
Kuro introduced: “The name of this EndPoint town is famous for its hot springs. There is also a sea train nearby. Many people are willing to come here for sightseeing.”

“Hot springs?”

Kulo was taken aback for a moment, and said: “This is really a business rival.”

His Pegasus Island also has a hot spring industry.

“It is true.”

Kuro said: “Mr. Kulo, according to the statistics of the whole world, we account for 6% of the business data in tourism. Kazzanosen occupies 2%, but only for the hot springs, Kazzanosen is a bit stronger than us. We basically rely on Kabuki and the newly developed entertainment industry to gain a foothold.”

“Huh? Isn’t our hot spring the strongest?”

Leda asked: “Whose hot spring is the best?”

Kuro said: ” The most powerful one should be the hot spring hotel near Alabasta, which is the place opened by the Skypiean who helped us excavate the hot spring. In addition, the largest commercial location is the world’s largest entertainment city’Guran Tezolo’. He It occupies 20% of the world’s tourism industry.”

“Ah! I know that.”

Leda’s eyes shined, “A good place known as Golden City !”

“That place…”

Kulo narrowed his eyes, “Forget it, it has nothing to do with us. I remember that it is an independent’country’ recognized by the World Government. Right.”

“Let’s go and play later, Kulo!” Leda said excitedly.

“Let’s talk about it later, and solve the immediate matter first.”

Kulo spit out the smoke and said: “Go to this town first, that stubborn old man, For the remaining two EndPoints, one will definitely be chosen.”

Ten battleships gradually reached their destination.


This is an island with a huge volcanic crater. Below the mountain range, there are many buildings built from top to bottom. The island is divided into two large ports.

One of them is a stop for sea trains, and the other is for ships.

The residents near the port, saw ten Battleship surging on the sea, and their complexion suddenly changed.

Such a big battle is rare.

Fortunately to say one ship and two ships, these Marines are here to perform the mission.

Five ships and six ships can also understand, there must be a vicious criminal on the island.

But ten ships at once, their first reaction was the legendary’Buster Call’!

A huge battle strength that will attack an island indiscriminately and completely destroy it.

But obviously, these residents think too much.

Battleship docked at the port and lowered the steps.

Kulo bit his cigar, got down from the Battleship with his hands in his pockets, and walked forward first.

Behind him, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Momonga, and Stainless all gathered and followed Kulo. Then there was a vote of Marine led by Leda and the others. Formed a crowd of white, grandiose headed towards the town.

Momonga glanced at the residents who dodged early, with worried faces on their faces, and said: “Kulo, send a group of people to stabilize them, don’t let the people here resist us.”

“hmph, no need to do this, Kulo.”

Doberman coldly snorted: “We do everything for justice, and don’t care about the opinions of these residents.”

“I think Kulo’s words are reasonable. Telling these people will also facilitate our actions.” Momonga said.

“It doesn’t matter that kind of thing, it’s more important to find Zephyr-sensei first.” Ghost Spider said.

“There is still a so-called, after all, our justice is to maintain peace and these civilians.” Stainless said.

Hawks and doves, there is nothing that is not noisy together, and they have different ideas.

This is a headache for Kulo.

“Okay, I’m the commander-in-chief, so I will send a group of people to inform them, Cass, Wilbur, you guys do it, and let them prepare for retreat. “

Kulo said: “In case that stinky old man comes to this island, if we fail to prevent it, we must keep the civilians from harm.”

“Yes! Mr. Kulo! “Cass and Wilbur said together.

“Hey, do it as you like, just accomplish the goal.” Dauberman said. .

Their eagles have no opinion on Kulo.

After all, this one fits their temperament very well, and that kind of behavior that kills all evil, has an appetite for them.

Don’t have any opinion on Kulo about this matter.

In addition to Kulo’s desire to protect the temperament of civilians, the reason they are willing to let Kulo lead the team is also because Zephyr is also his Sensei. With Kulo’s character, as long as the old man is lost, he knows Return, the chance of surviving is great.

The two sides have no objection, plus Kulo is the commander-in-chief of the team, so of course he has the final say.

“I said, do you go to the hot springs?”

Kulo turned his head and said to them: “The hot springs here are good. It’s rare to come here. Why not relax?”

“Forget it, I have no interest.”

The ghost spider bit the cigar and said: “Kulo, don’t relax.”

Others are also the same The vice-not interested.

“Why is life so boring, forget it, if you don’t go, then freely move around and I will play.” Kulo said with a smile.

“I want to go too! I want to go too!”

Leda rushed over, raised her hand and said, “Is there a mixed bath, Kulo, let’s go mixed bath!”

“No mixed bathing!”

Kulo glared at Lida, “There are too many mixed bathing people, you can only go to the female bath!”

Li Twitched his lips, obviously disappointed.

Such a good opportunity, unexpectedly did not succeed.

“Mr. Kulo, I want to walk around.” Kuro said.

“Follow you, pay more attention to prevent the smelly old man from appearing in the vicinity.”

After this sentence, Kulo will move towards the largest hot spring facility in town. .

In the information that Tsuru gave him, the person who wanted to connect was waiting for him at the hot spring.

After arriving at the hot spring facility, Kulo took off his clothes, went into it, found a pool, and soaked in.

“Hey, the effect is better than mine. Naturally, it is better than the dug out…”

Kulo relaxed and leaned back, hanging his hands on By the pool, soothing sighed.

I don’t know why, but now there is no who in this hot spring pool.

A slight sense of powerlessness spread from his body.

Ability User will be weak even if it is soaked in water.

But at this level, the effect can only be said to be effective for him now.

“Hey, it’s been a long time for you, I’m here now.”

Just as Kulo closed his eyes and rested, a deep voice rang from behind.

Kulo raised his head and saw a hand out of the hot spring pool above him, revealing a familiar head.

The man extended the hand and said hello to Kulo, “Oh, it’s been a long time, you guy, soaking in a hot spring and smoking a cigar, nothing has changed.”

Kulo is now biting his cigar and saw someone coming, he curl one’s lip, “Who I said, it turned out to be you, I want to come too, there is the ability to let Marine bring you words, no one else but you , You have done a lot of things recently, Kuzan.”

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