The person who is soaking in the hot spring behind Kulo is the original Admiral, the’precognition’ Kuzan who left Marine.

“Don’t say that, everyone has their own way of doing things.” Kuzan smiled there.

Kulo rolled his eyes, “Come on, I don’t understand you. [War of the End] There is information about your participation in the war. What do you want to do, and in what capacity did you act? , Kuzan.”

“Is it your identity?”

Kuzan lightly said with a smile: “The righteous partner? It doesn’t seem to be right. After all, we are cooperating with Pirate, but… .I have my reason. If I leave the World Government, I might be able to see justice from another angle.”

“As expected, old man Zephyr’s most proud dísciple, he is stubborn, and you have a stubborn mind. Ah.” Kulo said.

“Spare me, Kulo, I’m looking for you, but I’m not here to listen to you preaching to me.”

Kuzan also took out his other hand, resting his head on On both hands, he said: “I came to you because only you can stop Zephyr-sensei’s actions.”


Kulo frowned, “You are not Should I go to Straw Hat?”

“Straw Hat?”

Kuzan was taken aback, and said: “You said Straw Hat brat? Ah, strange, why did I look for He.”

Kulo was stunned by these words.

Yes, what did he look for that Straw Hat for?

This matter seems to have nothing to do with him.

This is Marine’s internal affairs.

What does it have to do with a Pirate?

It is normal for Kuzan to find Marine.

“You can do it yourself, although the old man Zephyr is very strong, but with your ability, there should be no problem.” Kulo said.

Kuzan’s ability, what kind of explosive rock explosion, is under his ability,

“I don’t have that reason, I’m just a confused person now, in comparison , You are Marine.” Kuzan said.

Kulo spit out the smoke, changed his posture and soaked in the hot spring soothingly, saying: “Don’t worry, the two islands, Old Master and I will stand by one side. There will be no accident, I am not The kind of person who only puts the battlefield in one place.”

“Speaking of which, let me ask you at the headquarter, what are you doing lately and what are the problems? I want to report it.”

“Ah, can you tell me this clearly, isn’t it for testing?” Kuzan scratched his head.

“Come on, we two, it seems that there is no need for that. To be honest, I don’t want to care about what you want to do and what purpose you have.”

Kulo smacked and said “But what can be said, is to say something, let me have a good relationship, and everyone will benefit each other. Don’t make it difficult for me. What are you going to do at Blackbeard?”

“Hello, At first, just go straight to the subject? I can’t tell you about this for now.”

Kuzan stood up and exhaled: “I’m waiting for you to get fainted. Let’s go out and talk.”

“Sit down, I haven’t soaked enough yet.”

Kulo extend the hand, with a slight grip, I saw the hot spring water in the pool in Kuzan suddenly rise, and Kuzan Drowned.

The pool surged open, and Kuzan showed his head again, wiped his face, and said in surprise: “Hey, can you do this with your current ability? It’s too afraid right?”

“Stop kidding, Kuzan. With the medium of air, can’t you do this by yourself?” Kulo twitched his lips, said.

Kuzan was silent for a while, said with a bitter smile: “That uncle, in short, if you can, don’t kill him.”

“It depends on how he did it, after all I probably guessed the real purpose of the old man. If he can’t change his mind in time, then he can only be fulfilled.”

Kulo sighed, said: “Kuzan, if you meet the old man in advance, Advise him that we can ignore Dynamite Rock. He can use it to fight Pirate, or to blow up Pirate’s island. In short, don’t mess with EndPoint.”

“I will talk about it. I brought it, provided that I met that uncle.”

Kuzan said, looking towards Kulo, “You met before, he is still so strong, right, Kulo.”


Kulo closed his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Old stubbornness is old stubbornness, but the battle strength has not changed much. It’s just as strange as you that’s all.”

“and I am the same?”

Kuzan was stunned, and then smiled bitterly: “The same…confused?”

The atmosphere fell into silence.

oh la la.

After a while, Kulo got up from the pool and walked down with his back to Kuzan.

“Remember to pass some information that can be said to me. I am good for business. If you are, I will treat it as if I have never seen it before. If it is not Marine, I will seldom show up in front of us. It is very troublesome… “

“Ah, how can I say that I am also your former colleague, so ruthless.”

Kuzan shrugged, letting Kulo leave by himself, his head on both sides On his arm, his eyes were inexplicable, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

After Kulo got out of the hot spring facility, he opened Den Den Mushi and made a call.

“Is it Kulo?”

The one who answered the call was Strawberry.

Of course he won’t call Old Master. Ghost knows that Old Master frequently answers the wrong phone.

“Old Brother, tell Old Master, come directly to Kazzanothan, that stubborn old man will definitely come here.” Kulo said.

“I see, is there anything else, Kulo.”

Kulo was silent for a while, and said: “Don’t bring any irrelevant personnel, tell Old Master, as long as it is the smelly The old man’s dísciple, come here…If nothing else, we will send him the last ride.”

Kuzan’s words have already conveyed a lot of information, this old man, the next destination must be here.

Then there is no need to keep in batches.

All the dísciple will give him a trip and give him an Admiral plus Marine Instructor status.

After all, this old man makes such a major event, isn’t it just want to die?

Before dying, it was not bad to see his cute dísciple.

He is Kulo, authentic.


In the evening, at the sea.

Black’s fleet sails.

In the cabin, NEOMarine curled up one by one, looking tired.

On the deck, Zephyr is sitting by the mast, his sunglasses can’t see clearly.

In front of him, Ain looked at the old man with pity.

“The end of the world.”

“If I really disappear.”

“The sea that knows everything will guide the way…”


The faintly discernable murmur seems to spread in this world.

The fleet approached and landed in an undiscovered shoal.

Zephyr glanced at the high cliff in front of him, made a tick at the corner of his mouth, and stepped up.

At the highest point of the cliff, a man in a coat and hat whispered this song with his back to him.

“I actually don’t like this song very much. It is too boring to sing praises of the sacrifice of Marine.”

Kuzan turned his head and threw a bottle of wine in his hand. In the past, “long time no see, Zephyr-sensei.”


Zephyr took it with one hand and glanced at it. It was his favorite sherry.

“I often follow you to drink too, it’s very cool.”

Kuzan paused and said: “Zephyr-sensei…stop it.”

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