Kulo’s body floated away and flew directly into the sky, breaking through an air barrier, and flying out at high speed.

EndPoint, there are a total of three islands. In order to cover people’s eyes, the World Government does not have heavy guards on these three islands.

In addition to one is a Marine base, another is a town, and the other is a deserted island with nothing.

After years of refuting rumors by the World Government and this illusion like an’empty city strategy’, the world has successfully convinced the world that EndPiont is a rumor.

Before things are completely fermented, if you can stop Zephyr on the first island, it won’t be too much trouble.

Kulo’s speed is also extremely fast. Although it is not as fast as Old Master, it does not take much time to reach the island that itself is in New World and is under the control of World Government.

Terminal island, Marine base.

“Prevent them from landing!”

On the shallows on the side of the island, a large number of Marines gathered together to charge forward, and the headed Marine Captain in cloak shouted loudly.

On the side of the shoal, a soldier wearing a black uniform and a helmet also charged forward, fighting Marine.

The sound of killing is everywhere.


The Marine Captain who was shouting before, hit a soldier with a helmet at this time, yelled: “Myron, you were also a Marine before! Why?!”

The soldier also resisted with his fists and said: “Marine has changed. Only by following ZFleet Admiral can you see hope!”

“What is your hope?!”

Marine Captain yelled: “In order to kill Pirate, it would hurt civilians or something, what kind of hope is this!”

“Stop talking nonsense!”

The soldier said: “I will Defeat you, and then destroy all Pirate’s!”

The two collided.

On the battlefield, such things are rare. What kind of dialogue the enemy and Marine can have can only prove that they are Marine themselves.

NEOMarine, itself is what Marine becomes.

On the shallows, in a ship converted from Battleship, the cabin door was opened, and a large number of NEO Marine rushed out. Among these people, a three-meter-high silhouette gradually appeared. His On the right arm, a huge robotic arm was mounted.

He has purple hair, his hairstyle is completely exploded, like a hedgehog, wearing sunglasses, looking forward and gasping for breath.

“Exterminate…everything Pirate!”


The silhouette went straight out and plunged into Marine, with a wave of the right hand’s robotic arm , He swept away a wave of air, causing all the Marine in front of him to fly away.

peng peng peng!

The remaining Marines moved towards him and shot bullets.

This person didn’t even look at it. He shook his body from side to side. After avoiding the bullet, his mechanical arm raised high on his side and slammed straight forward.


The blast of force alone made the Marines flying high in front of them.

At the other end of the battlefield, a beautiful lady with black cloak and blue hair dodges a blade of Marine’s body agilely. She drifted in the middle of Marine, and after avoiding their attacks, her figure Swinging open, the arms that I hugged directly drew out two daggers, spinning like dancing, with the crisp sound, all of Marine’s weapons were shredded, and scars were made on their chests, and the aroused energy swayed away. After these Marines, they all fell to the ground.

The woman clenched her dagger tightly, facing the other group of Marines rushing forward, her expression firm.

“I only follow ZSensei…”


At the same moment, on the other side, a ninja tight clothes with sausage The man with his mouth twisted frantically, and beside him, there were a few huge vines growing extremely fast, the vines wrapped him, letting bullets and cannonballs crash in them, and smoke.

From the smoke, a large number of vines rushed forward like a long spear, and a large number of Marine was swayed. The man in ninja tight clothes stepped on the vine and rushed forward.

“Only loyal to ZSensei is here!”

In the face of his former colleagues, this man said silently.

Boom! !

The mechanical arm blocked the wooden stick of a giant Marine, and the huge force made the ground under the purple-haired man’s feet a dent.

The purple-haired man’s mouth evoked a smile, and he swung away the giant’s wooden stick. With a jump, his mechanical arm hit the giant Marine’s chest.

“Smash the crit!”

Boom! !

The center of the palm of the robotic arm ignited a huge fire, which blasted directly into the heart of the giant Marine. The giant Marine groaned, complexion stiffened, spewed a burst of blood, and his body leaned back.

On the other side, a giant Marine with a blade slashed it down.

The purple-haired man dodges to the side, avoiding a slash of momentum is big, power is deep, the mechanical arm is aimed at the front, and the fire gathers.

“Smash the crit!”

A huge bombardment flew out of the robotic arm, blasted the giant’s Marine face, and blasted the giant back. .

Immediately afterwards, his body jumped and appeared on the face of the last giant, Marine. The mechanical arm was also aimed at his face, and the fire gathered and blasted directly down.

Marine, gradually defeated.

NEOMarine landed from the shallows and reached the Marine Fortress directly.

There, there is a gate.

The purple-haired man brought the ninja man and the blue-haired beauty closer together. He knocked on the door and raised his mechanical arm, bringing a fire light.


The door broke open.

The purple-haired man walked in and entered a large warehouse full of purple red rays of light.

He extended the hand and took out a transparent jar, which contained something like an egg.

“It’s this…”

The purple-haired man smiled, “With this, it’s enough, move this thing away, and then spread the island , Let this island be the first stop.”

NEOMarine entered the warehouse and moved a large number of transparent jars to the shallows.

Lines of NEOMarine filled the fortress with jars, and then carried the remaining jars to the shoal.


The sound of the wind suddenly attacked.

The breeze rolled on the bodies of those NEO Marines, and saw that their bodies became stiff, as if they were stagnant, their eyes turned white, and they fell to the ground one by one.

“What’s the situation?”

Just as the blue-haired beauty turned her head, she saw a violent wind suddenly descending from the sky, giving an empty ship in the harbor to Scratched into debris.

Under the strong wind, the woman’s blue hair was fluttering with the wind. She was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously looked towards the sky, cold sweat shed.

At this time, it was night.

Under the shining moon, the golden silhouette dressed in white cloak on that day looked as abrupt as light.

“Kulo…no, Jinya!” the blue-haired beauty said in surprise.

In the sky, Kulo bit his cigar, holding a knife in one hand, and looking down.

“Ain? You guys…”


A huge fire blasted from below, Kulo flashed sideways, looked towards the direction from which the fire was emitted.

“Lucifer ·Kulo!”

Zephyr bared his teeth, yelled: “You are here!!”

“Ah…Old Master I don’t want to see you, so I came, you old man, what do you want to do!”

Kulo clenched the blade tightly, dashed down, and came down with a slash.

Dang! !

Zephyr raised the robotic arm to block this blade, and smiled at Kulo, “Of course it is to destroy Pirate!”

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