

“At the end of life, being as headstrong as the captain seems to be good…”

“Speaking of which, our captain has always They are very capricious. I used to wonder what kind of family he was born into to cultivate such a capricious person, but now I think it’s even more impossible, but that’s it. If the captain can be captain’s captain, it’s actually admirable. It’s.”

Felt said in memory: “If it were me, I would definitely not be able to do such a thing. Even if I didn’t inherit my father’s inheritance, I would still be guided by that father. Live a life that doesn’t touch his rules, the captain is really courageous.”

“I don’t want to listen to your bullshit!”

Leda yelled: “If you want to die If Kulo can come back, then you can go to death! Your current speed, you can’t save the island at all! You can’t do it when you take Kulo away!”

Felt laughed: “Although I am old, I can still avoid you now.”

“Leda Young Lady didn’t mean that, but said…”

Kuro sweated on his forehead and his face was dignified: “Even if you don’t stop you, it’s too late for you now.”

“Don’t underestimate me, I am either… “

Firth didn’t finish speaking, he suddenly sensed something, suddenly looked towards the sky, his pupils almost shrank to a point.


The rain falls first.

It was clear weather, but it was raining on the unfathomable mystery, not just the range of the island, the rain curtain is completely invisible to the edge, covering the archipelago, and also covering his naked The distant Sea Territory beyond the reach of eye.

It’s all down!

Soon, the sky darkened.

The sun was obscured by a huge black shadow.

Including the sky, there is no edge in the darkness.

Under the clouds, like the reflection of the Sea Territory, a huge Sea Territory has fallen in an irregular shape, and in the sea, a layer of land edge appears faintly.

As the sea continued to fall, Felt saw that in the clouds, gradually appeared, a huge unsightly land!

Skypiea fell down? !

No, it’s not right, Skypiea is not in this shape, it is the white sea, and it will not fall down.

This is a simple continent!

Firth’s forehead was sweating, “Is this…”

“You guessed it.”

Kuro’s Canine teeth appeared under the wolf’s mouth, “You took Mr. Kulo away, but you did not take away the things he collected. If this thing falls, the archipelago will immediately disappear without the earthquake you mentioned.”


What earthquake do you want?

Don’t say Mr. Kulo disappears now, even if he is seriously injured and unconscious, once his ability fails, the area he is in will definitely suffer.

The most important thing is that they are still here.

Even if you want to retreat, it is impossible to get out of this [Treasure House of Heaven].

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