“Exterminate Pirate?”

Kulo exhaled smoke, squeezed the limbid autumn water, and pressed it down hard, “New World, it’s not just Pirate!”

“That’s the necessary price!”

Zephyr stepped forward, and the right hand’s mechanical arm waved forward, and huge power spread around Kulo, turning him Swing away and stop in the air.

After swinging away Kulo, Zephyr stretched out his mechanical arm and fired a large number of bullets and blasted it over.

“What you said yourself, everything has a price, Kulo! Now being fed back by the old man with your own words, what do you think!”

Kulo’s body Dodge in the air, dodge the bullets, then flashed, appeared to the left of Zephyr, and slashed.


Zephyr’s left arm turned to pitch black, and he waved to the side to block the black blade.

He bared his teeth and said with a smile: “I heard that, Kulo, no, Vice Admiral, Vice Admiral, has become an Admiral candidate in the incompetent Marine, do you think it is amazing!”

Speaking, he made five fingers, slid his arm on the blade, grabbed Kulo’s blade with his backhand, and the right hand’s mechanical arm smashed it hard.

“You old man…”

Kulo’s blade turned, and Zephyr’s five fingers were swung away, and his body retreated back, avoiding the heavy blow of Zephyr.

“It has changed a lot now.”

Kulo looked at him and said: “The hairstyle has changed, the clothes are wild, and he wears a black cloak. You are even more A little like Pirate, Ain, didn’t you persuade this old fogey?”


Ain opened his mouth and shook his head immediately, confirming his expression. “I’m just following ZSensei.”

“Z?” Kulo frowned.

“Now, my name is ZDa!!”

Zephyr dashed forward and the mechanical arm swung down directly.

Kulo’s body flew away, stopped high in the sky, looking down at Zephyr, “You have fulfilled Hernando’s wish to chew Old Guy, but if he knows that you will also leave Marine, he will He won’t jump out of the coffin, oh, he is also qualified, he is also Pirate.”


Zephyr stagnated and immediately Yan Ya smiled: “Don’t compare him to me, all I do is a just cause!” These words made Kulo shook his head.

This old fogey has completely changed his mentality.

Back then, he didn’t want to kill Hernando, but now he belittles it like this…

“I said, World Government is not doing authentically, but we There is also a way, you don’t need to do that.” Kulo said.

That Whitebeard Jr., who didn’t want to kill him back then.

For this, the Old Master personally visited West Blue.

“hmph, you and Borsalino have a light-hearted tone.”

Zephyr said: “But that’s just a cause. The old man just thinks Marine is useless, otherwise the old man Act personally, and kill the evil Pirate!”

Kulo stared at him, suddenly sighed.

The figure faded away in this brief moment.

“I said, give me the dynamite rock.”

The voice rang from behind Zephyr.

Zephyr was startled, subconsciously a mechanical arm slammed backwards.

Dang! !

The black blade collides with the robotic arm.

Kulo said: “Old man, you know this is EndPoint. You not only put the dynamite rock, but also took the dynamite rock away. You don’t have to do this. If you want to play Pirate, you can do it yourself. Now, are you still afraid of Pirate?”

With his remaining hand, five fingers and a grip, the ground around Zephyr suddenly rolled up, forming a soil thorn that stabs Zephyr.

“If you are afraid of Pirate, then assume that I didn’t say it.”

Hearing this, Zephyr laughed, his left arm Busoshoku floated up, and he waved to the left, outside Haki Put it down and blast all the soil thorns to pieces.

“The old man is useless!”

Zephyr pushes forward, pushes Kulo away, and stretches out the robotic arm again, saying with a smile: “To The only way to stop me is to kill me, Kulo!!!”

“Smash the crit!!”


The fire is almost bunched, moved towards Kulo burst out.

“This thing is useless to me.”

Kulo picked up his finger, and a thick wall rose on the ground below to block the explosion.


The explosion blasted the wall to pieces, and smoke and dust filled the surroundings.

“Have you ever told you, don’t pay too much attention to ability.”

A voice in the vicinity sounded during smoke and dust.

Kulo eyes shrank, the black blade aroused the glow of gold and electricity, and slashed it over.


A wind-filled hand grabbed the limpid autumn water, and blood popped out of the palm, dripping down the blade.

Zephyr jumped next to Kulo, the robotic arm of the right hand was raised high, snarled and said grimly: “Did you slack off after a long stay in your life!”

bang! !

The robotic arm fell and grabbed Kulo’s body directly.

“What the old man said, this robotic arm is made by Kairosaki to deal with you Ability Users!”

Zephyr grabbed Kulo and fell heavily on the ground. Holding Kulo said with a smile: “If you are caught by the old man, you will be useless!”

The mechanical arm emits steam, and the flames begin to gather.

“Smashing the storm…”

However, at this moment, Zephyr eyes shrank swept Kulo away.

At the same time, he looked up and looked towards the sky. The sky was obviously a bit dark just now.

Kulo fell on the ground, and Busoshoku began to appear all over his body. The black Haki wrapped his body like an armor, condensed on the center of the eyebrows and under the eyes, forming a purple cross mark and tear marks.

“Do you feel it? A little later, you won’t feel that well.” Kulo held the limpid autumn water glowing with gold and electricity, indifferently said.

He has always kept his hands.

Kairoseki will make his abilities invalid and powerless, but this powerless effect depends on the quantity and concentration of Kairosaki.

As far as the concentration of that hand is concerned, it’s a bit worse.

He was ready to chop it down, the old man actually reacted.

Furthermore, if you grab it for a while, things in the sky will fall.

“little demon!”

Zephyr said with a smile: “You still haven’t changed!”

“You are as stubborn as a stone. “

Kulo bit his cigar. “One more question, dynamite rock, will you hand it over? Zephyr-sensei.”

Zephyr lowered his body and said heavily: “The answer is no!” “

“That’s a pity, I understand why Old Master doesn’t want to come anymore. It’s really hard for you to be a stubborn old man, but I have to do it.”

Kulo squeezed the limpid autumn water with his five fingers, “I am also very embarrassed.”

“Borsalino, the old man has always been at odds with him.”

Zephyr’s machinery Suddenly his arm stretched out, directly grabbing an dynamite rock on the ground, crushing the outside jar, and pointing at Kulo: “Don’t be embarrassed, take a look, the formidable power of this dynamite rock!”

As soon as the mechanical arm was forced, the dynamite rock directly ejected, “explode!”

The explosion of the dynamite rock will actively trigger the chain of surrounding dynamite rocks, and the island will be destroyed!

However, at this moment, the explosive rock that was ejected suddenly returned and exploded directly above Zephyr’s expression of consternation.


Explosive rock formed a huge explosion rays of light, covering Zephyr’s figure.

At the same time, the explosive rocks all over the ground, in this brief moment, rose uniformly and flew rapidly to the sky.

At this distance, these explosive rocks will not be affected, and only Zephyr himself can explode.

“You old man is really stubborn. There are still many Marines on the island, as well as your own subordinates.”

Kulo sighed: “In short In front of me, borrowing terrain and props is of no use.”

However, the fire spread, and Zephyr’s silhouette was not found.

And those ships, as early as the moment they fought, had already retreated to the sea, and only the wreckage of the shredded ship was still floating on the sea.

Kulo looked at the retreating ship, glanced at the sea again, moved his fingers, sighed.


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